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Ouch, I know that stings… As a potential guest, I wouldn’t give her review much credence.
I had to laugh about the bee comment…We have a small farm and work with a local farmer to provide summer pastures for cows. Early this year he asked if we would help a local bee keeper by allowing bee hives on the farm. The beekeeper dropped off a flatbed trailer full of bee hives and stops by every 5-6 days to harvest the honey.
Two weeks ago I was headed out for an appointment and noticed a mass in front of our dining room window. I opened the blinds and there were bees everywhere, thousands of them. It was like something from a horror film.
Turns out they got thirsty and went looking for water - which was in my gutters and on my sunroof. They were around for several days, then went away. So when someone says they were bothered by bees I show them these photos…
Those are awesome photos, thank you for sharing them!
I wonder if a kiddie pool or bird bath full of water would draw them away from the house. My husband had trouble with squirrels eating in his garden and someone told him it’s because they are thirsty. He put a bird bath full of water next to a tree and they left the garden alone.
The pictures really don’t do it justice. Yes, the small pool is exactly what they needed. We have several natural streams on the farm, so the beekeeper didn’t think of additional water. After a few very dry weeks, they started searching it out.
He put one pool at the back corner of our yard and another near the hives. We’ve learned a lot about bees this year and have gotten some fabulous honey!
My Lord…I’d give my first born to have bees, or any kind of pollinator, here at my golf course home. I’ve been having sex in the garden (“do” sex in the garden??) in order to have any likelihood of squash, eggplants and more. It becomes fascinating when one learns about male and female plant appendages/personal attributes…you know…
Wow … how the heck can something that big get into the house / condo? Can they use sliding glass doors? Even still AFTER it somehow magically gets in, how did it open the oven door or squeeze in past the seals?
We occasionally get a mouse or two and they are dumb - we’ve got two cats. They don’t survive for long, if we don’t manage to save them from being batted around like toys.
Maui>I don’t remember how, but I know there was at least one (cane spider) that got into the oven. Frankly, I’ve never seen a spider up near the trailer.
Here, I had to take all the insulation out of our stove, (funky beyond words) which is propane, there are easy access holes where the burners are! The mice carried about 3 quarts of kibble into the stove…
Even longer ago my cat brought in a mouse and twice I threw it out into the rainy night and he brought it back inside, poor thing.
“ I wish that you had messaged me about the air conditioning during your trip. It was on and working when I greeted you at check-in and after your checkout as I cleaned. Was it possible you did not have it operating on the highest setting, which I demonstrated during the Tiny Tiki Tour?”
We are sorry that during your trip to Tiny Tiki the August weather turned out to be extra sunny. Assuring our guests happiness is a high priority for us! Alas! It was rather hot, but you were warned about that, and it did not go over 100 degrees outside while you were here, unlike some days annually forecasted in the upcoming weeks.
“Probably Glamping is just not for you or your husband (in your state of heightened fears), you’d likely be more comfortable at a resort”
As a potential guest, I appreciate comments from the host that make it clear the former guest’s issue won’t be a problem for me. So commenting that you wish she contacted you during her stay about the AC as you are confident you could have fixed it would make me feel comfortable ignoring that review.
Any comments from the host stating or implying that the quirky setting might not be appropriate for that guest would make me rethink booking. How do I know that I’m the type of person for that type of glamping? If I find issues am I going to be dismissed by the host? Though it may feel good to write, it might not be in your best interest to publish.
As a host who also is often a guest, I am surprised at some of the comments hosts will make on guest reviews that I otherwise would have skimmed and ignored. It’s a good way for me to weed out hosts that may be trouble.
Totally agree. Here is an example that I could find where the host makes things 1000 times worse by providing this snarky, aggressive and self-pitying comment. After reading this, I would NEVER stay at that place.
Ummm, I would avoid saying that the guest was “in a state” – are you referring her pregnancy? Her being diabetic? – or making any sort of personal statement about the guest.
“Thanks for the positive comments! I’m sorry you weren’t comfortable with the temperature. We always encourage guests to bring any issue to our attention immediately, for example to make sure that the A/C is at the proper setting. We’ve scheduled our technician to check on the A/C unit.”
I wouldn’t even mention the creatures or that the guests weren’t suited to glamping. The guests have made their unsuitability and squeamishness quite obvious in their comment, so they’ve done that for you, and you don’t have to run the risk of appearing critical of them.
You can be justly proud of your beautiful and unique accommodations. Getting your first rating below a 5 may sting, but time to move on!
I came across this critter on the exterior (thankfully) of the sliding door of my home office, last month. First time I’ve ever seen one and I can confirm that it took me aback. I’ve never seen a spider as large, and I initially assumed incorrectly that it was a tarantula. By coincidence my exterminator was there that day and explained what it was.
I am going to input this… I think… is it cheating to add guests private comments?
“Thanks for the positive comments! ‘The beautiful space, your hospitality and attention to detail far exceeded our expectations.’ We are sorry you weren’t comfortable with the temperature. We always encourage guests to bring any issue to our attention immediately, for example to make sure that the A/C is at the proper setting. An A/c technician has come out to check on the A/c unit, and we have installed a bee trap.”
You always encourage guests to bring issues to your attention immediately
You had an A/C technician come out and inspect the A/C unit (since the guest wrote the review)
You installed a bee trap (since the guest wrote the review)
Maybe you actually did these things (there’s no indication of it in this thread), but if you didn’t, then consider that publishing that puts you in the same group as the guests that write the blatantly false reviews we all hate.