This is the perfect response to the review!!!
Sorry to hear that your perfect 5.00 run was cut short by this review. How many 5* reviews did you manage to get in before this 4*? The highest amount I’ve seen in my area is a host who has 80 ratings with an overall score of 5.00. To think that you can host 80 perfect scores in a row is pretty insane if you think about it. Not even top hotels can manage that but here is a lady in our town that rents out a room and evidently makes a lot of guests very happy.
Just like us hosts fear bad reviews we also fear leaving them. Why?
I had someone ding me on accuracy because of Air’s fees. I had to explain (after the fact) that those fees are Air’s, not mine. She apologized.
Once you’re knocked off 5* it really doesn’t matter unless you get down below 4*. Any 4.7* or above I’d book. Because guests can be idiots
I had 61 5* reviews. There was one person who marked down on a category, but she left 5* over all. On Glamping Hub we have all 5*, they do not review as often as Air guests, and there are 16 5* there.
It was nice while it lasted<><> I do succeed in making my guests happy and that makes me happy that I am making the effort. We could all use a happy place right now!
Hi Gypsy
I wouldn’t let ms kaotic blazes comments fase you at all. The fact that she’s preggo I’m surprised she close your awesome place to begin with. She sounds like the ultimate diva
I understand it’s hard not to take it personally.
You take such pride in your space!!
I have 236 5-Star reviews. Honestly, at this point, I wouldn’t mind getting a scratch on the new car, it’s too much pressure.
Geez, I need to charge my phone I guess.
And there are others on this forum with all 5 star reviews too.
My average is only 4.98, but I have over 500 5 star reviews. 8 4 star, one 3 star and one 1 star (which was an error of confusion). I say this not only to humblebrag but to keep reminding folks that it’s not that hard to get 5 star reviews. It’s work, but it’s not hard work. I think there’s a huge difference if you live on site and actually host. People who don’t live on site or closeby, don’t meet guests, aren’t around to answer questions or troubleshoot issues in person are at a distinct disadvantage. Maybe it’s not fair but that’s the price to be paid.
@HH_AZ is that your listing? Wow, a straight run of 161 is absolutely out of this world. Very impressive.
61 is a very very decent run. I’ve seen 80 before which is super impressive. I’d be happy if I could get to 61 with a straight run of 5*. We are currently at 43 and I know the 4* is only around the corner.
@HH_AZ Where are you getting that photo from? I can no longer see the number of reviews in one place, it just says “100% 5-Star Reviews” but not the number since they updated the progress tab.
WWWWHHHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT? Is this a straight run of 5* with an overall score of 5.00? Are you now at a point that if someone does give you 4* you still retain 5.00? If this is a straight run of 5* then I truly tip my hat to you Sir or Madam!!!
I agree. I did a search in our area for guest suites where the host is on site. They have all had reviews of 4.9 or more. At first I thought it was a coincidence but coming to think of it, it probably has something to do with the fact that all are on-site hosts.
Performance tab on iPhone App
Got it. It’s not showing on the website anymore. Thanks!
Yes Thankyou But just knowing that door ding could happen is nerve wracking
Yes I agree; I’m on site and it makes a world of difference. I send a pre-arrival note and give guests an option
I’m happy to do a socially distanced in-person checkin, as it answers a lot of initial questions and helps to get you acclimated but there is also the option of self-checkin, which is supported with a detailed hardcopy manual within the guest house. If it will be self-checkin I will send further instructions and code on the morning of your arrival. It is your choice for the in-person welcome or self-checkin. In either case, just give me an idea of about what time you think you’ll be arriving.
Even w Covid almost all guests elect for in person. And then my role can take on a concierge aspect so it really makes a difference.
Thank you. It is all 5-stars all the way through, in the subcategories as well It is across 3 different listings. The one with the most reviews is the first listing we put up and it has 122. One has 66 and the most recent one has only 48. I was worried each time we opened a new one that it ruin our streak. My original goal was to get 10 5-stars reviews, so I’m satisfied already.
I don’t think so. I guess that it would go down to 4.9-something but am not sure. I have gotten 3 different 4-star ratings in the subcategories before, one for check-in, one for value and one for location and the subcategories all show as 5.0 so maybe, I don’t know.
I am an onsite host and am sure that helps. I wouldn’t say that they were easy to get though, I most definitely work my ass off and also successfully dodged a bullet or two along the way (which is its own special kind of effort).
I think you’re on to something there. re the on-site host. I also have 100% 5* reviews over something like 50 reviews ( I’d get more guests if the tourist season here was longer than about 6 months, plus most of my guests stay 10 days on average). Out of all those, all the subcategories were also 5* except for one lone 4* for location, of course from a guest who sent pre-arrival messages with long lists of questions, one of which how far my place was from where she was going to be taking a course, which I told her quite accurately.
When guests meet and interact with a host, I imagine it’s harder for them to give lower ratings, because there has been such a personal element to the stay. They also may see you going out of your way to accommodate them or help them out in some way, whereas a off-site host may have done just as much, but because it hasn’t happened in front of their eyes, they may just take it for granted.
I just want to say this because of the current situation with Covid, so that people don’t feel pressured to meet their guests right now if they aren’t comfortable with it or have a high risk factor.
Even though I live on site, we have self-check-in and I estimate that I have only met about 30% of my guests in person. Many of those have been so that our dogs could have a playdate (and that’s of course a shoe-in for a 5-star review ,) but some of them I have made a point of “accidentally” running into when they arrive because I had a suspicion of undisclosed animals or people or they just came across as extra-needy in the communication prior to arrival. Some I have actually accidentally run into in the hall or yard. And there are some who specifically asked to meet me so of course I made that happen. But I have not met most of our guests.
That being said, I do make a point of them knowing that I am in the building and am available for them. I leave a personal welcome note and sometimes an additional personal note or maybe even a treat at their door during their stay. I check-in with them through messages and I do an extensive amount of communication prior to their stays - a lot of customized lists and guides of things to do, customized walking tours, diet specific guides, travel tips to get from one place to another, train schedules, etc). My guests receive very personalized stays in every way.
I feel like there were a few guests who it made a real difference with to meet them and show them around, but most don’t really require or want it. When I first started hosting, I did try to meet them and maybe give a tour from the advice on here. I think it is excellent advice!! However, it is possible to forego when needed (like in our current circumstance). I don’t plan to have any in-person interaction with any of my guests until there is reliable treatment for Covid. I guess it will be a good test.