Pot smoking guests in Washington

We do. I advertise 420 friendly and it “weed tourists” make up roughly 20% of my business. Vaping/smoking only outside. Smell has not bothered me a bit and the room definitely doesn’t stink because of it. I much prefer this activity to loud obnoxious boozers.

This is not my experience at all. People drive here, eg., from the midwest just to stay and shop for “supplies” to bring home. I’ve also hosted groups of non-smokers who want to “try it here because it’s legal.”


Interesting. I guess I really don’t have a handle on how Americans think and act. Any pot smoker I’ve known, even Americans, has always been able to access some, forever, no matter where they were. Being from BC, Canada, where pot growing has been a huge part of the economy, long before it was legalized, it has never seemed like any big deal to me. Even the cops mostly turned a blind eye.
Years ago, the cops raided a small island up there and confiscated all the plants they found, taking it to another really small, uninhabited island, with the plan to burn it all the next day. The residents hopped in their kayaks that night and went and took it all back. The cops were too embarrasssed to follow up.


I chain vape when I drive and after a few weeks I have to clean the residue off the windshield. Having previously been a chain smoker, it’s nothing like the residue from cigarettes and takes a lot longer to form a film. And in the car, despite my best efforts I am basically blowing it right on the glass.

It’s not going to wreck your house if someone vapes in it, but yes it will eventually leave a film on glass surfaces…it takes a lot of work to do that lol. I do not notice it at all, anywhere in my house. Only on the car windshield.

Just fyi if it helps someone decide.


Subliminal memory of an urban legend, perhaps.

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Only if you vape them. lol

I will repeat again on this thread. I purposely book short term rentals where no vaping is in the house rules. I vape my ass off in every room, bathroom, walk in closet, and etc. I also stealth vape in the movie theater, air travel, and etc. Just to prove that vaping is not smoking. Every person that vapes can control the amount of vape exhaled and the range of the smell that will last seconds. So catch me if you can! LOL.

I’m a senior, widower, and I’m surprised that I don’t get more folks coming to Alaska for that purpose. But I forbid smoking or vaping of any substances anywhere on the property, and smoking cannabis in public is illegal. Although the state MJ board just voted to allow on-site smoking at dispensaries, none of the ones here have applied for that permit.

But maybe the OP’s guests just like being out of doors?

Pizza! Ice cream! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crazy_face::upside_down_face::woozy_face:

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30 years ago I had a friend who was an epileptic. She had grand mal seizures on a regular basis. Her doctor told her “Don’t tell anyone I told you this, but you should try smoking marjuana. It can really help with epilepsy.” She’d never smoked pot before, but then she started. She never had another major seizure.


[quote=“KKC, post:11, topic:39328”]
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What does OTOH stand for?

In my listing I allow smoking everything you like on the balcony. Just don´t trhow the stubs on down on the ground.
Im not monitoring my guests what they are doing “outside”.
Some people really don´t want to rent out their space but do it anyway because of the money and complain about every move. Not the way to go.


OTOH = on the other hand

My apologies on using acroynms not all are familiar with

What is funny though is the way that some people think that smoking marijuana is a recent thing. Wasn’t it used in ancient times? I think so.

It used to be perfectly legal in most countries (plus the USA I believe) but we all know that laws restricted the use of certain things can be pretty daft. I don’t know about the States but in England things like opium, morphine and cocaine (Sherlock Holmes remember?) were perfectly legal at one time.

And there are a lot of foods that the FDA don’t allow to be imported into the USA - perfectly normal (and often lovely) foods. (This from a country that allows things like Pop Tarts, cheese that isn’t cheese, Sunny Delight etc. - and that refers to McDonalds as ‘restaurants’.)

I remember reading somewhere that the most common ‘mood-altering’ drug in the USA is caffeine. :slight_smile:

Edit: Sorry, I didn’t mean that as a reply to JJD!


Yes, the (very) short version is that marijuana was legal in the US but got progressively more attention in the early 1910s or so until it was really regulated in the 1930s. It was taxed and then ultimately put down with the Narcotic laws by being, incorrectly, labeled a narcotic. The story, of course, includes all kinds of racial and cultural predjudice. Mexicans were bringing the marijuana and black people and musicians/artists were having a good time and enjoying the marijuana. It was all too much for everyone else and had to be controlled :wink:

Interestingly enough, @KKC 's city has the unique accolade of being the first city in the US to outlaw marijuana in 1913. It was, as a lot of things still are, highly complicated by their relationship with Juarez :wink:

(I did a term paper on this many moons ago and fear I will go on too long, but that’s the basic history).


I’m a boomer-host in Oakland, California, where I’ve lived in - but not cared to join in :upside_down_face: the decades-long pot haze, pre and post legalization.

I list that I have a garden and two porches “ for the considerate smoker”. So far, of a little over 200 guests in my 15 months of hosting, only my very first guest ever - a traveling nurse, then a young Frenchman traveling with mom ( sharing the one bed​:face_with_hand_over_mouth::blush: ) have partaken. And only 1 smoker I was aware of!

Not incidentally, my partner & I host the guest room of our small flat, and rent the 3 full apartments (below market value) that we built in & on the property . Probably because my adult son is barely treading water, we choose to rent specifically to young people trying to make a life in this chaos. So, quite a dense population here - and nary a hitch!

One final Airbnb anecdote ( if you’ve read this far! :sleeping:): Very recently a young man from Salt Lake City, Utah, attended a week-long course at our well-known (infamous?:wink:) Oaksterdam University, 20 mins away, in “uptown”. He graduated, and sat in the kitchen chatting on speakerphone with his proud ma. They’re “in the business” together- yet, when I had mentioned “420-friendly”, he thanked me, but preferred to keep his focus on his studies.

I haven’t had even a “meh” guest in this first 15 months of hosting, and too many thoroughly delightful ones to count, from around - and almost an equal number from outside - the country. I know many (most?) of us sharing these remarkable stats, and wonderful experiences…

…and the $$ ain’t half bad!
:v:& :heart:


“Only 1 tobacco smoker” I should say

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Good QRD (quick rundown). The most pertinent factoid… Congress heard testimony from only one medical doctor when debating prohibition. He testified that marijuana had promise as a medical drug and should be studied.

His testimony was stricken from the record.


Whoa - did not know. Thanks!

I’m a bit late to the conversation but have some anecdotes to add.

I started hosting in Seattle WA in 2015 and advertised as a 420-friendly listing. Maybe 1/2 of my guests smoked or ate edibles. They would often leave their leftovers behind for me since they couldn’t take it on the airplane. Now maybe 1 in 10 of my guests do. Is pot tourism waning now that it is legal in more states? Could be, or it could be that I’ve raised my prices and fixed up my listing some.

I used to allow my guests to smoke inside (I rent a basement apartment in my house), but asked them to smoke outside once I had kids.


I get “leftovers” all the time for the same reason - I usually just pass them on to the next guests (that partake) and they are over the moon!