My worst racist guest

But it is my third trip so that helps.

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You’re asking someone who probably thinks Make Austria Great Again is a good slogan for a red hat.


Change the slogan…it will help…cheers!!!

This recording had disappeared the following day. We kept a copy.

Post it on Reddit. It would go viral.

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What the freaking what?? Is this satire?? If not, then you sound like a bloody fool. This is a forum for hosts to support each other, not a platform to spout off insipid regurgitated rhetoric, thanks.


Sadly not look at his other posts @LetsShareThoughts

Last September a host in Chicago was proclaiming in several Facebook groups that I was a “proven” racist. She contacted every admin of these groups and demanded that they kick me out of their group. She also reported me to Airbnb but some how forgot to report me to VRBO. So Airbnb called me to investigate her claims. Nothing came of it and I didn’t care if I shared a group with her or not. But then in November, she and 15 of her friends complained again to both Airbnb and VRBO. Well this time Airbnb didn’t call but suspended my listing for three days only communicating thru emails. They told me that 72 hours of suspension while they investigate is their policy. VRBO also sent emails telling me that they are suspending my listings too. Well Airbnb did unsuspend my acount exactly 72 hours later and VRBO unsuspended my account within 4 hours. Now in my mind if a host is a “proven” racist or any “proven” anything, wouldn’t there be some kind of public record for conviction of a hate crime? Or some kind of evidence that can be easily found in search engines? How can 15 people be so easily be convinced without proof to follow the directions of this woman from the windy city?

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Of course I don’t know the circumstances, but it’s possible that these 15 people weren’t “convinced” by her. It’s more likely she just asked (or told) them to complain, and they did so simply because she’d asked.

@Jim_Haines it’s very strange indeed for Airbnb to act on the word of some random hosts with whom you have no connection, because of social media gossip.

Did Airbnb put it in writing that that was why they suspended your account?

And of course you don’t need to have a conviction for a racial hate crime to be a racist.

As advised previously it’s such a waste of energy for you to be making video’s and multiple posts about this .


The word you are looking for is exacerbate, not “exasperate.” In any case, calmly calling out racism and discussing its impacts on hosting is an important conversation. No one here is “jumping up and down.”


Hi Jim
Really feel for you if this is vindictiveness. This seems to be a real problem with social media, the mob mentality. If you don’t like someone just call them a racist. Its disgusting and demeans the true meaning of racisim. Must be hell for Airbnb/VRBO to police. For other hosts who are glib about what this gentlemen is going through - try sit in his shoes and see how it feels. Not a nice feeling at all!

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Thanks for your reply, but really do you have to demean another host for their spelling?

Talking about the impacts of racism on hosting is an important conversation to have, but different hosts will have different opinions and reactions to certain things. Best be mindful of that. Different ideas and opinions is what makes this forum interesting.



Have you thought the others hosts who you kindly call ‘glib’ may be more familiar with Jim than you are @alkira

Of course it is appalling to be called a racist without reason.

I would find it astonishing (being kind here) if Airbnb had carried out two investigations and suspended a hosts account twice, purely because of social media gossip from hosts on a social media group…please.


This is the guy who openly boasts about deliberately breaking other hosts House Rules. Maybe they are more familiar with him…

In my humble opinion, if you are a bad guest, who deliberately breaks a hosts House Rules, then there is a high likelihood that you will not be a good host.



I have had my fair share of jerks, and right off the plane types whose cultures are not known for respecting females.

The first thing that comes to mind is the protection of the peace of mind of other guests, family, and neighbours.

Terms like “racist” are subjective and judgmental when talking to Air or on a review. And “self centered, bloated proof of the missing link” a touch too cerebral. How about the generic “behaved inappropriately and offensively to others” as a smarmy compromise?

Wow - this certainly is a lively topic!

Oakland has a bad rep in at least parts of the US, for crime, violence, SanctuaryCity & our willingness to deal first-hand with our national Homeless crisis. Never been a tourist attraction!

Only recently, because folks are priced out of San Francisco (20 minutes) & Silicon Valley (50-60+ min)has it appealed to young, well-heeled”hipsters” - who comprise more than 60% of my guests. More during the winter months, when I have more biz travelers. International tourists stay here almost strictly for a low-cost, quiet alternative to SF.

As many of us may do,I love to occasionally scroll thru my past reviews and profile pics and, when I think about it- am inspired by the rainbow. Any racist or homophobe (no intention to offend) would first be put off by my Inner City, Oakland location; if not, they would be “alerted” by read these wonderful reviews by truly outstanding young[er than this boomer :wink: guests!

I’m sure most of us are so grateful to Airbnb for this by-product of our business: opening our homes opens hearts & minds. Let the racists, homophobes & paranoids stay in locked hotel rooms.


Several of our guests have commented that they like the “rainbow” picture on our listings.


Purple is under-represented here … the picket lines start tomorrow! :slight_smile: