A Sad Day no mood to make fun of you all

Oh shucks… You are such a great friend @Mearns! This will cost you an extra trip into town when I come to visit

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@azreala - go for it, my dear :slight_smile:

I believe I have done my part :joy:

(Mearns switches victim and starts to look in jaquo’s direction)

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@jaquo Where did you go!?! :innocent:

I’m not here. I’m not here. I’m not here.

Oh, OK. Do you REALLY want me to start a topic? (Good job I’ve had a couple of glasses of wine) :slight_smile:


Be more apropos than this title. Perhaps called ‘Helping Chen_Sussane’.

Um…How is that even a questions?! YES!!!

Oh, OK, go on then… coming up.

Moving on from my Kombucha to the real stuff in preparation for this :wine_glass:

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Mucho vino here.

Saving Private Chen topic started:

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Outstanding job! I am looking for some threads about hints you all posted about some points on how to be a good host…incoming.

@az where did you find that icon of the wine glass?

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Europeans or Manhattanites could tell you that spaces can be tiny AND luxurious :slight_smile:

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We have a luxurious Wet Room in Barcelona :joy:

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They are often used in luxury yachts too. They’re really rather cool, environmentally-friendly and usually quite stylish.

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I know. I used to live in Manhattan, and it’s amazing what people can do with a small amount of space. However, I still don’t understand what a mini shower is? Is it for really short people? Is it a tiny cubicle?

She should probably just leave out the word mini, or include a better photo, so people understand.

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Go to here guys!

Ok, this has to be one of the ugliest, nastiest, most hateful, vile, spiteful, stomach-churning threads I’ve ever read. Pack mentality at its very, very worst. Playground bullies, each and every one of you. Not one of you here has any real knowledge of Chen - who she is, what her life is like, what struggles she may face on a daily basis, whether or not she has mental health issues - yet you all pull up your chairs, grab your glasses of wine and gather like a bunch of blood-thirsty, evil vultures, ready to ridicule and attack. As if you’re all the epitome of perfection yourselves. And as if this thread isn’t horrifying enough, you lower yourselves even further by stooping to your ‘Saving Private Chen’ thread. WTF gives any one of you the right to be so skin-crawlingly nasty to another human being? You should all hang your heads in shame.

You clearly have not read Chen’s hate filled posts, her awful listing, or the way she treats her guest- that my friend is truly vile. There is no blood thirsty gang out to get Chen, there is a very knowledgeable group of hosts willing to help her become a successful host.

Yes, there is some sarcasm and snark, but she did call us all ‘dirty monkeys’, so it’s only fair :joy:

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How many threads have you indeed read, you just joined this forum, probably just minutes before you posted your diatribe. If you want to help her, go to the new thread started whose intent is only to do ~TRY~ to help her, nothing more.