Wine glasses help with selection

Oops, typo. My keyboard keys are starting to stick. Dishware not dishwater.

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How I feel about drinking canned craft beers from the can. No thanks, I want a beer glass.

Plenty of very drinkable wines have screw caps now so I no longer worry about corkscrews when traveling.

My daily go-to wine cork remover isn’t a screw, it’s a two prong cork puller.


Assuming you’ve got one close to you, IKEA works great. If if not them, whatever Wal-Mart has. The key here (as many may have already said) is you want to get glasses you can easily buy the exact-same-type more of. For this reason, you never want to go the thrift store route.

And buy WAY more than you think you need! Always be ready with back ups.

I offer a few of each, stem, several stemless and a some plastic stemless for outside use. I keep the stemmed on an upper high shelf and the majority of stemless with the other glassware but also put some in the bar area. Nothing so expensive I would care if it’s broken.

I’m grooving on this…logo wine glasses less than $2 each!

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Extremely inspiring! Wheels turning, smoke coming out of computer, feverish research, etc.

Love this idea!

I personally hate “branded” anything.

Brilliant marketing coup, though. That you can actually get people to pay to advertise your business for free.


My daughter hates drinking beer that comes in a can, even if it’s poured into a glass. She says it tastes like aluminum.

I have one in my bag, one in each car glove box, and several strewn strategically around the house.

I am also adept at opening with with a stiletto heel, sneaker or shoe, and … well… you know…

Absolutely essential.

Excellent idea! Swag Bags with logos!


Awwwww booooo.:sunglasses: I’m giving them away. They disappear anyway. May as well get some promotion out of it.


I have one in the car. There are over 40 wineries within a 2 hour drive. Often pack snacks & go. My SUV has a small in-wall compartment in the back for the emergency first aid kit & emergency battery. My cockscrew lives with my emergency supplies!

Edit: cork!! Cork!! Not cockscrew—what is that anyway? I hate autocorrect


That’s one of the reasons I miss Ventura and San Diego. We could just hop in a car, pack a picnic, and GO. We would do the “Sideways” movie wine tour years before that movie came out. And then the road trips to Napa and Sonoma… sigh Temecula has amazing wineries and when we weren’t sailing… off to the mountains! :wink:


North Carolina had to figure out what to do with the thousands of acres of tobacco farm land. Turns out NC soil & climate grows some healthy, tasty grapes.


I miss Los Angeles and Huntington and Palm Springs, but close enough :wink: You know how they say that you can surf and ski all in one day? A group of us did that one day just to prove it to ourselves, however it was really just body surfing since none of us were surfers and I snow boarded instead of skiing but we got it done and even stopped for Chinese in San Gabriel in between :smiley:

That’s so cool, I had no idea. It’s pretty there too. I want to check out sometime.

And it’s not really convenient for you or @casailinglady but for hosts in New England, it’s so much fun and so easy to take the ferry from New London to Orient Point, Long Island and enjoy all of the vineyards out there and it’s got beautiful beaches too. Personally I like the south fork the most but, depending on how much the hosts in the area talk to one another, I may or may not be welcome in the area again lol, :wink: Also, it may come as a surprise but a lot of the vineyards are dog friendly which I really appreciate.


Same in my area. If it is a short trip, I take my youngest dog. He is Mr. Social and loves it—mutt, may be Pomeranian, poodle, Yorkie (?) 8 pounds of bark.

My older dog stays home and catches up on his sleep. He wouldn’t enjoy the people or noise. He’s an Old dog with a troubled past before coming to my home.

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Good to know that Chef and the Farmer can now find local wines! I wonder why I never see NC wines on “A Chef’s Life”?

NC boasts over 100 wineries, over 500 vineyards.

I don’t know why she doesn’t feature NC wines. She doesn’t post her wine list on-line with her menu either.

NC has 5 Nationally designated AVAs (appellation regions like Napa Valley). There ought be a Tictok “no body knows” :grinning: (instead of Nobody will know).


Wine glasses - we have a few wineries here that have supplied us with their glasses (have their names on them) as advertising. In exchange, they get top billing on our list of local wineries. We’ve also had wineries provide rack cards good for free tastings that we’ve posted in the cabins. Amazing what you can get when you ask, and we are all in this together.


The 290 wine trail looks like fun! Beautiful places too.