Unneccssary friction

I’ve always seen you as a good egg


@Barns Well I will guess then, based on my theory, that you are mature and well intentioned yourself. Thanx!

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Bravo! I decided long ago to enjoy this forum as 70% entertainment (a la reality TV) and 30% gold nuggets of wisdom.

After 4 years of hosting (superhost because it probably matters here even though i think it’s near meaningless) I still think some people on here leave an unnecessary distasteful impression, especially to new people.


I see this forum as a huge panel of experts! I read for weeks before I posted so I had an idea of the personalities of the ones who had been around for ages. No one likes an opinion forced on them, especially from a new unknown face! Long term posters are comfortable here and can be territorial, just like a huge party, you need to mind your manners until you are familiar and known.


This is true, not just here but on all forums. Yes, it’s the internet and you can do what you want but it’s still just plain rude to barge in throwing your weight around. I was a bit of a twat when I first started posting here but I took the (deserved) slap on the wrist and moved on like a grown-up (well… almost :smile:).

Several times a year someone takes it upon themselves to make a general commentary on the tenor of the forum; sometimes positive, sometimes negative, sometimes meant as constructive criticism, sometime a rant borne of not getting their way.

What I’ve seen over the 4 years I’ve been here is that people come and go and for each one that leaves in a huff, another takes their place. There are very few people anywhere who aren’t easily replaced.

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i see humans being humans, as you say, just like on any forum. and again, you perceive an attack where there is simply an opinion stated. this is your perception, i don’t share it.

We should get T-shirts…


I like “scroll, don’t troll” but that’s my lyrical bent coming out. Hum … I have been wanting to quote that lately. Guess that’s why I deleted my Facebook app. :+1:


I like your posts Magwitch. I find you helpful. Some people are STILL twats. Haha

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:rofl: Where’s @PuppyLover? She’s good at these things. She even designed my headstone :flushed:


Aw thanks, that’s really nice to hear! I’ve learned loads from this forum and had some right old laughs along the way. We can moan as much as we like but it is, hands down, the best place for straight talking and sharing.


As requested:


here’s mine


Or maybe we could get coffee cups. I want mine to say “biggest twat.”


No, no, no! Your’s should be Top Twat…

:musical_score: Top Twat! The most effectual Top Twat
whose intellectual close friends get to call her (K)KC…
Providing it’s with dignity
Top Twat! She’s the boss, she’s the championship, she’s the most tip top
Top Twat! :musical_score:

:laughing: :kissing_heart:


Hmm, that does have a nice ring to it and I like the alliteration. Nice classic tune which I’ll now be humming tunelessly under my breath the rest of the week.


Glad you like it. I adored TC when I was a kid. In fact, I think he was my first crush!

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I learned some time ago that if you show up on a forum there’s going to be some know it all uckwit for glories in their own "method and overstates their ability. I just treat it as background noise, but I know some people are put off from posting. I completely avoid expat forums for the same reason. State your option and the trolls show up to prove you wrong… Annoying. The stated goal of this forum is to connect hosts to hosts to offer support…
So Posters, please keep that in mind when you decide to ram your opinion down someone’s throat…

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The stated goal is to connect hosts. It’s not a support group. Please direct me to where it’s stated that the goal is to offer support.

If a purported host posts here (and we don’t verify, we just take someone’s word for it. An anti Airbnb troll or vindictive guest could easily pose as a host) and makes hosts look bad, do we really want to support them? Do we want to see like we are all a united front, that we all run our places in the same way?