Today I'm listening to

You old dark horse you :wink:


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Bit of a mixed bag tonight, starting off with an absolute cracker:

And a hat tip to @dirk, :smile:

This’un was new to me:

Sometimes following YouTube links is a bit dodge, sometimes not. Loving this lot just now:

That said, here’s an alternative version :smile: bit classy, eh?

Brings a tear to one’s eye…

Another “cover”, but good, at least I think so!

Highlights, just highlights, and I hope again that my neighbours enjoyed too :laughing:

He he



Just a quick addendum, although on the basis this had 75m views so far on YouTube, maybe I’m one of the last to have heard it :laughing:

Bring a tear to a glass eye as we say in Spain.


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Saturday night, it’s Blues Before Sunrise, a public radio program, 6 hours of vintage blues, jazz, rhythm n blues with Steve Cushing, owner of one of the largest collections of recordings in the US. Every obscure song and artist you never heard of, often amazing. Originates at WDCB in Chicago, is streamed from there and from other public stations in the US that carry it.

You can see the playlists at

You can download each hour of each program as an mp3 file at


Just thought I’d throw this one in for any Jockophiles on here :grin:

It popped up on a Spotify playlist and while I’m not a great fan of geezers in skirts and bagpipes, I thought this was… um, different.



Och, Aye! These lads are great for raising the Scots in ye!

Our local Jazz and Classics Festival was canceled in May, and now we’re having a virtual festival with ticketed streaming performances. Here’s the Festival’s trailer, featuring Artistic Director Zuill Bailey:

Oooh, I’ll take the shirtless one with bones around his neck! (NOT). Unless mebbe Scottish citizenship is involved (inside joke based on my previous Canadian e-Harmony post).

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I play the spoons to 2 songs and usually require at least 1 cocktail before pounding out the beat to “Drunken Sailor” or Pure Prairie League’s “Amie.”

No, I won’t be posting videos. :wink: I

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waves Zippo lighter in the air and two steps<


Holy crap!! How amazing!!

@JohnF astounding playlist - love The Pogues.

Can’t wait to hear it later tonight. Thank you!

Here’s my contribution. A fave because I was the queen of the stiletto (still am, but don’t wear them very often)


I LOVE these guys!! I’ve been addicted for a while.


Oh hey. He lives here in El Paso (at least part of the year) as he directs our Pro Musica group and teaches at the University (UTEP).


Thank you very much for sharing this, I have been looking for something like this not so long ago

Musical snap again tonight, and the qualifier was that it had to be a YouTube busker/street musician at the time etc.

Self indulgent I know, but will add a selection en la mañana.

My joker was this young girl:

Apologies if you’ve seen/heard her before :blush:


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I’ve seen her before but twice this week. If not for the pandemic she’d probably be everywhere.

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It seems that the Grafton Street area of Dublin (where she started) has spawned several successful young musicians, many of them now earning a damn good living via social media, having originally just busked there.

Sign of the times I suppose, but still good to see. Not being much into social media has meant I’ve missed a lot of good music, but I’m doing my best to catch up :grin:



Watching and listening to this:

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This woman is amazing- she makes some of the most beautifully haunting music I’ve ever heard.

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This guy seemed to appreciate it. Check his first listen of Free Bird.

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Reminds me of when my kids were teenagers and started to get into the Doors. I was singing along one day while doing housework when they were playing Light My Fire. My daughter asked how I knew the words. They thought it was new music.

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