Things Guests Request in Private Feedback

Yes!! Great rule of thumb! If it’s more than once, I listen!


Now that it’s morning in Hawaii and I’m not wearing my distance contacts, I can clearly see the word is Candies. Candies in a glass jar, lol. But candles are often in a glass jar too… ? My eyes tripped right over it.

French presses are rather uncommon here in France and they are mostly sold under a Danish brand (Bodum). I have no idea why anglo-saxons call it a French press. I have seen them in stores but nobody I know owns one.

We use the word cafetiere for anything that makes coffee, from stove-top Bialetti to the Nespresso system. Most people have an electric coffee maker with paper filters if they drink coffee in the morning, and a machine that uses coffee pods for espressos at the end of meals.


I use ikea electric candles. i removed all candles and all lighters, matches and smoking is only allowed outside etc… cant be too carefull…

…had a request in private feedback for a naked waiter.

Oh, wait a minute…that was my request.


Even though I am from England, I never had what Americans call an ‘English muffin’ until I came to live in the States :slight_smile:


Lol I was thinking about English Muffin earlier, I still have no idea what it is… lol

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It’s like a crumpet.


Or if you’re from the North, a PIKELET :slight_smile:
But truly, they don’t seem like crumpets to me. Baffled!

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I first heard of Pikelets in Melbourne, Australia, a lot of the words Aussies say come from the north of England, but I’m from the south. haha

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Here ya go…

they are pretty good!
Thomas’ are the best.


Homemade are so much better than Thomas’. Try this recipe. It’s easy and delicious.

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Had a new request yesterday: a bench seat in the shower “to make it easier to shave legs.” I had already thought of buying one so I ordered one yesterday. It’s a big shower and we didn’t build in any kind of seat as some people do. I was more inclined to go ahead and do it because these may become regular guests. But if I never see them again it’s still ok.


I didn’t know you could make them!!! Thanks so much for this, I am so doing it!

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You are very welcome. I’m always up for sharing recipes. They freeze beautifully. I keep some in the freezer for Airbnb guests.

Things we were able to remedy:

  • warn people the driveway is narrow
  • to-go coffee cups
  • magnifying mirror
  • bath mat

Things we took as jokes:

  • a place to sit in the sun - ice bar/tiki bar
  • TP. He said “the ONLY thing I would change is the toilet paper”. He had plenty and it was a ultra charmin, so we took this as a joke.

One thing that was suggested last weekend, so we haven’t had a chance to address:

  • better signage near the driveway entrance.

we added without prompting:

  • Full length mirror in hallway closet
  • hair blow dryer
  • qtips, cotton balls, Kleenex
  • night lights in hall and bathroom
  • ceiling fans

Do you ever find your guests flipping the night lights upside down?

I had one guest who left the water boiling in the kitchen unsupervised over and over again (she just went in her room to do something else). I wondered the sound and told her not to left the water boil on its own. We’ve got a nice new kitchen and she didn’t respect that at all, when I asked her not to let the cattle unsupervised. In the end I told her not to use the kitchen when we were not at home and after her visit we removed the use of the kitchen totally. I’ve got some refusals, when people see that in my house rules there is written “no use of the kitchen” but I don’t mind - i’d rather have my kitchen unspoiled and the my peace of mind! - and yes, I’ve go the electric cattle now!

I’ve followed some request like a table for the computer…

(I guess that means the fence isn’t electrified…just the cattle?)


This subject has its own thread! :smile:

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