Theft of soap and TP

Almost cheaper to exchange a $50 bill for 50 $1 bills and use them to wipe.

Good old anglo saxon vernacular, don’t you just love it :slight_smile:


The pandemic profiteer in the article is being investigated and faces possible charges. Last night I read he is donating it. In any case he isn’t going to make a windfall and he has been named and shamed.

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Oh here’s a follow up.

… he did end up ‘donating’ it, which the state Attorney General ‘facilitated’. It mostly went to a church which will redistribute to persons and organizations in need. A lot of it went back to the ‘backwoods’ retailers who are out of stock.

Turns out what he did is illegal, unlike Craig the asshole in Glendale.

Arizona has no law against what Craig and his ilk are doing. Tennessee and Kentucky, however, apparently do.

Craig should meet my friends in a dark parking lot.

(Ok, kidding, but I hope he gets burned really badly. Don’t be surprised if someone who lives in AZ takes it upon themselves to teach him a lesson.)

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When my husband showed me this, and many others like Marley in Goodyer who is selling Clorox wipes for $18 a roll, I told him these guys are taking a risk with their safety right now because it would be pretty easy to set up a buy and take out one’s frustrations on their faces.

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For the first time, I locked up all my extra cleaning supplies, tp, snacks, etc. I am leaving out a rolls per day. Now all I need are some guests :-(.


I agree with you and @muddy. Personally, I’d be a little upset if a guest purposefully stole resources from me and would want to alert other hosts. If I know that a guest is likely to “overutilize resources”, I’d know to lock things away or to stock up following their visit.

They paid for a stay, not for your stores of soap and toilet paper. They deliberately hurt a small independent business by doing so. These are not considerate guests, and stealing additional resources like is not that far off from sneaking in extra guests, in my opinion.


I guess you all saw this cake on Twitter this morning? :rofl:


I don’t see Twitter regularly. Thanks for sharing.

I bet I could use 6 rolls of tp by myself in a few nights. I am the worst. I have about 40 rolls and I am concerned about this shortage. I only leave people one roll and a back up in each bathroom. Beyond that, they can go buy it. Most people don’t use it all but I use a roll a day i bet :rofl: I buy one ply. No one wants the thin stuff usually. In fact, people go buy the good stuff and leave it here.

Id be mad if someone took the stuff to go though. That’s not right. I wouldn’t say anything though, id likely just move on and learn from it. Refill no name bottles that don’t travel well and leave less paper.

How do you manage to go through a roll a day? Are you one of those people who wraps a few yards around their hand every time? A roll lasts me for a week

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I wish a roll lasted a week. I think I am one of those people you describe. I try hard not to be too. It just doesn’t last long at all and I use the 1000 sheet type!! It’s terrible.

I am surprised my friends haven’t gotten me that cake yet. I would LOVE that.

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You said “cake,” and my first thought was “urinal cake—but hostess1 is a woman!”

Then I remembered seeing the toilet paper cake. :grin:


Bum gun is the answer. Bought one in Malaysia and plumbed it in ourselves with readily available adaptor. You will never go back to paper.


Sounds multifunctional. LOL.

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FYI: My family is a family of 3
(my husband, myself & our 5 year old daughter)
A roll of tissue paper lasts us for 3 - 4 days.

This IS theft!

We stayed at an Airbnb where the owner left Eggs, Sausage, Milk, Juice, Chips & other snacks to get their guests thru until they could get to the store : )
Not only did we not take any of it HOME with us…
We saved it for the next guests as they may have possibly needed it more than us as we’re able bodied adults that can go grocery shopping, whereas they may not have been…

It’s called being a decent human being
When the guests who rented your place, apparently, were NOT! Just Saying :woman_shrugging:


I wish I was that handy. I believe I need the full-fledged Japanese toto toilet. Someday… That is seriously my #1 bucket list item. If I found out I was going to be gone in a year, I’d spend whatever necessary to have that toilet right now!



Perhaps now is the time to buy (gallows humour - haven’t found suitable emoji).
Get in before the pan(dem)ic profiteers discover the Toto

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