Theft of soap and TP

Not so odd IMO. I definitely wash heavy dirt and grime off in the bathroom sink. In fact, I’ll usually wash them with the garden hose if they’re covered in soil. I might wash my hands at the kitchen sink if they are relatively clean before preparing food.
I’m a minimalist and don’t like having things around that seem redundant, like 2 kinds of soap at the sink. Have often washed my hands with a drop of dish soap, and my skin’s not peeling off or anything :slight_smile:


If I wasn’t already scrambling to provide expected items for my guests I would probably of been just slightly annoyed and shrugged my shoulders. But where I am located (near Gulf Shores, AL) it is full swing spring break, a lot of the daily rentals in the area don’t provide some of the items that I do so currently this combined with the panic hoarding I am not able to find the two items that they took. I know some places are asking their guests to bring those essentials with them on the trip, I don’t want to have to do that. I have enough soap to replace that, as long as future guests don’t take it, but toilet paper I only now have enough for roughly 3 weeks based on my reservation. I guess my frustration really is a product of my perfectionist personality, I would have A lot of trouble hosting guest in a property that is not set up for their comfort. I am fortunate in that my home is located in a sleepy little bayside community close to the beaches and tourist areas, but still far enough away that my guest can retreat to a quiet area. So far I have not had cancellations due to the current pandemic.

But guest need to remember it is not a “public loo” it’s a private home

Unfortunately there are a lot of things that ‘guests need to remember’ but they don’t!

But please note that I was referring to public loos and not STRs.

I certainly wouldn’t go to stay in a rental just to steal the loo paper. :crazy_face:

I don’t see anything wrong or offensive about hosts actually asking guests to please be conservative with things like toilet paper, sanitizers, etc, right now. These are out-of-the-ordinary times and hosts and guests alike are aware that there is a shortage and hoarding going on. I don’t think we need to feel we’re not providing a good standard of hospitality at the moment by not leaving as much out for guests as we normally would. When things become scarce, everyone has to work together so that no one goes without completely.
What selfish guests you had to help themselves to your supplies.


Our most recent guests ate everything that’s usually there (provided free) including chocolate Easter eggs and bars. Its funny most guests use or take 1-3 things provided, these guests were just the once in a while folks are really eating almost everything. But (!) they never showered, and they neglected to steal the 7 rolls extra loo paper… which are now squirreled away far from prying thieves.

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I actually put it in writing. Please do not steal the TP I do not want to have to ask guests to bring their own. I just typed this up and put it in the cabins the other day:

Dear guest we want to thank you for staying with us at River Rock Retreat during these challenging times. I wanted to share with you some of the steps we are taking to keep us all safe. Most of these things we have always done but we are stepping things up. In addition to cleaning and sanitizing bathrooms and kitchen and cleaning every surface, vacuuming and mopping the floors.

We wash ALL the bedding EVERY TIME, bedspreads, shams, blankets, sheets pillow cases and the zippered pillow protectors. Everything. Every. Time.

We use lysol or Clorox wipes on all light and lamp switches, door knobs, cabinet knobs, remote controls, umbrellas and hand rails and put out a new sponge in the kitchen.

We have removed decorative pillows and throws, anything that is not easily washed every time.

All of this and more without charging a cleaning fee.

Please do your part and wash your hands often, keep[ your hands away from your face and stay healthy.

Please make our job a bit easier by following the checkout instructions, if you use it clean it. If you take a extra blanket from the closet or drawers leave it out so it gets washed. Don’t steal the TP we do not want to have to ask guests to bring their own.

It may not matter anyway, if we don’t have bookings we won’t need the extra TP!

I actually think I scored a case of 96 rolls, I am going to give it all away if it actually comes next week. I am going to put a FB post to come to my real estate office if you need a couple rolls, then I will put them on the bench outside…



Yep we have a pump bottle by each of the three sinks. However, we refill decorative bottles from a bulk container so hopefully if anyone gets sticky fingers the heavy reusable bottles won’t disappear lol talk about ‘things I never thought I would worry about.’ Not that I am worried about it, we would put that on blast in the review quicker than you can say Anbesol. :wink:


Here in Florida there is absolutely no toilet paper available. I hear some sources are selling one roll for $50.

Having a rental property has been an asset for us. We usually have a lot of extra toilet paper, soap and hand cleaner available to put in the back. We live at the front of the house and rent out an apartment at the back.

Media sources (if you believe them), say a roll of toilet paper is selling for $50 with some sources.

We are not renting the apartment due to the virus threat. Two family members have breathing difficulty (asthma) and are prone to problems under normal circumstances.

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Not to me. I have water and washcloths if it comes to that.

Heck, I could use a washcloth then throw it away for less than $50.


I could use washcloths and then launder them and sell all my TP for $50 a roll…

I’m guessing that no one is paying $50 a roll, they simply found it listed somewhere at that price.

My husband was showing me all the TP on OfferUp for $50-$100 a pack and I told him to quit showing me because it was making me angry.


Good notice- I may do something similar, altho I may not get any more bookings (and haven’t had any in the last few weeks -really unusual for this time of year here).
I’d add faucet handles and headboards (I’m picturing guests coughing or sneezing while in bed) to that list of things that are disinfected.

This a-hole was making quite a killing until he got shut down.

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and nowhere to sell them

bless his greedy little heart. if you listen closely, you can hear the world’s smallest violin…


That’s the kind of guy you’d never want to get stuck in an emergency situation with. He’d push the women and children out of the lifeboat to get a seat for himself.


" Their trek led them to buy out the available stock at WalMart, Home Depot and places described as “little hole-in-the-wall dollar stores in the backwoods,”
[Then Amazon shut them down]…
“It’s been a huge amount of whiplash,” Matt Colvin said …

‘What the heck am I going to do with all of this?’

I have a suggestion LOL Right where the sun don’t shine, buddy.

Source, not behind a subscription wall:

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Oh, sorry about the subscription wall- it was picked up by yahoo yesterday, which is where I read it, but just now I googled it and posted the first link that came up. Thanks for posting the original. I should have looked harder.
The most choice line in that story is where he says he feels he was providing a public service. After cleaning out every store he could find in a 1300 mile stretch.

They quoted the NYT so I think that actually was the original source, but I found this one when I hit the roadblock.

" Their trek led them to buy out the available stock at WalMart, Home Depot and places described as “little hole-in-the-wall dollar stores in the backwoods,”
[Then Amazon shut them down]…
“It’s been a huge amount of whiplash,” Matt Colvin said …

‘What the heck am I going to do with all of this?’

I have a good idea Matt, you nasty little prick, donate that hand sanitizer to your local schools, hospitals. businesses, individuals - the possibilities are endless.
Now off you fuck…