The stupidest guest

…and that crystals will “cure” you.

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I thought this was an Airhost forum? I didn’t know idiotic political commentary was permitted. Who is monitoring this site? Some socialist sob?

Unless you have a complaint against Trump as an airhost guest, perhaps you shouldn’t be a moderator. Maybe this site isn’t for tips on running a business and instead on how to be a socialist red neck (anti-science, anti-Christian bigot.) Please stop allowing political posts or I will simply doubt that you are a real site dedicated to truth and have to start my own site.

More like highlighting the crass stupidity, than a political comment per se.

So I take it you’re happy with the level of risk an elected president is encouraging, given that around 300,000* of your countrymen(and women) have died from this virus?

Whose version of truth are you referring to?

Feel free, come back and let us know how you get on.

(* CDC estimate from 26th Jan to 3rd oct 2020)


Oh bless your heart. Glad to see you have an opinion. It’s a shame that you don’t approve of anyone else having one, or that you think you know me so well. I’m the farthest thing from all those big words you strung together.

Being a moderator doesn’t make us anyone’s mouthpiece or punching bag.

As for starting your own site, check out Discourse. And good luck. :+1:


Aren’t you a condescending AH? If I wanted uninformed and unscientific conversations, I would go to Twitter… Si vous n’êtes pas la personne la plus ignorante du monde.

Is that the best you can come up with?




Now you know!

Some very good VOLUNTEERS who allow free thinking, as long as people are being considerate of others.

With that rudeness, I will advise that you’re bordering on being moderated, which I tend to think is what you’re looking for.


No one cares if you leave, you know.


My yoga meditating masseuse gave me essential oils that help with immunity and her suggestion was to dab a bit inside your mask. And wouldn’t you know it, that calming smell helped make wearing a mask for 8 hours okay. Best mask suggestion I’ve received.


The anti-maskers where I live are the worst! A group of them told us not to wear mask because there’s a chance we’re breathing a bad air and we will get sick :no_mouth:

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Great suggestion - I agree! I often travel by public transportation to/from work but have always been easily carsick. I have been putting peppermint on my mask (or in a pinch, Burts’ Bees lip balm has the same smell). The peppermint has really been helping!

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I recently read where someone else had posted that teachers aren’t getting as sick (from colds and the like) as the new school year usually brings. I have noticed the my kiddo and I have made it through without sniffles either. To those people you mention, I’d have to respond that I prefer my “bad air” - it’s working pretty well, so far!

And it hides coffee breath from others - hahah! :wink:

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Hey, anything you can do that might help is a good thing. Tea tree oil is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal. Can’t hurt to dab something like that on the outside of a mask, or something which for you, makes mask-wearing more palatable. And doing things like taking your vitamins, eating well, taking natural immune boosters, staying fit and lowering your stress level is always a good idea.

I have a freakishly strong immune system and haven’t had a cold or the flu in 20 years.

The problem is in thinking that because one does these things they are immune from contracting the virus.


Here is my town the vast majority of teachers aren’t in classrooms with kids yet. I’m not sure how widespread that is but I think most places also allow kids to stay home. Also sick kids aren’t going to be encouraged to come to school. That said, mask wearing no doubt will lead to less illness. One thing I noticed is now when I mindlessly rub my face, or touch my mouth or nose, the mask is there preventing me from depositing the germs on my hand directly into my face.

Also now that it’s getting cold lots of folks who aren’t used to mask wearing are really going to appreciate having warmer faces. It’s really a win-win for everyone.


Yeah, there’s a real victim mentality that is endemic now.

Don’t threaten us with a good time. Just remember “Parler” is already taken.

Anyone old enough to remember when the right wing boogeyman was anything French? Ah, the good old days!


I’ve noticed that I’m now almost effortlessly aware of when I’ve touched something that I should wash my hands after touching, and have a routine around sterilizing things or setting them aside for awhile that doesn’t really require conscious thought.

For instance, I have about 5 cloth masks that I rotate. If I only nip into a local store for 3 minutes to grab something, I gel sanitize my hands when getting back in the car, without touching the steering wheel or anything else, remove the mask and hang it on the passenger side door handle, then use my alcohol wipes to wipe down the keys I had in my hand in the store while also handling money, my eyeglass stems if I’ve touched them (I often lift my distance glasses up to read something), etc.

That mask gets left in my car for a week, baking in the hot sun. Then I use a clean mask. If I’ve worn a mask to do a lengthy shopping in one store, like Costco, that mask will get washed before reusing.

Same with items I buy. If they need to be refrigerated or used soon, I bring them in and sterilize the packaging. If I don’t need to use it for awhile, gets left in the car for a week.

I live in flip-flops and have about 5 pair. When I come home from being out in public, I kick them off at the gate, move them to a spot under my outside stairs in full sun all day, put on a different pair the next time I go out.

All this used to require conscious thought and took a long time. Now it’s just second nature and goes much faster.


I’m not Christine but I have similar candles. Mine have a remote on/off/color selector about the size of a credit card. I loved it but batteries did not last.

Then I realized if the candle is switched on it is draining the battery waiting for a signal from the remote.

Options are turn candle switch to off when not in use (sure I’m going to remember to do that…) or start using rechargeable batteries like @nordlinghouse

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Holy cow - brilliant thought. I didn’t think about that and I left them in on mode all the time to make it simple for the guest. :persevere: I bet it was more me than the guests that killed em. Dang it!

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@KKC - agreed! It’s freaking cold here all of a sudden. I walked to the store yesterday masked up like Spidey. Didn’t even care if I was outside to start bc my nose was thankful for the warmth.