Superhost with no active listings

Found it thank you!
No coupons, vouchers or rewards!

Seems as if 13 times a superhost is the unlucky number!!


If you have your old e-mails, search them for “Superhost bonus”. You likely have at least one $100 coupon that is still valid and the link contained in the e-mail to get the coupon should allow you to retrieve it. Also, remember you only get the bonus if you achieve Superhost 4 quarters in a row. The counter resets every time you either receive the bonus or you lose Superhost.

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Thanks Brian.
My emails get deleted and any Airbnb emails when deleted actually disappear from the bin!

I wouldn’t use a voucher anyway as I prefer other types of holiday!!


I was so pleased to get a SH $100 voucher since I’ve only hosted once this year, back in January 2020! I just redeemed the coupon – I’ve booked 4 lake houses in the past 6 weeks for our Summer travel.

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I’m looking around at close places but am not seeing much and New Mexico doesn’t want me, a Texas resident, anyway. I may just go see my host friend in Marfa.

Tell me more of this $100 voucher? I have received super host 3 times and have not been gifted with this. Although I have not used Air for myself…

4 is the magic number. 4 quarters.

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As NordlingHouse said, it’s after one year. Then you will have one year to use it before it expires.

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