Problems with Eastern European Guests/hosts

Awww, what they did not do…
They rented for 3 nights but the first night it was only the guy who i talked to, dont know why he would pay so much money just to stay by himself. SO the rest of the family only stayed not even full 2 days.
The house was covered with garbage. They cooked obviously non stop for these 2 days. And obviously never cleaned even once after meals. Not only that, they were incredibly messy cooks. Even bottom of kitchen cabinets were covered with sauces, animal fat and some disgusting smelling bits and pieces. They burned electric outlets so brand new dishwasher stopped working. They brought all small appliances into living room and bathroom and made coffee there never wiping spots. All pots and pans were burned or filthy to the point that we just replaces them.
Sheets on one bed were covered with red juice.
OUtside furniture had leftovers of fried chicken all over it. Bottles from Sauces and cigaret buds covered swimming pool. Feminine used napkins were found in flower pots, and cigaretes also.
One chair was broken, one vase also.
It was such terrible vandalizm that i honestly never saw in my life and i hope will never see again.
On top of that he left me a review saying that the house was not clean enough for him, lol. I trashed him so bad in my review that hopefully he wont be allowed into people’s houses for life unless he will create new fake profile.


For me it’s less about ethnicity or geography than about climate. I’m in Florida, and people from cold countries where they don’t use central air conditioning seem to need a lot of coaching to realize that you can’t just open the window for ‘fresh air’ when the air conditioner is already struggling to keep the house cool.


Hi @reader99 - I’m in Florida too so I know what you mean :slight_smile:

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But your British, why do you live in Florida, is there a reason?

steve5500, people are born and live all over the place. The fact that someone is a citizen of country has zero bearing on such ‘traits’ as friendliness or cleanliness. Generalizing about someone because they ‘are british’ for example is a fool’s errand - they don’t have to pass a test to remain british, or even act ‘british’. Remember, Idi Amin and Nelson Mandela were both Africans. Adolph Hitler and Mother Teresa were European. Your ‘point’ is as we say absurd. I fail to see how you can generalize about people when one thing that airbnb shows us is that everyone needs to be seen and interacted with on their own merits.


Steve5500-- a troll who is best ignored. Have you noticed that not only does s/he not want to tell anything about themselves, s/he hasn’t made a single helpful or supportive post? S/he is only interested in others to the extent that s/he can stereotype them. They’re not American and the written English isn’t very good, so who knows what his (or her) issue with nationality is.


Its Chen reincarnated as a new troll!! :joy::joy:


keep spinning garbage, i keep it real and challenge others Karmacasa, keep sprouting polictial correct spin.
Rolf not much better or azreala

fyi … you can’t post from multiple accounts using the same IP address - the system on here blocks it. Heaps of people try to do it to sell stuff on here.


Exactly,well said Kirsty.

How in God’s name did you clean up after these people?? I assume you were compensated by Airbnb or a security deposit?

I have a girl that cleans. She is pregnant so she has morning sickness. When she was cleaning she was wearing a mask, that’s how bad it was.
What I still can’t believe the guy gave me 1* on cleanliness.

It’s very easy to mask IP addresses, we do it when traveling abroad to use US based Netflix. It takes about the working computer knowledge or a 4th grader.

This is @azreala I just made a new account without so much as even masking IP address. I logged out of the forum, hits sign up, used a different email address, and viola new account. I’m sure Tom or someone told you that you can’t make multiple accounts from the same IP- but that’s a lie, from the same email yes, but to authenticate the IP would be very costly, and its doubtful Tom is paying for that kind of service.

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Who really has time to-do all that though. This is a public forum. I wouldn’t worry. If they’re trying to sell you something just ignore it. @azreala if you kept posting using your other user name the system will flag if it’s the same Ip. But I mean yeah, you could sign up at home with one ip & email then go to work and sign up with another but the same thing would happen if you tried to post to many times in both accounts at the same ip. The system on here flags posts.

You are missing my point. I was able to sign up for a second account without doing anything other than signing out of the forum and resigning up with a different email address, nothing to do with my IP address. I doubt the system flags multiple users from the same IP unless someone reports a problem, that would be a pretty sophisticated technology for a site like this. My guess is the site owner would have to manually look at this information.

No one is selling me anything. I was simply trying to say that the influx of trolls could be the same person just trying to screw with us, since it is obviously very easy to create multiple accounts.

You sound like a troll yourself azreala. Petty and whiny and stirring up garbage.

Thank you azrerala for doing the ‘grunt work’ here.

And, thanks everyone for ignoring the trolling that is making this forum a platform for angry folks who misunderstand the spirit of why we are all here - to support, help, and learn.


It was VERY difficult. I feel like the 3mins it took me to make a new account shuld be compensated someway :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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We have a lot of eastern europeans, and generally I have very little problems with them.

But like with some other cultures, there is a big difference in social class. The richer ones tend to be ***holes.

The normal working class are all very nice, sometimes there are some difficulties with languages, like the older ones that only their own language and Russian. But we always seem to manage.

The only thing I had to adapt in my house is change the thermostats on my heaters, they are now limited to 21c.
And I go in the rooms and turn them down to 18c when they are gone.
Eastern Europeans are used to city/block heating and seem not to understand that heating is expensive, and that they should turn it down when they leave for the whole day.