Problems with Eastern European Guests/hosts

Anyone had many problems, with Eastern European guests/or hosts. I had some problems with some Czech guests, and some Polish guests too. Any others whov’e had problems with them. I find eastern Europeans aggressive at times to westerners and alot of envy and jealousy at times to westerners.

We have 6 workers from Bulgaria staying 1 month and half.
No problems at all for us.

I guess you can have problem from people from any place, don’t make it general

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Some are prone to more problems. I’ve had far better experiences with people from western europe, and North America(US/Canada). Trust factor especially, and also obediance and respect for your property better with western euros/us/canadians.

Steve, I am from EasterEurope host and guest. I have guests from Eastern Europe all the time because i speak languages and understand many that i dont speak. I never had problems with any. You are right, the culture is rough and may be not as politically correct as Western but as far as cleanliness goes the standards are quite high

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Why are there SO many posts here denigrating guests from certain countries?? UGH.


I have had several Czech Republic Guests and all have been super sweet and nice, Also my Husband’s family is from there and they all get along great with him even though his family has been here for some generations. I have also had Russians and Turkish guest and no problems.

Hi Yana, you make some good points. As said not all, but overall(I’m only saying overall based on my own experiences i can’t speak for other guests/hosts).
I had a lovely middle aged polish couple last month. Your point about the rough point is a good one, I find some are very head strong, and if you try and politely give authority about rules there’s some resistance like a more threatened energy when you give directions. It’s the culture thing, as despite some mega rich euros now, and a strong middle class, there’s also many who are poorer than western europeans(not that all western europeans are rich, far from it). But Eastern Europe is a harder rougher culture. so you have to fight harder, and some eastern europeans i’ve spoken too have said western europeans are softer, and in Australia to where I am, we softer as well they say, and people from New Zealand.
Less politically correct too, but that can be a good thing I like that forward style in many ways. But yep some trust issues I have found with eastern europeans but not all. Also some jealousy too directed at me by some of the male guests who had attractive girlfriends/wives. Not all but some, far more possessive are eastern european men than western european men. One guests from Hungary wow, that Hungarian man was so tense and unfriendly body language every time I spoke to his beautiful wife who I got one well with, she liked me and was very friendly to me, I liked her too, but yep that Hungarian man was tense and barely pleasant to me as his attractive wife liked me and got on well with me. But a lot of the Eastern European women are very friendly to me and other western men in my experience, very warm and giving attractive women. But I’m just saying from my experiences. Yana you sound like a wonderful host, pleasure hearing your reply Yana, thank you so much.

Please stop generalizing! enough of that - every person is individual and good and bad guests come from all different backgrounds.

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Fendi, I didn’t say all.

I wish the Air would weed out the hosts that discriminate and are offensive


what are you saying now about me Fendi1?

Let’s turn this to a positive - @Fendi1 could you suggest how Air would go about doing this?

Exactly Kirsty, it never ceases to amaze how some comment when they don’t like something and take an interest in it, rather than let it be.

I’m just trying to keep things positive and constructive.


you are and doing a good job too Kirsty.


You raise a good point. The problem “Airbnb” has opposed to a conventional “HOTEL” is, airbnb is far more complex. Airbnb, your dealing with someone in there private home. A 5-star Hotel, will never(or almost never) say in London for example, not take a booking with a man who has a muslim name like “Mohommed or Ali” or an African name or Latino name, or someone who says there booking a room for them a double room(double bed) and he/she gives there partners name and says my partner’s name and it’s the same gender e.g. if a man says my husband/or a woman says my wife as gay marriage is legal in more countries. But with Airbnb it’s a totally different set up, it’s allowing guests into your private home. A HOTEL is not a private home. A private home is someones personal space, so they enact there own beliefs or lifestyle choices often on there guests e.g. wanting like minded guests or people there comfortable with. I’ve read many articles saying host/guests who have attractive photos get more bookings or less rejection rate. That’s also subtle discriminatory e.g. favouring people your physically attracted/sexually attracted to even. Airbnb has said hook-ups between host/guest are not breaching there terms and conditions. There’s a gay friendly App misterbnb that’s sets up, it targets gay friendly travellers, as the owner said he started as he claimed to suffer discrimination at the hands of an airbnb host. Airbnb has to remember it’s dealing with peoples private homes as opposed to a PUBLIC-HOTEL.

Kirsty Jane,

Airbnb has been sued by an African American guest who claims that he was declined when he used a picture of himself, but was accepted when he used a picture of a Caucasian. I think that Airbnb will find a way to terminate the accounts of hosts who discriminate if they keep getting bad press and lawsuits.

One thing they could do is monitor this board as a lot of the posters give enough information about their listing that it’s easy to identify their listing.

Also, everyone complains that Airbnb promotes Instant Book, but hosts who accept Instant Book can’t discriminate.


Now that’s a great idea.

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jacquo do you say yes to all booking enquiries?

This forum would scist to exist if this happened! Horrible idea.