Offering Condoms and Plan B

First, it would be nice if we didn’t need to throw issues like abortion politics in with vacation rentals. The two have nothing to do with each other. Second, the Plan B may really open you up to liability if something goes wrong. Third, abortion does NOT need to be a federal issue-it needs to be decided by the voters at the state level. Work with your local folks and make sure abortion availability is where you and your neighbors want it to be. The Supreme Court has no business dealing with such an issue. If Roe v Wade is overturned tomorrow, it will NOT ban abortions in the US!!! It just tosses the issue back to the states, where it should be! Janet

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The original poster of this thread did not leave any snarky replies- quite the opposite. She thanked other posters for their input.

That’s not why it was reported and taken down.


She says as she proceeds to expound on her political views.


Thanks, Muddy. I try hard not to take the bait. :heart:


Something wrong with that?

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so the first article, from Time… :roll_eyes: you might not remember when they gleefully admitted to “fortifying the election” by printing endless smears against Trump. integrity, 0. and then CNN. oh dear.
I did watch a video where some southern R politician dodged questions about contraception, which was a concern. Why can’t politicians just be straight and talk like normal people (same goes for moderators in forums, look at how the abb mods deflect constantly).
I thought the conspiracy dujour was that they needed to eat the babies or something. haha, i listened to that video with the woman claiming DC lights were powered by incinerators, hilarious in how ludicrous that was.

this jumped out at me: “Everything on the right is psychological projection.”

I see that often being said of the Left too, do both sides know they smear each other in the same way? Too often these conversations are about which “side” is correct, rather than the issue at hand. There is actual sensible discussion around abortion happening out there, but it’s being drowned out by the loons on both sides.

haha, FACTS.

I thought your comment was hyperbolic, i rolled my eyes and moved on.

Of course, there are political biases to most publications. While I certainly read commentary, I listen to what politicians actually say (or try to avoid saying).

For instance, in the US, state’s rights was never intended to be a way for some states who elect racists, homophobes, misogynists, etc, to be allowed to take away basic human rights. Which is why those protections need to be upheld on a federal level.

These politicians who want to allow the individual states to decide things like that are couching their vile ideas in some distraction about states rights.

It’s like claiming that of course you don’t think it’s okay for children to go hungry, yet giving those who would vote against providing school lunches to kids who don’t ever get a decent meal at home, the power to let kids go hungry because they are immigrants, or in a heavily black area, or your area supposedly needs those funds for new roads, or whatever drives the decision to stop the school lunch program. The end result, malnourished children, which the majority of decent people on the planet consider to be not okay, is what’s important, not some debate on who should be allowed to decide if they go hungry or not.


At least someone had a sense of humor.

I can’t help it that my humor is a bit sharp and full of sarcasm.

The original poster felt compelled to express her political positions, so I responded.

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Look at the result of progressive policies over the decades in America’s biggest cities.

If you like high taxes, chronic crime, endless graffiti, out of control homelessness, dangerous gangs, and anti-business bureaucracy, they’re great!

But on the upside, you can get free birth control, free needles, cashless bail, and free rent if you don’t mind living in a tent on public property. In New York City, you have the privilege of paying a CITY income tax too!

There’s a reason why millions of Americans are moving away from big metro areas en masse annually, and it’s not just for economic reasons.

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Great first post… not

Do only prostitutes and their Johns use condoms in your world

Meanwhile in the rest of the common sense world condoms are use to protect against sexual diseases including HIV and pregnancy .

  1. Condoms aren’t easily available in all parts of the world

  2. Not everyone pre plans


This is an international forum. The world is not all about what happens in the US.

What has your rant got to do with the topic being discussed in this post @jjcrawford ???

There’s a reason why the rest of the world looks on in horror at the US and your appalling right wing proposed legislation as setting women’s rights back to a time when back street abortions and deaths were common.


That’s why they spend time trolling forums and social media. They are terrified of losing the power they’ve had. They don’t know how to adapt to a fast paced changing world. They fear having the same status in the US that they do globally. Even if they could take permanent control of the USA, and they can’t, the world will continue to do what it does. As one of my favorite songs says, “the joke’s on them.”


Maybe just include a pamphlet with info on where/how to purchase plan b? I have a basket full of pamphlets with local activities for instance…rather than assume that risk.

Love it! I don’t personally have use for most of that stuff anymore but you would get “cool” points from me just for having it available.

(You make me miss my hometown. I’m up in New England and it’s full of rednecks. Doh.)

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Please see my post earlier in this thread. I appreciate the “cool points” & good intentions. I understand why it seems supportive.

While good intentioned this may cause harm. This medication interacts with prescription & OTC medications. Some interactions can be serious. There is a necessary education component.

Absolutely provide information about access resources like the closest pharmacies.

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Actually yes you can. Sarcasm often comes across as mean & cruel. You choose how you present yourself.

In my neck of the woods being sarcastic to the wrong person will be the start of a meeting with a pool cue.


He’s so full of :poop: I can smell it from here. He claims to be a straight shooter but:

Austin is terrible and people are fleeing metro areas yet Austin is one of the fastest growing metro areas.

People should be responsible during sex but he’s not responsible for what he types.


@kkc Austin is #10 (this list includes areas that are not Metro & some that are)

25 Fastest-Growing Places in the U.S. in 2022-2023

My rental area is in #1
My home is 1.5 hours north of Charlotte & 1.5 hours west of Raleigh so looks like I’m in a good location.