Kitchen use rules suddenly challenged

We live in a resort area so our guests aren’t here during the day. Usually out the door by 9. They aren’t banned from the living room if they happen to be here during the day. But we are upstairs at night so the living room is all theirs at that time.


You didn’t believe me???

I’m shocked. I’ve suggested adding to our languages, but my better half just gave a clip round the ear and said don’t be a naQmoH wanI’mey toDSaH.


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I DO believe that you host Klingons. Many of us do, including combined William Shattner appearances. You’ve hosted Bill, I assume…

Klingons…Shat…ner. There’s a joke in there somewhere.


Absolutely! Newbies especially seem to think that Airbnb spaces mean budget friendly and that they can use anything in your home, just like their homes. I’ve had lovely guests and then those that try to follow me into the closed off Master Suite area to chat or keep asking for things I don’t provide. Boundaries. Boundaries.


Do you share your home or only let a whole house listing? Lots of things that home share hosts do seem to put you off so if you are planning to be a guest perhaps be sure you don’t get a shared listing.

We have shared our home for two years, more than 300 guests, high ratings, many return guests, and it has been an amazing, sometimes transcendent experience. My point is this. In the span of a month, we’ve had some outlier experiences that cause me to wonder if other people have had these experiences. And yes, Klaus Balkenhol still rocks.

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Ha! I have a friend who works as a linguist at Duolingo and another as developer. Next time I see them I’m going to ask why they added this language when google translate doesn’t have it :). I tried to paste what you said in google translate and it detected “hindi” instead if klingon :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: and couldn’t translate… So…

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You made me look…it up. I was guessing a drummer for a German death metal band. LOL.

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Just for you, in case a couple of klingons turn up and you need to reinforce boundaries. Although good luck with that!



I love this forum! 20 times over.

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qatlho’ SoH laHmey, John.

I think you were responding to my response to @AlexSJ. :wink:

Dressage is certainly not my forte but I can’t disagree with you on Klaus! :horse:

I actually do both. I have hosted rooms homeshare style since 2012 and back then the offers were just way more true to the original spirit.

As a matter of fact I currently have a lovely couchsurfing couple staying with me and something like banning them from the living room during the day allowing access only in the night hours would seem really alien to me and btw …

I just had a newbie book right around the time where both of us had communication problems.He seems a nice chap so we spend a few minutes going through the rules. You are right. MY attitude has to change!

If you use whatever the search engine is that Edge uses (is it Bing?) their translation service has Klingon, I believe :slight_smile:

Couch surfing is very different a well. Are there house rules for that as well?

I might even go as far to say, that CS is very different as CS hosts offer more for much less $$$ - go figure.

It can probably can come with all kind of fineprint as well … as the potential problems are the same: not being mindful of locking doors, excessive use of utilities, …

I also understand that all situations are different and nowadays the majority of hosts consider it a business, nada mas. The majority of my private room reservations have always been: travellers, arriving or leaving the country. Staying 1 night or 2 nights.

And, here are the rules - pretty much unchanged since 2012.


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You are so right. My Guest recently showed up with groceries and I allowed her to use the stove after she asked me for pots. The crazy thing is that she asked me where the pots were and I told her to please hold on and I would get her one she could use (I was upstairs). You would think that this Guest would realize that I do not feel comfortable for her to go into my cabinets and retrieve things herself. Nope. That evening after I left, she helped herself to open my cabinets and use all of my seasonings and oils. When I got home, I started to cook my dinner and noticed everything rearranged in my spice cabinet. Yes, I have a picture of my kitchen because that is where the Breakfast Bar is but I am clear that kitchen is for dining purposes only. I also have something posted in the kitchen about what Guests can/cannot use. So I am confused as to why a Guest would ignore the House Rules in the listing when she booked and then ignore the rules posted in the home?

The same reason any person ignores rules posted anywhere. Why do people speed, litter, or go straight from the left turn only lane, especially when the traffic line is long in the straight only lane? LOL. It’s a combo of they think they can get away with it and they think what they want is more valid than what anyone else wants. Once you let this guest cook in your “no cooking” kitchen everything else became negotiable and you’ve only yourself to blame. Still I’d mention it in her review.