Kitchen Quarantine: What’cha Cook’n?

Oooh buns… I miss burgers and buns…

There are recipes that allow you to mix wheat and almond flours. A friend sent me a book called “The Gluten Free Girl: American Classics Reinvented.” It has a lot of GF flours with xantham gum additives, which I’m not a fan of. But it does have a hamburger bun recipe. It uses the sandwich bread recipe. The fonts are awful, I’m sorry…

and finally, the flour…

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In the interests of finding out how easy this is - it’s very.
I just made a bun.

Hints: Sift together the baking soda and the almond flour to make sure they blend together evenly. I ended up with little white bumps in mine and they’re bitter.

Looks like a crumpet, tastes like a bun.

Cut in half and toast it before adding burgers, ets.

Wait. You just made a bun from scratch in 30 minutes?

I made the crumpet bun in the microwave in 90 seconds cooking time. About 3 minutes total.

It was bitter, though. Not sure why.

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I just busted out my daughters hello kitty sewing machine and made masks for the family, it’s not cooking but still home ec!


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As a followup to our discussion on frozen bananas, I came across this today, which I’ll be making this evening.

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Some tips to help you cook :wink:



That has to be the funniest thing I’ve read all day. I have my late Mom’s sewing machine from the 1950s. It’s a work horse…

It is a Janome, its cute and it is a serious machine.



Did you have your cheeseburger? Did you make a GF bun? How did it come out?

No, the meat and cheese arrive later today. I found another recipie that looks really good and it requires pysillium husk powder which I don’t have. So I may wait until that arrives and make the deluxe buns. I’ll keep you updated. :wink:

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I saw this and was going to make buns for tonights dinner, beyond burgers for me and oldest daughter and beef for the rest. But no tomatoes until I pick up grocery order from Walmart tomorrow. I never would have thought I would become a WalMart shopper, but desperate times…


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I 2nd that! Until recently they never existed in Los Angeles so I truly had never been inside one. Then the move to AZ and my first experience was in astonishment at the VAAASSTNEEEESSS. It’s harder to maneuver through than Home Depot.

But when occasional needs warrant such an excursion I just say I’m going to ‘The W’ … If Target can be referred to as “Tar-Jey”, then I believe Walmart can take on the airs of a luxury hotel.


Our local brewpub is selling 64OZ growlers for $10 and they will bring them to the car:) . This is the real deal, they brew it right there using well water. Life is good


Dammit. I’ve been trying to see if I have to quit gluten or just cut back. My big flare ups have been after copious amounts consumed (like after a vacation) so am hoping to just cut back. I’ve heard of a couple of retailers doing the same here.

Yardhouse is offering them for $14 so $10 for better local beer seems like a great deal, considering they are $8 a glass at the bar, beer of the day $5
They also fill custom 32oz cans for $5 right now, I do not want to waste the cans though seems better to buy the growler and refil

I will report back, they open at 4


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Yeah, keep rubbing it in! LOL.

All of our breweries are doing that too! And our liquor stores are delivering :slight_smile:

Tex-ass is finally allowing some liquor deliveries. I’m not sure of the conditions as I have a hook up for deliveries from my favorite booze store. A friend works at a nearby deli and can pick up my online orders for me.

Oh, it’s better than that in some counties:


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