House Rules to CYA as a host

I would reframe this to what the guest SHOULD do.

Personally I would not stay here. The last thing I want to see on a review was a thumbs down for talking to the neighbours.

Stephen, perhaps you were a frustrated contractual lawyer in a past life. Sorry, I couldn’t get past the:

From an ethical perspective, you are asking your guests to lie for you…it does disturb me that you are using this platform to solicit /promote dishonesty.

I am curious though, whom it would be that would be interested in this style of business…

Perhaps you were a wee bit bored & posted this just to yank our chains!
I hope the latter is the case.


I fail to understand how someone, claiming 90% occupancy, simply has the time to not only bore us with such detail, but to continuously post ripostes to anyone’s obviously solicited comments.

I’m off to do something useful.


@sobepuppy What’s your %age occupancy and average rating again? I think I missed it. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Young “rental arbitrage entrepreneurs,” and investors with multiple listings in apartment buildings.


Don’t forget that all those rules already prevent bad guest behavior, so none of the residents will even care that such well-behaved guests are short-term renters, right? :upside_down_face:

But seriously, if there is any reason for guests not to tell people they are short-term renters, then the mere existence of that rule gives the guest the biggest extortion leverage imaginable.

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You’re wrong. Non disclosure is not a lie, a knowingly false statement is a lie. I don’t ask anyone to lie.

Not as bored as some who feel the need to opine on posts they disagree with, huh ?

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Probably distracted by all the supportive comments from fellow hosts here…

Differences in opinion don’t bother me at all. Open and direct criticism will always get a response from me.

Oh you wouldn’t book with me? Good, I wouldn’t host you.

You feel patronized by my rules? Develop a spine and some self respect then. - That little bit is free and unsolicited for all all jerks on this forum. Always nice to return the favor of friendly advise, isn’t it ?

Did you fail to understand this before or after you made your post ?

Indeed - and the same goes both ways. Opine in a negative fashion, be accepting of the response, right? Given my education and career i’m not inclined to bend over and accept being taken advantage of. Be it from the government or any individual.

Exposing and resisting corrupt and unfair laws is how we progress in a democratic society and become more free. Then again, I’m not of an age where I think it was normal / acceptable to sit at a counter to eat my lunch while others were the denied the same right. Its not an undermining of civil society when that same society advances unfair / unconstitutional laws.

This is true - also why anyone is free to book elsewhere.

Nope, just a knack for calling out jerks.

Hmmmm… calling forum members jerks, if not a TOS violation of the forum rules, is at least a window into the mindset of a small man and a striking and disturbing visual of his small…

You thinks wrong CeeBee. Your choice in seeing discretion as secrecy. Just cause all but 2 units in my building are conducting them, doesn’t prevent any of the full time neighbors from calling the City about noise, etc, and forming a basis to oppose and vote against STRs right to our board. Thx for the support.

Thats good to know, as I wouldn’t host you.

…and of course his first statement is false.

Of which I’ve had many guests who’ve attempted this banned from Airbnb. A simple screenshot of any language implying coercion works wonders for getting bad guests banned for life.

There are many reasons why one shouldn’t be advertising they are short term renters. First and foremost is to mind your own damn business. 99% of the time that avoid all kinds of problems.

Small what, I couldn’t understand what you’re implying - do you have your mouth full of something, that why you didn’t finish your thought? What again are you implying as you discuss violations of TOS ?

See below for the strict version of my rules. I don’t put them on the fridge for every guest.

I do for one-nighters, guests who have no reviews, guests who give the impression of not being the best at reading details in the listing and anyone I get a feeling may need a firmer hand. They are the rules I care the most about.


You just lost the potential business of the peanut gallery in this forum…

Really, you know my building is zoned as a hotel? News to me. Must have learned that while removing the small objects you like to place in your mouth huh?