House Rules to CYA as a host

nice! Great idea to have translations…

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Probably not, because most people on here are experienced Airbnb users and would have reviews. I wouldn’t feel the need to hit them with this kind of language.

The same rules appear in my listing, but in a more polite tone.

I only put the strict rules on the fridge in cases where I have a feeling they might be needed.

Anyone seeing the strict rules has already booked and is in my house… No one has complained thus far.

(I have more “friendly” things in the house when they arrive too, like snacks, drinks and welcome note on the kitchen table.)


I experience the same and assume those inclined to complaint don’t book with me. Thankfully.

I’d be more sympathetic toward you if you didn’t insult us. Perhaps you need to be patronizing with your guests. I understand where you are and the kind of guests you had, but why do you insult us? Do you think you are superior because you are blatantly upfront in business in your area?
Let me tell you: none of us here is inferior to you, OK? We are not stupid, and your way of patronizing us, fellow hosts, just puts me off.
I don’t want to discuss anymore with you and I don’t understand why you posted here. Just to brag about how smart you are and how stupid we all are? Just to show how superior you are to us?
Personally I’m done with you and if I could block you to avoid reading your stuff I would.


Sobe, you need a mental Marguerita. Chill.


Any advice for always getting paid despite the incompetent Airbnb CS? I provide them video proof and they seem to lately say that they can’t open or can’t view or didn’t receive the incriminating evidence. They say they were able to receive, open, and view all the other videos but since they are missing the key link they won’t rule in my favor.

WOW. I have three rules. And sometimes guests don’t even read those… lol

Joking aside, sometimes hosting is a drag, sometimes it’s super fun. Apologies, but your rules read as if you have come to detest people and hosting, in general.

Every listing is different and some heavily touristed areas can attract more difficult guests and/or unique issues for that specific region (i.e. tanning lotions, sand, legal cannabis, college towns, etc.). Yours may be one of those areas, however, treating paying customers with contempt straight out of the gate sets an adversarial tone, that really benefits no one involved. If these points are all important to you, then maybe just tighten up the list and rephrase for tone.

Ex: Please wash and put away dishes. Unwashed dishes may result in an additional cleaning charge.

Direct, no-nonsense and firm…but not quite as unhinged sounding (sorry!) as the “DO NOT leave dirty…” “[that] is your responsibility” “[we] are not your employees” “if you are behaving”…etc.

You can still make all these points while remaining respectful and allowing guests the opportunity to step into the role of good stewards of your property.


I should have read this before opining. Hey, if it’s working for you, then more power to you. We have (nearly) all had shi**y, entitled guests who have made us want to quit.

Me too and I can block him.

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You come to pontificate on a forum you don’t respect and then repeatedly refer to the people who comment on your post in an insulting way? To what purpose?

This forum has never been friendly to your kind of investor/illegal hosting and I don’t think it’s going to start.


This pissing contest is now closed.