First booking from another host

Just got a booking from a guest that announced she and her husband are also hosts. When I looked at her profile, she has 68 reviews as a host from May 2015-Sep 2019, but she has only one listing that has no reviews. Apparently, she previously had another listing which is no longer listed.

I can read the reviews, but I’m wondering if there’s any way to see her star ratings as a host. I’m mostly just curious how she did with her hosting model. Her profile says she rents out a room in her home or she rents out her entire house for the weekend and she and her family vacate. The current listing is whole-home and doesn’t mention renting out only rooms, so that may not be an option with the new listing.


Or not, lol

I have never dug around to try and find a hosts star ratings, i will follow along and see what others say.

I panicked the first time I hosted a host, I saw red flags where there were none, I was sure she would be overly critical. She did end up being “helpful” in the private remarks but left a good review.


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Only if they have a listing with ratings.

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You might try doing a google search with the city, “airbnb”, and her or their names; that has worked for me to bring up listings that are hard to find in the Airbnb app.

Based on my impression of your diligence and thoroughness that you describe in this forum I don’t think you have anything to worry about. But, with that said, I do exactly what you’re trying to do.

I’ve never tried to look for this sort of information when I host a host. I more interested in the reviews they have left for other hosts @Brian_R170

I think what’s important is if she is a good fit for your listing…

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I’m the same. I can understand the curiosity but I wouldn’t have the time, to be honest. :slight_smile:

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We’ve hosted many hosts and have never panicked, either. I’ve never looked at hosts’ ratings as hosts.

Every host we’ve had stay here was wonderful. 5 star guests.


I’m not worried about her as a guest, I just read her profile and it mentioned how she rents a room or the whole house while they move away. I thought it was an interesting model but honestly not one I would expect to get outstanding reviews since she has a family with 4 children. The reviews are pretty good, though. Nobody mentioned cleanliness issues and almost no negative comments. One guest commented that the house wasn’t as comfortable as expected and the bathroom was too small. Another guest was bitten by her dog (!!!), to which she responded the dog had since been re-homed. What a shame because a few guests before that commented that they loved the dog and one couple even said it slept with them in their room.

It looks like she mostly rented a room in 2015-2016 where she had about 20 bookings per year and then only whole-home in 2017-2019, where she only got 5 to 7 bookings per year.

Yeah, I already checked those. She only has 2. One was really good. The other she complimented on cleanliness and decor, but complained that the description said it was above a restaurant, but it was actually above a nightclub/bar with loud music until 3am. That listing is now gone.

That is a shame indeed.

When I rented my room and they had access to my home I never left the dogs alone with the guests except in a couple of cases with a repeat guest who knew my dogs and had a lot of experience with dogs. There are just too many things that can go wrong.
My primary fear was a guest dog escaping due to human guest error.

So will this woman be staying with 4 kids?

The reservation is for 3 adults, 4 children, and 1 infant.

That’s the part that would gnaw at me, not her reviews. LOL.


We are traveling in Feb and I guess the host there will figure it out or has already that we are hosts. I certainly didn’t mention it to her. I can’t wait to go and meet her. A much needed and relaxing trip, we hope! To Cozumel:)

The only host we hosted (that we know of) was the nightmare extortioner…
Except right now we have a French gentleman who is the " Villa Lena" ( look it up very interesting) owner, a big cheese, he seems pretty cool.

What platform did he book through?

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Maybe the subject of a different topic, but this discussion got me curious if any hosts on this forum have stayed as guests in AirBNBs of Forum hosts.

Did they discover it after booking or was there a “love connection” made prior?

Yes. I specifically seek out forum members to patronize; I’ve also been PM’d by members who read here of my travel plans. It would be cool to discover after booking but hasn’t happened yet.


No, but only because I haven’t been to the places that I have on my ‘Air Hosts Forum Wishlist’. Or if I have, the members here with rentals in those places are rooms-in-a-house listings and I want entire places. (Cat).

I wish I could get more cat guests, I’ve only had one and they were great!

There is a home near mine that has two listing options: one for two bedrooms and a bath, one for the entire house. It appears that they use the home during the week but have another home out of town that they can go to when someone takes the entire house. They have some of the best ratings in town so it works for them.

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Run away! :rofl::rofl::rofl::scream::scream::scream::scream::flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed::rofl:


Only 3 star review I ever received was from another host who stayed during Xmas week and wanted her 2 children to stay for free…