Ever Go Above and Beyond Only To Get No Review?

I know it is disappointing but not surprising. Privacy is a big issue lately. I myself feel bombarded by requests for reviews of service, products, etc. for anything acquired through the internet or traced by an email address. Consequently I rarely respond, but I do leave Airbnb reviews.

Hosts here tend to fall into one of two camps - those who shrug and move on and those who get worked up about it. (I’m a shrugger).

This is just one of the reasons that long term guests are a bad idea. Because I take one-nighters (although it’s rare) I could theoretically (pre-covid) get 30 reviews in the time you had just the one opportunity.

I’ve never had had an email requesting no review but I am careful about mentioning names in a review other than that of the booker. Although 30 days is a pretty long ‘dirty weekend’. :wink:


You can’t control other people and only yourself imperfectly. I’m a broken record on this but it’s true. So let that go.

Same here. I not only take one nighters, I prefer them. The longest anyone stayed was a month but it was off Airbnb. I had a dentist who stayed about a dozen times in Fall of 2018…not a single review. In parts of 2019 I was getting 20 reviews a month because I was doing lots of back to back one nighters. About 80% of my guests review, or did before the pandemic so I have over 600 reviews.

Going above and beyond and getting no review is better than doing a guest a favor and then getting a 3 star review which happened to me my first year.

I suggest if Lenny isn’t going to leave you a review you might as well as him a favor in return. Tell him if he ever returns to book with you directly.


Did he stay alone? I’m wondering if he’s a cheater and that’s why he doesn’t want any digital footprints.

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What a silly viewpoint he has. Air reviews will not show up on a random 'net search.
It is what it is. Take the money and move on. We would not have done a long term stay on any OTA (tenancy risk and all that such entails).

I completely understand the guest’s request and never write reviews for a similar reason. I simply don’t like the idea of leaving a digital footprint easily associated with my real identity.

On comments saying people can’t search for your reviews, a program can easily collect any information a random unlogged-in person can manually click and view. I am able to view reviews of previous hosts who have reviewed my potential guests, and with some web sleuthing can also view reviews of those other hosts as hosts as well as guests, and so on. A program can also (slowly) emulate the behavior of a logged-in user.

I am surprised. Reviews help good guests & good hosts

It’s a bit one sided for you to expect a guest to leave your rental a review which future guests use as a prompt/cue your rental is good.

You don’t do the same for your guest because you don’t want to leave a digital footprint?

Too late now. In the USA if I know a property address, I can get owner name & their home address from a quick public records search.

My 87 year old father thought because he doesn’t use a computer he would not appear in a Google search. He shocked when I showed him what was out there. To think otherwise is naive at best.


Yes to all of your above comments, except that I don’t strongly care if my guests leave a review for me either, though I suppose if months go by without anyone leaving a review, that might look slightly odd (but still doesn’t affect your overall review rating if it is already high).

There’s no way to avoid it, and I wouldn’t care unless my listing was new and short on reviews. It could be a setback for a listing that is just starting out and provides stays of only 30 days or longer, and if that was the case, I’d politely ask the guest to reconsider leaving a review.

I agree. Receiving or giving a review is nothing compared to the digital footprint generated by creating an Airbnb account and using the Airbnb app.


So you are benefitting from guests leaving reviews, yet you won’t extend the same benefit to the guests or other hosts? I just don’t understand that sort of self-interest without giving back.


You can’t force someone to leave a review. You could remind him he since he enjoyed his stay, he would be helping you get future bookings and help guests find a good place to stay.

A review gap if 30-90 days is no big deal. Many host list on more than one platform so the Airbnb reviews won’t show the VRBO reviews so there are gaps. Also hosts like me have very seasonal rentals so no surprise there are gaps.

The Guest’s concern just does not match up with reality. At least regarding Air reviews.

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Correct. I didn’t ask them to leave reviews but do benefit from their appreciation. You really don’t understand self interest? :slight_smile: We are all self interested in our own ways.

Sure, we all read Ayn Rand in high school. I understand selfishness too.

As has been pointed out, using Airbnb but not leaving reviews in the name of privacy is ludicrous.


Self-centeredness? Or is it laziness?—

List a property, make money, decide not to participate in the social/business norm of the review process which is described repeatedly as important for the model to work for guests & future hosts.

I review almost all my guests. I’ve missed a couple because I got busy & missed the deadline.


Nah, it’s self interest as duly noted by others and myself. You have the freedom to judge this attitude of course. To me it would be like me (unfairly) judging gregarious extroverted Facebook public wall or Twitter posters as show-offy, virtue signaling, humble bragging, and egocentric echo chamber mongers. I’m introverted and private compared to the average person and never use social media for anything other than one-one messages, most certainly not the Facebook (bathroom) wall, although I’m not philosophically opposed to scrawling on an actual bathroom wall :slight_smile: given its anonymity, assuming the establishment doesn’t mind it or appears to encourage it.

We all have our personality quirks and self-centerisms and mine in my view is hardly egregious. My view of the world is I have the freedom to choose how I act unless constrained otherwise by a formal or verbal agreement or by law, especially in a business.

FWIW, if it makes you feel better, I had a nasty guest this week, my first bad experience, who showed up as three after booking for two, and refused to pay when confronted with the building’s security camera evidence. He really does make me want to write a factual negative review for the benefit of other hosts (so they don’t get lured by his small number of positive reviews like I was), but I admittedly haven’t actually done so yet and am hardly dying to do so.

I hear you and refer you to my reply to @Annet3176. The privacy is as much about personality as online privacy.

But it is also about online privacy. As a tech expert with the ability to fairly easily obtain compromising information about most anyone while staying within legal limits, I’d say online privacy is all about how high you make the bar. Just like real world security and privacy, nothing is absolutely bulletproof. I host anonymously and my adopted host name is gender anonymous. Sure, if someone knows your address, they can know who the owner is. But only booked guests know your address. And they still don’t know for sure who the host really is or if the owner is even the host.

My last response and will stop after, promise. Some people are different from the norm and different from you. You might find them ridiculous or even weirdos, but consider that they might just be different.

I provide a fantastic hosting service to my guests and my guests feel it (and happen to effuse publicly about it of their own volition). I am confident that Airbnb has no issue with introverted hosts/guests like me and values my hosting business and is comfortable with my usage of the freedom they grant me to choose to not leave reviews. If they incentivized writing reviews (like Amazon or third parties do for some customers), I might think differently. Otherwise I neither seek nor care to write reviews.

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That isn’t the point. If you don’t leave reviews for your guests, you are doing a disservice to other hosts by not informing them of whether this was a desirable or undesirable guest.

You are also doing a disservice to your good guests who will be more readily accepted by other hosts if they have good reviews.

Many hosts won’t even accept guests with no reviews. So if their hosts don’t leave reviews, it cuts down on the number of listings they may be eligible to book, which is unfair to great guests any host would be happy to have.


This is a non-issue in my case because my instant book settings only accept guests who already have positive reviews. Not to mention I have never been asked for a review by any guest and assume they can speak for themselves to me if they feel disserviced by me.