Duvet cover topic number 13,973 :: How Sophie does it

Couldn’t resist posting this one, and if we actually had a changeover I might even have been tempted to try it!



Love it. I threw my back out putting my duvet together the first time, and I did it wrong. This video could have spared me the pain and mental agony. There are a lotstrong text****strong text of threads on duvets in this forum.

Don’t! This was all the rage on YouTube a bit back and I tried it on a double turnover day. It’s a right faff. Just do it the normal way and you’ll be fine. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Many ways… My daughter says she gets inside the cover and pulls the duvet inside!
Me? I usually do it the usual way (hold the 2 corners of the duvet and push it into the cover, then shake the bejesus out of it. I am lucky, being 6’4" I can hold the whole duvet and cover up and shake it.
But last time I started with the cover inside out. Lay it on top of the duvet, picked both up by the 2 corners furthest away from the opening, and shook it until the cover slid down over the duvet.
Much easier!
Oh, and I have sucessfully tried the youtube method. It works, but I can’t see how?

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Yes, you are right. Luckily, my “normal way” is simply to let my OH do it :wink:



Yep, it’s better to make sure it’s done properly. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Why does it go faster with me doing it than with me and DH doing it?
The duvet change out that is…

I’ve done a version of that I’d seen previously. I think when I saw it, it was called the burrito method. Mostly what I do is what @mirrabucca does. But I figure the day will come when the shaking doesn’t do it and I’ve got to reach around inside the cover and mess with it. Or maybe I just won’t be doing Airbnb by then.

Like anything it’s not that hard if you keep at it. And even when it’s “hard” it only takes a few minutes. When people can’t be bothered it makes me wonder about their standards on other things.

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Some people have a super low frustration level- if something is the least bit finicky, they instantly get fussed. Or they already anticipated that it was going to be hard or that it was something they wished they didn’t have to do. Then, because they approach a task with those impatient attitudes, it seems to take them twice as long. That’s been my observation, anyway.

My neighbor is like that- I hear him yell the F word several times a day when something isn’t working the way he wants it to. He’s also ADHD, as far as I can tell, which is part of it.

I’m a “keep at it” kinda gal, myself.


minimum frustration=positive attitude=happy life!!

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My method was flawless. I returned the whole duvet setup to the store! :joy:


My OH also does it. Which is why I can say without any qualms, “getting the duvet changed is easy”.


Clearly you know just the right way to get it done efficiently


I do that with the queen duvet cover & sometimes the double. The covers are a pain because the openings don’t go all the way to the edge. It’s a zipper so I can’t just cut them. But I like them because they dry super quickly and can’t be ironed :sweat_smile:

I don’t want to troll this topic: any good places to buy covers that are sturdy? Made in U.S.?

None of the ones I’ve bought are made in the US. But @gypsy can make all sorts of stuff and I know she will make a duvet cover of out of two flat sheets. She is in the US. :wink:

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Duvet covers are easy to make. Maybe buy some fabric you like and find a local seamstress to make them?

Thanks, ladies! I need 3 made…or 6 so I have backups. Try to buy US-made, eco-friendly products.

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If you bought the 2 sheets of your choice per cover, and they were sewn into duvet covers for you nicely, with zippers, how much would you pay for that labor?? Of course shipping would be extra.

It goes unsaid that the higher quality sheets you use for these covers, the longer they will last. I use the highest I can afford: vintage Ralph Lauren, or 750 ct Pima or Supima both 100% cotton. Mine have been through numerous washings but no dryings. They still look like new after 2 years 2 nights per week use each.


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