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I agree with others that this is appropriate. I don’t think we Americans are used to having domestic terrorism on this scale. I also suspect that JohnF is right, this isn’t just about liberal politics, it’s about liability.
Corporations make these kinds of decision all the time. People are escorted off planes, kicked out of hotels and restaurants, etc. I’m sure I could think of more examples but I’m only one cuppa in.
I’m pretty sure the dip in mid Dec was the founders selling big blocks of their shares. I’d like to think all the run up is just demand for travel related stocks. But these big leaps of the last two days must be something.
Frankly the stability of the stock markets given all the uncertainty and political upheaval have me scratching my head.
I can understand your anguish. Mine is centered on not buying as many shares as I could get. I continue to assert that even if they found a way to increase participation it would have only resulted in each host getting such a small share that no one would have cared if they got any or not.
In fact, I was probably (at the time) more pee’d off at the fact I had to go home from my perch outside my local bar, we have a strict 6pm finish with heavy fines for anyone caught open after then.
Got too much respect for the owners to even consider still having a drink in my hand a minute or two before six. Unlike the selfish feckers on the terrace who were giving the staff (owners) a hard time because they lifted their drinks (mostly coffee but still count) at bang on six.
I’ll stick with my blue chip portfolio, still paying dividends even under current scenario…
The login service Parler had contracted for cancelled their contract, which allowed anyone to log in without a password, and Parler didn’t have anyone who knew how to write a login in program…
So good hackers (and, I’m sure, every government security agency) was there downloading the entire Parler database right up until Amazon pulled the plug.
Four years ago the Mercers funded Cambridge Analytica, which blew up in their faces. This time around they funded Parler, which didn’t pay for the kind of talent that CA had to have.
so i guess airbnb hosts are mainly liberal? this is nice to see, but where are all the head-banging right wingers out there? there must be some conservative owners, or do conservatives hate the very idea of people of color and other genders in their homes?
I’m just a walking conflict.
Republican yes
Fiscal conservative yes
Social liberal yes
Trumper no
Christian yes
Airbnb host yes—trying to hang on with one (moved two to LTR-damn Covid)
Educated-somewhat but can be naive
Oh, they show up on the hosting forums from time to time. There have been quite a few pop up on the Airbnb community forum, whenever some issue comes up like Airbnb cancelling bookings due to COVID, or when Airbnb donated to BLM.
On this forum they generally get instant pushback and negative and sarcastic pile-on, and eventually go away.
They usually try to couch their politics, but it’s patently obvious, like one I saw on another forum where the host was irate that Airbnb penalized her for cancelling certain guests, stating that she should be allowed to run her listing in a way that reflected her “American values”.
Guess she missed the poem, “Give me your tired, your poor,/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” On the Statue of Liberty and the “All men are created equal…” in the Declaration of Independence.
See, I told you religión was a far more contentious subject than politics. According to a far more learned friend than me (Catholic priest), its also caused more wars and death over the years than any other issue.
Keep in mind that Airbnb hosts are mainly… not Americans. Also a good chunk are the corporate owners. For hosts in other nations some will be liberal, some conservative, some socialist by US standards. Also only a small percentage of hosts post on any forum of any kind anywhere.
On this forum we’ve had plenty of posts showing a conservative bias but indeed most of them stop posting because the majority of active members here are more liberal minded.
This makes sense but I don’t know of any actual evidence or data to support it.
What they SHOULD do is say "Any hosts in the DC area who wish to cancel may do so with no penalty. Not this total blanket capricious act. Of course, this is SO TYPICAL for them. We will be seeing a lot more of it post-IPO.