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I can guarantee there will be hosts who take Airbnb’s money AND attempt to book off platform. Many will simply contact the guests who had reserved (using the phone number they got from Airbnb of course) and book them directly.
From the beginning if a host doesn’t like Airbnb they can create their own site or go to another platform. Like it or not a business never has and never will give all affected parties a vote.
Long story, made short, your opinion doesn’t matter to Airbnb. Neither does mine.
Agree Jefferson. AirBnB seems to forget they’re simply a tech platform and don’t own any rights to my property. User terms and conditions - of course, but not to mandate who and when people stay.
Those agreeing with AirBnB on this are supporting a system that suppresses legal rights to protest. It’s Blade Runner 2021 - assuming thought crimes in guests.
There’s nothing legal about breaking down windows and doors, publicly announcing intent to assassinate elected officials, carrying zipties with the stated intent to use them as handcuffs, or murdering a police officer.
I said protest. I didn’t say riot. Clearly that’s an issue. I don’t advocate the assumption of crime in thought or action prior though. That’s a very slippery slope to enter.
Why do people have security cameras if not because they assume that they are necessary for crime prevention? Why do so many Americans insist they need guns for self-protection if they aren’t assuming that a crime may be attempted? Why is there airport security and metal detectors if no one assumes criminal thought or action prior?
And in the case of blocking and cancelling inaugural bookings, it isn’t an assumption of crime in thought or action- there are many of these rioter types posting their intent to commit criminal acts.
If someone told you that they saw a couple of people conspiring online to burn down your house, would you simply ignore that and take no action?
Sigh. I don’t. I think security is over managed as a weapon of fear more than protection. I’m not naive but I see a bigger picture here. If you need to shut down the systems to protect the inauguration of an elected official from the people, was he really elected by the people? We’re things closed during the riots and burning after 2016 elections? I don’t live in the States do I have no vested interest in your system either way, but I do have a vested interest if there is a bigger agenda at play that involves civil liberties. There’s no point continuing this dialogue. You do you. I’ll do me. Assume what you like and I wish you well with your BnB. Cheers.
They aren’t mandating when people stay, they are mandating when people can book on their platform. You really think hosts can’t just go ahead and re-book their guest off Airbnb or on another platform?
(I’m going to keep beating this dead horse because people keep engaging in this distortion)
Of course he was. Just because a minority of the population that believes in conspiracy theories that have been proven to have no basis in fact, insists that their side won, when it clearly didn’t, that doesn’t give their deranged ideas legitimacy. We are talking about mentally disturbed and often violent people here.
It’s really quite astonishing that there are some people, including some hosts, who think that Airbnb is the only advertising platform that exists. Or that works. Most of us use several platforms plus our own sites or have been doing this for long enough to get many repeat guests who book direct.
It is rather annoying when people assume that we can’t run our own businesses. What morons we must be.
Airbnb is shutting down to avoid liability but they are also virtue signaling their liberal agenda, which is certainly their prerogative.
As for all the other security measures, it’s kind of tricky when there are people on the inside aiding the rioters. Of course, conveniently, all these troops are locking DC residents in their homes and a lot of those folks are working class BIPOC of color. If I were a black resident of DC I would be damn suspicious of all the police and troops there and what are they really there for as long as the insurrectionist is CIC.
Nominated for 'clueless and most damaging theory about why conspirators who announced they want to kill leaders should not be prevented from doing so - and btw allowing potential murderers to subvert our elections.
Yes Biden was elected by the people; 81M. There were 74M who voted for the other candidate hence the essence of an election is some one wins and some one loses.
The concern for violence is real.
I don’t care if Airbnb closes their platform for a few days for a reason in my area. I know how to run an ad on Craigslist.
The minute I chose to use someone else’s platform, I gave them the right to manage THEIR platform.
The second anyone posts anything on a site, platform, or server they don’t own, they now have to follow the owner’s rules.
Yes, and even of the 74 million who voted for the loser and questioned the results, storming the Capitol, intending to kill politicians, vandalizing the place and killing a cop was for many of them over the edge of acceptable protest.
There is some question being raised now as to the wording in Airbnb’s statement as to whether hosts will actually be paid what they would have earned for the bookings in full.
It says that guests will be refunded in full, but it says hosts will be reimbursed "for what they would have earned for these cancelled reservations.
Does that mean they will be paid as if the guest had cancelled, i.e. 50% on a strict policy?
They put out this same sort of non-transparent language on the COVID cancellations, saying hosts would receive 25% from the cancelled bookings, but it then turned out to be 25% of what the host would have received if their cancellation policy had been upheld- 25% of 50% = 12.5%
I guess we’ll be hearing some major ranting at the end of the month, if this turns out to be another misleading deal.