Coffee cup size?

I read a post from a host once who said one of guests actually complained because there were 5 guests and only 4 matching coffee mugs. Meantime his listing is a stunningly beautiful private atoll in Belize.
I would love to be able to stay at his place sometime, but the unmatched coffee mugs would be a serious deal-breaker for me :slight_smile:

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I prefer a mug of tea over a cup. I prefer Irish Breakfast tea for it’s strength

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When my daughter successfully defended her thesis, we ordered mugs in her school colors with the entire thesis title spread across the front. As a family, the 23 words that included microbes and bovine just made us giggle. The minimum order of mugs was a dozen, and after giving one to her advisor, packing a few for her move across country, giving some to her grandparents and putting some in my own cupboard, I had four still neatly wrapped in my storage.

When a guest complained the 8 mugs that matched the dishes was not enough I brought over those mugs. Two years later they still sit on the shelf at that house. I wonder what later guests think.

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I would think you buy your household goods at the thrift store. There’s nothing wrong with that but I’d figure you bought those for humor value.

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Hilarious. That’s a good enough reason to not match everything and make sure there’s pictures showing it - avoid those kinds of people :slightly_smiling_face:

I think you are joking? I hope? (It’s a private atoll for the love of god, take your own cups)

I have the opposite aversion - I don’t like too matchy-matchy. But not everyone is good at coordinating, it’s easier just to match, so I understand why it’s so common but I don’t care for it.

I would love those cups!! They sound awesome. I so want a ‘microbes’ mug now!! I need a little humor with my coffee, gets me off to a better start.

We buy our coffee mugs from different artists and give a good mix of them. I always buy 3 or 4 of the same mugs so that we have back-ups for each (but only one at a time of each are out). My favorite is a woman who makes literary mugs and we have a couple famous authors with history in our city so I make sure they are represented along with some fancy pottery type mugs and a couple of funny ones.

I have a few white 8 oz Corelle mugs, some 12 oz Pfaltzgraff mugs, and some 16 oz mugs in a variety of designs. The larger mugs have come from vacations or thrift stores and none match (the horror!). I also have wooden coffee stirrers sitting out in a mug with a ferret on it.

I provide several types of coffee and tea. I do not have saucers, and all my fine china teacups are at my own house, not in the listing.

I also provide cardboard takeout mugs with lids and they are a surprisingly big hit, seems people are taking a mug of coffee with them when they leave.


Great Discussion! Filled with humor and insight.

I’m am not a hot coffee or hot tea drinker, So I’m certainly no expert.

I take the approach of “why not mix it up a little” -> give the guests something a little different than what they have at home. I found some clear glass mugs that fit into the modern aesthetics of my listing. They’re not overly large so this discussion has given me some thought about adding a couple of larger mugs. I’ve never had a complaint that there weren’t saucers (nor a suggestion to add).


I love the clear mugs and almost got some (IKEA?) for my listing. But after having a clear glass kettle I realized the polishing to perfection was more work on a clear surface than a solid one.

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I have exactly those same mugs at home. (That I use for tea :wink: )


Those look nice and they look to reasonably large, too. I gotta admit that polishing spots of them is a downside, but I’ve already got 24 clear drinking glasses, so how much more work could it be for another 12 clear coffee cups? :smiley:


The IKEA version seemed a little more delicate; the ones I have are from Crate&Barrel and have a sturdier feel. As per spec below, they are 13.5 oz … larger than I would have guessed.


Yes, I was definitely being sarcastic, hence the smiley after that statement.
I don’t like matchy matchy, either. My dishes are all solid colors- red, orange, yellow, turquoise, green. I just pick up another bowl, mug or plate somewhere if one breaks. So it does have a theme, rather than looking like a garage sale hodge-podge, but easy enough to replace if needed.
When new hosts are asking for advice on equiping their listings, I always mention not to go in for “sets” unless they can be easily matched on an individual basis, like plain white dishware from Ikea. For me, the same with sheet sets. I mix and match colors and patterns. If a host wants all the bedding and towels to be grey, it’s better to go with several shades of grey, so if something gets wrecked, you don’t have to buy a whole new set. If the bottom sheet is light grey and the top sheet is dark grey, and pillow cases one of those or even a grey stripe, it still looks co-ordinated and purposeful.

@HH_AZ - I’m not an expert to any of this (just a coffee/tea drinking smart :racehorse:) but your picture setup looks wonderful!


Apparently you are lol … I drink tea and use loose tea leaves but put them in a bag and in my tea mug (not cup) because I have no idea how much I would use for a teapot - how do you even measure that and then what if you decide not to drink the whole pot?

I applaud your dedication to good hosting!

Our crew prefers the larger size. That’s what it takes to wake up from a Canadian winter.

Personally I only half fill it. And I prefer a smaller mug/cup for tea.

That to me is as meaningless as the phrase ‘left over wine’. :rofl:


I use mugs for my guests and try to match them to my guest, that’s fun!! I have horse pictures, aeroplanes–vintage, rabbits, robins, the list is almost endless! ALL my mugs are fine china, I loathe the tick rimmed ones. I usually put one saucer for teabag use, saves a messy table.

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No, but I was raised by New York WASPs and have a collection of antique teapots. From Fall through Winter, Sunday afternoons were snowy, lazy days by the fire, playing board games, card games, doing puzzles, crafts, etc. while my Dad did a full-one English tea, including 2 types of tea (one black, natch), bikkies, sweets, nibbles, and a tea trolley. With proper cups, saucers, and sterling spoons (no jokes, please, he was tickled to pieces setting it all up).

Then I married the Kiwi, who, when my Dad was ailing, did this for the family.

#spoiledgirl #sorrynotsorry #teapotsfordays

Oh, and teabags? >shudder< :wink:

Dad’s ghost just hit the fainting couch. And no, I don’t have one! what kind of place do you think I run? :wink:


Kiwi’s are the bestest.


I’m still close with his family (freaking adore them!) and he and I parted amicably. Love the country and the people. I always wanted us to retire there and have a home stay…

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