how much extra could you charge for hot tub
What’s the price difference in your local area, between similar listings to yours with a hot tub, and those without?
I would figure the cost of maintenance and utilities, the value of the bad will with neighbors, the cost of a lawsuit or two every year and go from there. About 5K a night.
Not one cent! Here in Florida hot tubs are only useful a couple months of the year…
If you want help from hosts, you probably should say where your listing is located. Maybe another host in your area will respond. If not, maybe you can specify what brings most guests to your listing (e.g. skiiing, golfing, etc.). Hot tubs can be an attraction in some areas, and sometimes they are only attractive at specific times of the year. Of course, as @JohnF said, do research on listings in your area. It’s tedious to compare all amenities, but you should be able to get an idea simply based on how other hosts advertise hot tubs in their listing.
It seems that I’m just about always the first person who brings up insurance. In determining whether to offer a hot tub, the first place I’d start is by consulting my STR insurance about the hot tub to determine (a) if insurance will still cover the property and (b) how much the hot tub would increase my insurance rates.
Insurance was my first thought, my second is the need to be constantly checking/cleaning/maintaining the unit, then the noise and neighbor issues we have heard so often. Also if it is a rental that allows children (besides the risks of drowning), parents often don’t realize they can be a source of infections for young girls.
I am thinking about an outdoor tub, but a clawfoot type that is filled for use. Does anybody have something like this? Thoughts? It would be in foreground (rocks, left side of pic, robes needed … or in more private outdoor area with no view. We have endless hot water and drainage not a problem.
The only place I’ve seen an outside bathtub is on the Viagra commercials! (I keep wondering how the separate bathtubs Viagra shows would be conducive to the use of their product.)
For your situation, I think an outside bathtub sounds luxurious and unique. I’d put it in a totally private area.
I have a condo in Moab and charge $50 hot tub fee per reservation
Sounds really cool to me. Maybe you could build a little rustic structure around it so it’s private, but roofless, open to the sky.
Structure on two or three sides because there is a view to the south.
I don’t know about a tub for one. Seems odd.
Exactly what I was thinking.
Two people can fit in a bathtub head to feet if they are of average size.
Look at stock tanks at tractor supply… Metal will fit right in with the trailer
They have a 2x8 2 ft deep I think…
@muddy @RiverRock So we’re going there again?
Oh, believe me I’ve done it. But it’s not pleasant, imo. I think the stock tank might be better for that listing’s aesthetic.
Oh, I used to enjoy that with boyfriends, back in the day.
Bathtubs are really rare in Mexico, and I only have showers at my place. One of my first self-treats when I go to Canada is to have a bath.
Hey! Thank you for all your replies:) There is a fairly narrow private area that could be made into the open topped bathtub area in between the shipping container, far left and Babe the 13’ middle trailer. Towards the back rocks from the outside bed.
The front area is wide open to the sun, stars, view and neighbors, um, pretty much. I am trying to figure out what to do with that area that will be fun… tub, old armchair, glider loveseat… …
Definately stock tanks are more affordable and available and bigger than claw foots. I have seen one with a painted interior that looked inviting, but a pita to get right.
Here is my personal double ender claw foot bathtub<><> I love it xxx! Another thing I might try is to offer (in house) “Bath Spa Suite” to guests. Especially if they find the jewel box bathroom in Gypsy too confining
That is one gorgeous bathroom