Business seems to have fell after summer

I see why your business dropped off. NINETY-NINE blurry, dark, bad pictures of the ugliest decor I’ve seen since I managed 3 mobile home parks, with multiple pictures of the ugliest sculptures from the Salvation Army Store.

Actually the one guest review you have lists all the reasons why you are a poor host, and your reply only reinforces their review.

Oh, and selenium is a heavy metal. It’s a poison.


Selenium, Ivermectin for you and your horse if you have worms, what’s the difference??? :upside_down_face:


I am a long way away from Miami …but isn’t that where the buildings collapsed on the ocean front? Arn’t there issues with older buildings along the shore line…?
Thats what I would put a slow down change in bookings to…apart from all the other issues pointed out.
( the extra long curtains would drive me spare… :grin:)


‘smoking allowed’ certainly also limits the possible guest pool.


Yes, it is.

I agree. But it also depends, as I think I said above, how hard the host works to get business. I get the impression, and I could be very wrong, that we’re dealing with a host who puts up a listing then expects Airbnb to magically send him guests - without doing any of the work himself.


Then why friggin ask?? Oh, that’s right, to sell supplements.

When I was in high school. Not now.

Nope :joy: Miami has seriously fantastic hotels and I would stay in one of them if I needed to go to Miami.

(Sorry @jaquo , but I would hope you’d come visit my fancy room and drink (a lot) wine with me)


While we are upholding the truth and not spreading unscientific dramatic information, selenium is a vital mineral that we need for our bodies. Does it cure Covid? No? But is it toxic? Only in terribly large amounts, like other stuff. Don’t stop eating Brazil nuts, brown rice and eggs though :joy:


Food for thought—depends on condos? I can completely understand avoiding anything requiring use of an elevator.

A low rise apartment with exterior/outside facing doors, would be reasonably safe. Meaning you enter condo directly from parking area. If you get first floor you don’t worry about passing on steps.

Agreed—a good multivitamin & maybe a couple mineral supplements will support overall good health, not cure anything.

My Dad asked me if taking a B12 supplement was a good idea considering his medications & other vitamins. Like most vitamins, a small supplemental dose can’t hurt (except K if you take blood thinners) and may be beneficial. Large doses of anything should be supervised by a physician.


Not to mention the bad grammar in the title of this thread. I’ve noticed in the last few years that there’s a whole lot of Americans who now use the past tense of a verb with “have”. “I have wrote”, “He had ran” “Have fell”. Pretty sad that people can’t even speak their own language correctly.

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Ah yes. Puddling drapes. Looks so elegant in photos. In reality, covered in dust and a haven for bugs in a tropical environment.


I saw one on Instagram the other day that made me pretty cross. ‘We got friends’ not ‘we have friends’

Checked it out. Horrid tacky decor, horrid wall art and"sculptures". Host thinks this is “hot stuff”. Kind of surprised there’s no gold-plated toilet.

Review response to the guest who said he had to leave because the place reeked of smoke: “The only odors coming from our blankets, sheets and towels would be a fresh scent from the fabric softeners we use.”

So the host thinks that covering up bad odors with fabric softeners is cool, and that “fresh” is a smell that comes out of a bottle.

And that guest also said, “The owners says that they will reimburse some of the left money but will depend on my review. That I can not write something to prevent others, like you who are reading this to rent this place”

So, review extortion, nice. Tells guests they’ll only get their money back for legitimate complaints if they agree not to leave an honest review.

99 photos? Half of which are redundant or duplicates. Who needs 4 photos of the bathroom sink and 3 photos of the pool? Bed is made poorly. Lots of host-brags, based upon seemingly nothing but their own ego.


For reference, there are only 9 states that still have mask mandates and 3 of them only apply it to people who are unvaccinated (and I think we all know how effective that must be).

It’s kind of traditional at this point to rail against Florida for their Covid problem, but it is just tradition at this point and not accurate anymore. You’d be safer in Florida than many other places. For instance, Florida, on average for the last 14 days, has 36 cases per 100,000 people. Comparatively, the state that you live in, in Mexico has, for the same time period, 65.8 cases per 100,000.

Kind of like people thinking that everyone in Texas has a gun (Texas is 25th in gun ownership) or that hate crimes happen more in the South (Massachusetts and California have the most).

The psychology of a common enemy won’t help with a virus, unless it’s the virus.

Oh yeah, Mexico’s coronavirus numbers are shameful and the real numbers are at least twice, if not many times, what is reported. Has one of the highest, if not the highest death rate in thre world.

Very little testing, many Mexicans won’t go to doctors, people in rural areas are sick at home and die at home, those cases aren’t reported.

I realize few US states have mask mandates, but that doesn’t mean that people don’t mask or that individual businesses don’t require it. And there are areas of the country where people take precautions and areas where they still think it’s a hoax.

Canada is generally so much more on the ball with this than the US. So many places there now you can’t go without proof of vax. Sure, there’s anti-masker, anti- vaxers there- and they’re being fired from their jobs, can’t get on a plane or train, or even go to a restaurant.

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It’s affects :wink:


True, thanks for correction. I do actually know the difference, but you were fast- didn’t give me time to look it over and correct the typos. You must be sober :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I doubt that anyone was having trouble comprehending your sentence (though some are still looking up affect vs effect on google). I noticed it when you first posted it and I kept my mouth shut. Then you made it too easy.

But, remember that the English you mock may not be someone’s “own language”.

That’s very true when it comes to online communication. But I’ve heard plenty of native-born Americans, as well as Canadians mangle the language. Many Canadians have been saying “I seen it” for a long time.

…and, technically, “individuals whom that affects” ?