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We’ve received the email from Airbnb Plus to add photos and update our listing. I’m going along through the process, photos look great, the format to highlight features is quite limiting, but it’s otherwise fine UNTIL . . . I get to the part where they want me to change the name of our listing!
And they use this horrible generic dribble generator algorithm to do it and give you only 6 or so name options! I emailed them to find out whether name change is a requirement of the program. I’ll report back. If it is, they should say that up front as I’ll bet it’s a deal breaker for some. It may be for us.
Also note, they plan to edit your listing description and probably any other prose you write, including the name of your listing.
I really don’t like the sound of that at all. Sometime ago they changed me into an “Entire Place” which I didn’t notice until a guest pointed it out on the App. The whole process seems to be taking an absolute age; I keep getting apologetic emails with “in the meantime…”, telling me to do what I’m already doing!
I came off the Work Ready Programme, after a dispute with a potential booking for four attending a wedding locally. They wanted to check-in five hours early or use the lock box to let themselves into our house late at night, without meeting us first. Where we live. No thanks, and I suspect the Plus programme may present similar issues.
2 of my 3 listings are Plus’ and I agree quite restrictive and little frustrating but…sooo worth it. I have raised my priced 10-15% and even more booked. Travelers seem to trust the Plus listings more so don’t mind paying extra for the piece of mind. One other frustrating thing is airbnb do not have a phone number listed for the ‘Plus’ department and the general customer service try to help out best they can but mostly just say they will send a message to the plus dept! So only way of communicating with them is via email as of now. But still worth it.
That i was under priced definitely occurred to me but comparing myself to others in 3 mile radious I am now charging the most for a studio $175-$200 (not including cleaning, fees etc) in Sant Monica and surrounding areas year round and even busier than before. I can also tell from page views etc and stats. Don’t get me wrong they are worth every penny. Quality but not large.
Also regarding title i gradually changed mine back to what it was before over 6 weeks and it was accepted!
I posted elsewhere that we’d had some Plus feedback a couple of weeks ago that was quite hilarious, like remove/replace the head board in xxx room, to further compliment the decor. As it’s an integral part of the bed, not possible; an old pine bed hand chalk painted in Swedish Blue, with matching bedside tables, dressing table and chiming with my collection of wooden parrots on a shelf etc etc. I await the outcome of sending more photos but found there was little room to give a descriptive narrative.
Seattle Airbnb Plus went live this week! We appear to be one of only 65 Plus listings in the city out of 7,000+. I have to think this will be great for us considering how much competition we have. We are getting bookings for November which, historically, is unusual for us.
Congrats! I am probably speaking for many of us when I say I will be keen to hear how the guests compare to the pre-plus days. So many here speculate about managing expectations and higher prices bringing better guests, that kind of thing.
Yup, they are, even East Kent. They were scheduled in to “Inspect” me this Monday but cancelled late on Friday, after I had been tearing around with a paint brush to cover up suitcase scuff marks on both stairwells, from the last guests with wardrobes-on-wheels.
Breathing space to get the right paint… I used what I could find in the garage, eggshell with a sheen. I now have bright sheeny patches staring at me.
I hope that the guest support for ABNB+ is better than the initial support provided to hosts, otherwise it will be huge failure.
My own experience is that ABNB+ design team has been ridiculously slow. They asked for a few changes in early August (some decorative pillows, some plants, etc). I made the changes, posted a picture, and waited over 5 weeks for a response. My only option was to call the normal helpdesk, who have no connection to ABNB+. They were sympathetic and equally shocked about the delay but truly had no control.
After finally being notified that the design changes were approved, the website had me schedule 90 minutes with the inspector / photographer. He came within 2 days; an independent contractor who was very nice.
The first part is the inspection … he has a long checklist of things to validate exist (i.e. iron, ironing board, extra TP, towels, kitchen items, wifi speed, etc) and to validate the condition of the spaces and to ensure that everything meets expectations. He takes iPhone panaromas to be submitted with the checklist as part of the inspection.
The second part is the photography, this time using a professional camera & tripod that is bluetooth connected to an ipad. He told me that initial pictures needed to be as per ABNB guidelines (mostly straight on views, specific things that need to be photographed, and that all shades and curtains need to be completely open). Once that was complete, he went back and did detailed pictures (i.e. art, amenities, etc) as well as some that provided different angles / perspectives. I’ve looked at some ABNB+ postings and there does seem to be a template for what and how they photograph.
I have no idea if there’s a next step to go live or what imput (if any) I will have on wording or photos chosen. I also don’t know what happens to listing photographs when I make changes later on (I have a planned re-landscaping project early next year). Live and Learn.
We’re in Seattle too and unfortunately haven’t noticed any increase in bookings since joining Airbnb+. And we’ve kept prices the same… So far not worth the frustration
@SuiteInSeattle, @patrickmlong
I have to believe that ABNB is trying to address what you and I have already communicated to the standard helpdesk. They too are voicing concerns, so hopefully at some point they will address the issues that we all have been raising. Until then, “misery loves company”.
I’ve only been ‘Plussed Out’ for a few days so I can’t comment on how much of an impact (if any) it will have. In my area there are a lot of resort hotels, and because PLUS is trying to target that market, it makes sense for me to try and be within that focus area.
My listing is already among the higher priced ABNB competition, so I don’t think I will see that much of an increase in pricing for much of the year. The exception might be during “prime” tourist season (February thru April) when hotels in Scottsdale / Phoenix area are booked solid and their rates are inflated, as well as (since you’re both in Seattle) when PNWers are desperate for some sun.
I think the better gage of PLUS value will be if there is an uptick in bookings during quieter times or how high it is in viewing queue.
I appreciate having this forum to keep up with the goings on.
I heard the frustration from all the front line support people I’ve talked to. I feel bad for them…
For us, I think people are getting turned away from our listing because that first photo shows a tiny little space, not big enough for a full bath, kitchen, laundry and all the things + listings are supposed to have.
More voices raising these issues are good, and I also appreciate a place to share and hear others’ experience.