Airbnb Supports Black Lives Matter

I’ve often wished that members here weren’t so anonymous. Oftentimes we don’t know where members are based or if they are even actually Airbnb hosts.

It’s getting more complicated every day. Now the creator of the punisher symbol which has been co-opted by police is doing a BLM fundraiser.

And Texan football icon JJ Watt indicates the new attitude toward an old protest

No mention of Airbnb though.

I thought this summed it up.


In some groups I belong to you need to provide a link to your listing as a condition of membership.

Any chance we could do this here as you would then know if someone is legitimate?

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How would you know it is their listing?

Potentially, a Moderator could send an inquiry to the listing for verification.

Dear @bigappledude ,

Thank you for your job enquiry.

We are grateful that you take this issue so seriously and can confirm that you have been successful in your application to be Airhostsforum Host Verification Manager.

The remuneration is in line with your previous role on this forum.

Good luck in your new position.


Head guy.


Please include Helsi in the job search.

I don’t think Tom has any interest in limiting the forum in that way. He’s trying to make money or at least make enough to cover costs and that’s not the way to do it.


Airbnb announces a new initiative.

The emails are going out today.

Hi everyone, I haven’t visited here in a while. My Airbnb days are over for the forseeable future and, to be honest, I’m quite glad about that. I think 8 years of homesharing was enough! It’s been joyous to have our space back. The airbnb room has been taken by my son’s girlfriend’s sister and she’s paying rent. It’s all good so far, although sometimes I feel like I’ve gone back to my student flatshare days - but as an old lady!!

Anyway, on topic, it’s good to see some sensible discussion on here about Airbnb’s support for BLM. I visited the Airbnb Community Centre recently and it was so depressing to see so many hosts outraged at air’s decision, calling BLM a “terrorist organisation” etc, Plus all the whining about losing thousands of $ £ because of a pandemic and what is Airbnb going to do about it etc,. Never mind all those millions of workers who have lost jobs and income that kept their families alive, what about my profit boo hoo.

I’m glad I’m out. These past few months have made me reflect a lot on what’s important. I was increasingly uncomfortable with the STR rental market’s effect on the housing market, particularly in large cities like mine. So it feels right to leave it for good.

All best wishes to all the long-standing members on here! I really enjoyed sharing the laughs and the arguments over the past years.


BLM is an anti-American organization with a far left political agenda. I will not support this group or anyone that does. I will be pulling my home from the AIRBNB pool.

  1. Rubbish. In what way is it ‘anti-American’?

“Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives”.

What exactly do you see as being ‘un-American’ in that mission statement?

Hope you are also making sure you don’t give your business to other organisations supporting BLM such as Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Walmart.

  1. Absolutely do pull your listing from Airbnb

This is the first time Ttietsort has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!

Feel better now you’ve got that off your chest? Did it make you feel so stroooong?

Funnily enough, I think most folks will happy you’re no longer in the “hosts pool”.

Ho hum…



I’m pretty sure you didn’t read the thread. I’m curious if you are going to pull your listing from all online travel platforms. Virtually all of the tech sector has pledged to send money to BLM or organizations with the same goals even if they haven’t been targets of the anti BLM right wing propaganda.

I’m sure Airbnb knew when they made the pledge and put up the banner they would lose some guests and hosts. Like it or not this has been part of their branding since the beginning.


If you believe non-violent civil disobedience is unAmerican you might believe that Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, or Colin Kaepernick were / are unAmerican too, but you would be WRONG. Their non violent protests are as American as you can get.

I’m curious to know which “pools” you’ll be using, in lieu of AiBNB.


Violent protests are quite American as well.


you can take the teacher :woman_teacher: out of the school but you can’t take the teacher out the forum and then lead them to drink and fool me once, shame on you

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Your description of BLM is false.

LOL. To be clear I support non violent protest but there are lots of white people rioting, destroying property, killing folks, etc in our history.

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