Airbnb Supports Black Lives Matter

Now, you’re nowt more than a troll.

Still feeling stroooong?




Don’t let the gate hit you in the ass on the way out.


It’s not MY description; it is Wikipedia. BUT I think your perception of BLM is False. Perception is not always reality.

as such, I truly hope my perception of you is not reality.

One of BLM’s goals is to defund law enforcement. Bad idea. Some very well respected civil rights leaders, who happen to be black, say BLM is a sham. I trust people like Bob Woodson of the Woodson Center and Shelby Steele, author of “White Guilt”. Systemic racism is a fallacy propagated by the left. As far as law enforcement is concerned it’s a statistical falsehood. I always have and will continue to treat all people as equal. They are equal in the eyes of the law. We can not control what is in people’s hearts.


I’ll ask again:

Are you going to keep listing your rental on the internet? If so you are funding groups who want to defund and reform law enforcement.

(I’m pretty sure you didn’t read the thread. I’m curious if you are going to pull your listing from all online travel platforms. Virtually all of the tech sector has pledged to send money to BLM or organizations with the same goals even if they haven’t been targets of the anti BLM right wing propaganda.)

Unfortunately, my perceptions (of you) seem to have been accurate but I thank you, ‘Karen’, for making the decision leave AirBNB. It’s feeling clearer now.


Got it, ‘some people’ agree with your views, so that means everyone should. I guess you are not a racist, too, since next we will hear that ‘some of your best friends are black’. Very sophisticated thinking, on your part.

But I agree that the faster you leave airbnb, the better. All the time you are spending trolling could be better spent closing down your account. Why are you not doing that?


I celebrate this host and those like him or her leaving Airbnb since it removes some of my competition. Then I have more money in my pocket to donate to causes I support. It doesn’t accomplish a single thing to leave the platform other than possibly fewer bookings if in the US; it’s like a Baptist boycotting Disney World.

That said, there’s no reason to believe they are actually an Airbnb host. The trolls are out in force on this topic and this forum comes up well in searches.


I am researching the other platforms I am currently listed on. I have only said that I am against funding BLM specifically not all other groups. I will have to check them out on a case by case basis. If you want to call the truth right wing propaganda so be it. I refuse to drink the blue, or the orange, Kool-aid. I prefer to think for myself. Have a good day.


LOL. That was a good laugh. Said the guy who says exactly the same thing all the other Trump supporters say. Baaaa-ah-bye.

Be sure to wear your mask in Tulsa.


Big mistake for AIRBNB to take a political stand. I Don’t even like Trump but gotta pick the lesser of two evils. The rally is a dumb idea. It’s a joke that someone like you is an AIRBNB moderator. I will make my voice heard a little higher up the food chain.


You’ve been a member for 11 hours? Please make your voice heard because “Brownie, you’re doing a heckuva job”.


I’m not an Airbnb moderator.

Oh, you’d like to speak to a manager?

You’re embarrassing yourself, Karen.


Try being black or brown for a while. Denial is not a river in Egypt.

Please don’t waste any time getting out of our pool, so we can decontaminate it from from your bigotry.


Please send me a private email about this subject, John F.

Email me privately about this subject if you wish, thanks.

I agree! I just want a platform to rent my apartment. I don’t want a babysitter to make sure I am being nice. Besides, isn’t that what the rating system is for?

Also if they still have $500,000 they should continue help those of us that lost all of our Airbnb bookings. I was a super host just under a year, so I got nothing. They said they still had programs that were designed to help everyone, but that doesn’t seem to be true.

I agree with others- Make a private donation!


It’s been 3 weeks since Airbnb made the donation and tons of corporations have jumped on the bandwagon; most for far more money. It’s a big nothingburger and $500K wouldn’t have gone far anyway. From what I’m reading here on the forum it seems like many hosts who didn’t shut down are getting plenty of business. So, all in all, the BLM donation is nothing and is already forgotten.

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Amen. BLM wants to defund police, which is an asinine and dangerous idea, and is based on the false idea that a significant amount of unarmed black men are killed without cause by police.

George Floyd was a clear cut case of abuse of power. There is virtually no disagreement about that, left or right.

To the pro-BLM people here: are you also defending Rayshard Brooks?