Would you charge this guest extra money?

Anyone going to tell @Barns his deliberate winding up to get a reaction type posts are getting a little boring? :slight_smile:


I’d rather be a bit provocative, than a bit grumpy x


I think it’s best to be neither :slight_smile:

I’m not racist nor prejudiced. Like I said, it’s just how our brains work - a basic neural wiring in all of us. We automatically stereotype as a way to filter information, its a cognitive thing, and there’s no way to not stereotype. What’s important is learning how to use your judgement and information to make a proper call, rather than outright relying on the pattern of information that was pre-formed by your brain.


That’s what I was kind of getting at.


re-read your post. Guess i pulled the trigger button too early. i guess being defensive is also instinctive :wink:


anyway, had to rant abt something irrelevant to the post. one potential guest had the audacity to request a 2 pm check in (usual is 3 pm) and a 5 pm checkout (usual is 10 am). And my rates were already stupidly low because the listing is new and had no reviews.

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Yep! I’ve just had 7 people turn up for my 6-person listing, “we tried to contact you, and Airbnb said 7 would be the same price as 6 anyway.”

I took it on the chin, so showed them how to unfold the sofa bed, and smashed a wall power socket to bits. “Don’t use that socket please” I said.


conclusion is, i offered him a 50% discount to book 2 nights instead. he didn’t reply. instead of being sad, felt like i dodged a bullet!

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nice bit of wheeling and dealing there!

Maybe the term ‘bigoted’ would be more appropriate than ‘racist’ regarding some of the posts on here…

One should always ask oneself whether mentioning someone’s nationality or race adds any valuable information to a post. For example in the post above, the fact that the guests were from the Middle East adds zero value to the discussion. So why mention it unless you want to reinforce stereotypes?


I just replied to the original post how Joa described his/her experienced with guests. And the fact of who and what happened. Why every time, anybody says anything, someone always has to jump up down, make a big deal out of nothing. Put a big name on other people. We are closed group of hosts talk about our experience. We are not in a political campaign group. All we talk about is the fact, truth and we have a place to share and exchange information.
But you need to Calm Down!


so difficult to get why one can describe all aspects of a difficult guest, apart from where they come from. If every story mentioned every detail - how many guests, what mess was left, where the apartment is…where the guests came from…if every story covered all that detail, would that be bigoted racial profiling, or just a stories full of a long list of data? ‘Country of origin’ should be just as informative as ‘a party of 12 men’.
Suddenly the host is the bad guy if they say that a French family from Hong Kong left a bit of mess by the lake. It’s just a line of facts, make of it what you will (unless that means calling out the host as prejudiced).
Referencing their country or culture or race ‘doesn’t add valuable information to a post’? I recently had a small flood, but didn’t mention where the guests were from (mainly through fear). Amongst the replies, a couple of people guessed where they were from, and mentioned that they probably were only used to wet rooms, and this helped me immensely, so in the future I can be aware that there is a slight chance this could happen again, with guests from a similar area. Mentioning the country literally added valuable information to the post. The post would have gone VERY differently if I had written “oh no, flooded by Italian guests”, I would have become a profiler and a bigot.
Old people often behave differently to young people, but my goodness, you’d better not mention it! Jeez, like no-one is aware of different generation values. …I’m not a bad person, and I don’t think I’ve posted anything bigoted, but to see fellow hosts shredding fellow hosts for mentioning a country…


We are categorically NOT a closed group. This forum is available for the public to read. We have already been accused of being a haven for bigots and racists by other forums.


@Barns - I happen to agree with you on this.


thankyou. There must be a sliding scale between mentioning someones nationality in a story about unwashed crockery, and having “I hate a certain nationality” tattooed on your forehead.


“Also amongst the replies were “jokes” about taking their Ramen away”…yes, ‘also’ being the operative word there, I was referring to the rest of the thread after the deletions. I’m not talking about the genuinely racist posts, I’m talking about genuinely well-meaning and helpful people who slip up and mention a specific nationality, then get set upon.

Mind you, there aren’t many posts per se about successful nights hosting, it tends to be a problem/help forum, so not many people would say "“a Chinese person just left my rental clean and dry. I just wanted to let other hosts know so they can be prepared for anything.” And of course, the replies would include “and why shouldn’t they be expected to leave the place clean and dry?”

“socio-economic”: this may be where I’m out of my depth - it may be that we both have valid opinions, but you can put yours WAY WAY better than me! :slight_smile:

Unless, of course, they are from Yorkshire. In which case we wear flat caps, breed whippets, eat black pudding and fish & chips and say ‘ee bah gum’ a lot.

And if we’re from Barnsley (Yorkshire) we work dahn t’pit and become parents at the age of twelve.


Don’t forget being very sensible with money!

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‘A Scotsman with the generosity squeezed out’. That’s what my old dad used to say.

How’s that for stereotyping?
