Who does this?:(

And there is a full package of makeup remover pads in the bathroom
Ok I feel better now


Just. 202020202020Wows.


Well, Spanish women, young and old, have left us some absolute horrors in the make up on towels stakes, but yours really takes some beating!



Who does this? Many many female guests. (Maybe some blokes too).

Although I have a confession to make here. A few years ago I realised that the make up removal wipes that I was using (myself I mean, not in the rental) were not exactly doing the planet any good. So I changed to good old soap and water.

I use white face flannels. (Washcloths). This means that they are always marked with foundation and blusher. But it washes off in the machine using cold water.

Now mascara is a different matter. I try half-heartedly to remove it at the same time but some always ends up on my while pillow cases during the course of the night. Again, it washes off easily. (Which makes me wonder if the so-called waterproof mascara I buy really is).

Needless to say, I don’t behave that way in an Airbnb rental or a hotel - I take stuff with me - but let’s just say that make up on the white towels in the rentals doesn’t scare me. :wink:


Ugh. I’ve experienced the same. I just don’t get it. There is absolutely no need for it. WASH your f***ing face thoroughly and then DRY it with the towel. That’s what the bloody things are for.

Same goes for other parts of the body… didn’t your parents teach you how to wash your arse properly?? There is absolutely NO excuse for skid marks on towels.

Manky manky ill-bred cretins!!!


That’s Brexiteers for you :wink:



What a nightmare! Sadly, I think it’s time to break out the bleach!

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oh looks like you got the guests i blacklisted last summer. jerks.


Yes thanks everyone for the comments
They were so respectful in the prebooking
Messages about asking if they could bring an emotional support dog. I bet she doesn’t do that at home. They travel around California for work so I’m thinking some gentle but constructive private comments are in order.
I don’t necessarily want to give them a negative review but…

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Dawn dish liquid will remove it all! (I’m surprised they don’t need some for their faces ,)

But to answer your question: about 25% of guests do this, from my personal estimation.


How discouraging. We’ve lost a few towels to the acne-preventive over the years but never experienced makeup on towels like this.


Gabriel Iglesias does a bit about people reusing towels, etc and he has the best comment “Damn! You’re just bad at showers!” :joy::joy::joy:

But, yes, we have had this more times than I would have thought. We now supply makeup wipes (which I hate to do, but my caretaker buys them anyway) and have added dark brown washcloths from a dollar store. Some twerps still use the white ones but many many fewer than did.


In addition to white washcloths and towels, black or brown washcloths are provided…

Out of almost 800 guests I’ve only had one set who left the towels in semi bad shape and they had half as much makeup on them as these do.

What kind of work? Drag queens or perhaps they work in cosmetics sales?

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Maybe…it doesn’t happen to me anymore since I put dark colored washcloths with a note in the bathroom. (These salon towels are also bleach-proof.)

Edit: Forgot to thank the forum for this tip! I don’t think I would have thought of this on my own.

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I get many female guests, of all ages, and I have never had make-up on the towels. Nor do I provide make-up wipes. My guests tend to not be make-up wearers, aside from maybe a bit of eyeliner or lip gloss. Lucky me.


We actually provide both makeup wipes and dark washcloths. It has helped! That’s how I got it down to about 25%. Lol. Our apartments attract a lot of “girls weekends” “mom and daughter trips” and “grandmas going to graduations” type of stays. They aren’t always as bad as the OP’s photos but maybe once a month or something. It used to bother me until I got good at removing the stains.

I have noticed that it’s not as bad in the summer. I’m thinking people wear less makeup in the summer or somthing. However, it is replaced by the self-tanner stains :woman_facepalming:

Yes, I think you hit the nail on the head about “summer”. I host in the tropics- no one really wants to slather heavy make-up on their face when it’s 80 degrees out with high humidity :slight_smile: And my listing is geared towards, and attracts, outdoorsy, environmentally aware and health-conscious guests and artsy types, who tend not to get all dolled up with make-up or use self-tanners. Most of my guests spend the day at the beach, as well, so they are pretty much all showering the sand and salt off before they go to bed, and I imagine they wash their face in the shower as well.


They are people that stand outside of stores and get signatures for various political purposes, propositions

Ha, well, if you don’t look good in the streets people avoid you. LOL. I don’t care what you look like, I avoid anyone in the tourist district with a clipboard!

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