When a guest takes something of little value (but it's annoying)

Lol. Glitter gets a one… as for the others that are nebulous, you can always skip them. I didn’t realize that.


I just came up with a whole system for hiding extra batteries around the house (because sometimes the batteries in the auto locks die and guests need to be able to replace them), because so many of my expensive lithium batteries were getting stolen, even after I wrote NOT FOR GUESTS on the battery packages!

Please PM if you care to share your secret. I’ve been needing to come up with a system as I have heard so many guests will steal the batteries.

Perfect for the review. Short and sweet. Right to the point.


What about charging stolen items to a security deposit that includes a significant service fee (time to shop etc.).

Seems like it makes sense to keep the rental as simple as possible. Easier to clean up and noticeable if it is cleaned out by guests.

The worse thiefs may have high cognitive functionality. We would also need to see how high their moral/ethical development is.

I collect vogues and books and leave them out for my guests to read. I have every vogue for years lined up by date on my bookshelf. When a guest swipes one I. Am. Livid. So I totally understand.

I agree, and have had that with the cleaning fee. Keep in mind that I charge $100 and you’ll see what I mean in a sec …

My PITA fratboy (apologies to true fratboys) left my house in such a mess that it took 4 days to clean and nearly a $1000 of damage (little things still adding up months later!)

His response when I got ABB involved for damages was a nasty review (since removed) and a private hit at me of “You charge a cleaning fee. Expect it to be used, Bitch”

OMG. I’ve never wanted to smack someone so bad in my life.


OMG! I’ll hold - you slap!!!


Wow. If you know what organization he’s part of, I would report him if you can.


I did. :wink: He is a Marine … Karma’s a bitch (he can rename me Karma, haha) bc my dad is a retired officer at the same base and still has friends there, that definitely outrank this entitled little jerk. I hope he is STILL on latrine duty. His CO got the police report and a print out of the “bitch” comment he made to me.


Yes please Deb! Let’s go! Lol

So awesome. I’ve had a couple of times in real life where I got to see the payback dealt to someone and it is oh so satisfying.

Once a couple booked a couple of dogs with me for two weeks then canceled last minute claiming the dude got orders. I was pretty sure that was a lie but didn’t want to penalize a service member if he really did get orders. So I asked an active duty friend of mine if she by any chance knew Sgt. Major so and so. The chances are small given that there are 20,000 troops here. But sure enough she worked with the dudes wife and it turns out there was a whole dramatic back story. Anyway, I got $150 for my trouble.


We used to have a holder in the bathroom for the spare rolls of toilet paper.
We got so tired of folks taking 6 rolls after a 2 day stay.
Now each guest starts with a fresh roll and the holder houses the part rolls left from previous guests.
Funny - nobody seems eager to take these part rolls home with them.
And the current guest always has as much TP as they need for their stay.