Well I wouldn’t quite put it that way @Astaire
I was trying to be amusing but seemed to have had a major fail
And chai for me …
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Well I wouldn’t quite put it that way @Astaire
I was trying to be amusing but seemed to have had a major fail
And chai for me …
I wanted to extend the tea/liquid analogy a bit…
One coming up…
It’s theft. Just say no and it’s stealing. Call Airbnb. They should not be users on the website
I saw a money in France. I have been shopping for one just like it. Can’t afford. If you have one can o book in?
What!!! Say no!! It’s not your problem she can’t find one for herself, she’s being TOTALLY cheeky. Too bad if she gives you a bad review, though she’s probably softening you to get her way. If she takes it, it’s theft.
Good one!! I laughed a lot over that comment!!
You don’t have to give her a reason why she can’t have it!!
Bloody hell, every time I see there’s been a response to this thread I think maybe the OP has returned to give an update. Never has so much attention been invested in a stool.
Unless you have IBS, of course
It seems like this guest is applying “hotel logic” to her stay. I would suggest saying “Yes” just the way a hotel would in this sort of circumstance and quote the guest the replacement value PLUS time and labor.
Your time is valuable, even more so if you have other obligations or find the additional work of replacing the item stressful. Set and include an hourly rate in your price that reflects those those very real costs to you. And don’t forget to include the potential costs the loss of that item might have on future guests inconvenienced by the absence of the object. It’s perfectly reasonable for you to factor in the potential of lost revenue due to a bad review or needing to offer a guest a partial refund for their inconvenience.
Why is anyone suggesting that @Wendy_Darling sell something that took her ages to find? It is not for sale.
Hello Magwitch, how are you doing today?
I’m just grand, thanks There are many things wrong with this increasingly creaky old body of mine but so far bowel movements are not a problem. Regular as clockwork, me! Unfortunately, can’t say the same about latest guest. I’ve had to get the plunger out twice
Oooo, you’re a little mean-y (but a funny one)!
I feel like I’m missing some kind of joke here… it is because I can be grumpy and irritable sometimes? Please tell!
No…sorry, it’s only because you said you are triggered to check the thread whenever there’s a posting because you expect the OP has finally responded but of course, he hasn’t. So @Astaire sent you a greeting to make you check the thread again.
He was just pulling your chain.
OK, of course! LOL Jeez, I need jokes explained to me now I blame Airbnb.
@Nina - we are not hotels though are we - often we rent out our homes. We combine busy lives working, running our Airbnb business and looking after our families. Why should she have to spend value time and effort that could be better spent with her family looking for a replacement item for a guest who is too lazy to find it for herself.
And how many times have you gone into a hotel and messaged them to tell them you are taking a piece of their furniture with you and had them be happy for you to do so?
Lordy Mags and everyone else did you not notice the OP said she was going away.
Yes, but there’s internet in Australia! Or maybe @Wendy_Darling is being held captive in NeverNeverLand. In which case, stools are the least of her problems.