Weirdest Thing Guests Left Behind

Such an old post but saw this and can answer the question of what guys do in a strip club with no access to $1 bills!

In Canada, the lowest bill we have is a $5. Our lower denominations are largish coins. Like you, I would think that ideally men would only use $5 Bills then…as nobody could realistically expect a woman to accept “change” at the club right?
No…unfortunately, men still throw our “loonie” ($1) and “toonie” ($2) coins at strippers.

Completely mortified, I even sat through a “contest” where men had to knock posters of said women out of their clenched butt cheeks with said coins. The only moment I have been ashamed to be Canadian…or human.:astonished:


I’ve been left thank you cards before, but recently I had a guest leave a card with $40 cash in it for me! That was a nice surprise.


I’ve had a run on weird things left behind lately.

  1. Two different groups left socks in the drawer of the work desk.
  2. A banana left between the sheets at the foot of the bed.
  3. A brand new dress, never worn, still had tags on it.
  4. A bottle of aloe vera gel very carefully tucked underneath the blanket of a bed that they didn’t use.

#2 Sex games
#3 Stolen
#4 See #2

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