WARNING - Be careful with Airbnb Plus - you lose control over your listing!

Yes, it was off putting, as was his general rush through with everything. He was nice enough but left me feeling generally deflated, although I had also re-read the posts here before he arrived. The loss of control issue left us reflecting on what issues could/would arise but without the level of support we have currently experienced. Still reflecting…

Of interest, he arrived with absolutely NO knowledge or information about our listing. He assumed we were an entire property.

JProviding an update:

The GOOD news is that after 10 days I’m finally getting some response to my requests for changes.

The BAD news is it’s an onerous process that I’m still trying work through.

My request to other Plussers is to suggest to ABNB+ team that hosts should be able to view the photographers pictures.

My timeline status:

  • 10/6: ABNB+ went live
  • 10/6: I sent email to ABNB+ to voice concern over missing pictures and asking for writeup changes
  • 10/16: I received a reply from an ABNB+ rep. He ask that I send him pictures (my own) so that he can share with the photography group. This rep has no access to the photography which seems to be a separate group he needs to interface with.
  • 10/16: I sent a reply suggesting that ABNB+ either provide me access to the pictures or send me a composite of all the pictures so that I may select what works best.
  • 10/17: I received an email advising that they can neither provide me access nor a composite of the pictures the photographer submitted. The rep advised that the Photography group has added some new pictures to address my requests.
  • 10/17: I responded that the new photos show little of what I was looking for. The pictures added are closeups of random things. In my reply I attached my own pictures showing what type of photos I was looking to add to the listing, that I know the photographer had taken.

Some things I’ve learned:

  1. While you can’t add pictures, you can uncheck pictures that you don’t want to include. They will remain on the edit page, but will not show in the listing. This might make sense for seasonal photos that @SuiteInSeattle was wanting to change.
  2. ABNB+ definitely wants a curated look: head-on shots & closeups shots.
  3. in response to @Joan; the inspector / photographers are subcontractors, and you will receive a survey asking for your review of them. I had an entirely different experience with the one that came to my house, so very much like hosts and guests, it’s up to us to review them for the benefit of those ahead of us.
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I’ve found the same. My two key issues:

  1. Now that there is essentially no free text, it is difficult to explain something that isn’t a standard option. For instance, we have free street parking available via permit (which we provide). Given you can only park on our street if you have a permit, there is always plenty available. We had this explained in our “old” listing with no issues. Now you can only select “parking on premises” or “no parking” - if we said no parking, we’d lose everyone who has a car, and we actually do have a parking option so it’s not really correct so we have to say “parking on premises” which is not really correct either. I questioned the airbnb select team and they said what we did was fine (?)
  2. They chosen a photo of our ugliest room or the cover photo and we can’t change it

That said, we definitely have more bookings so definitely don’t want to leave the program!

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Wondering how you found an email for the Airbnb+ rep? And I’m wondering if I could use his name in talking to the one who contacted me who seemed too say I couldn’t send my own photos. I’d like to be able to say that “x” forwarded a hosts own photos to the pictures team :slight_smile:

This is the response I’ve received about photos so far:

We currently don’t allow for photos outside of those added by the photographer/inspector to be uploaded to the listing. This is because part of the Plus program entails that everything has been inspected and verified and for this reason we cannot accept any external images.

At the bottom of the ABNB+ Edit page* is:
If you need help, contact us at airbnbplus@airbnb.com
That is where I sent my initial note with pictures / screen prints of my concerns.

This is true; the rep asked me to send him photos (I took) that showed what I wanted displayed. He was going to send my photos to the photography team to see if similar photos had been taken by the photographer AND if ABNBplus were willing to use them.

That is where I am now; still waiting.

*This is a screen shot of the edit page I’m referring to

We are going to send our own photos, knowing that the one we really wanted to duplicate (which has been our cover since we started and guests comment on it all the time) couldn’t be shot by the photographer since he showed up at high noon and the light was terrible to get that outside shot. Funny thing, though, the original was taken by the original professional photographer Airbnb sent. I’ll let everyone know what happens…

I am fine for them to use only the photos the photographer took but I would just prefer them to pick a better photo of a nicer room! :slight_smile:

Below is the email I recieved this morning in reply to my email of yesterday - They, at least now, are responding in a timely manner … that’s a positive. The latter part of the message is sounding like a format letter, which I assume is a result of many hosts voicing dissatisfaction with the process.

NOTE: I wasn’t unhappy with the photos the photographer took, I just wanted some that are more representative of the space, and not the closeup or cutoff shots they selected.

_Hi Paul, _

Thank you for getting back to me with the pictures. I have forwarded them to the photography team to see if they can use them or find a similar image that the photographer took, as soon as I hear back on this I will be in touch..

I understand that you are unhappy with selection of new photos and preferred some of your original pictures however it is important to note that these professional new photos were taken based on extensive guest feedback. Travelers told us what they want, and look for, in a listing and the Plus program was created to fulfill these needs and create a new look product that is attractive to guests. They requested a streamline listing and provided details of the features that were most important for them to see and ones that they used the filters to locate, such as a TV. They have advised that it is not important to see the items such as the TV or laundry facilities as they already know that they are included as they have searched the listing using the filters…

_I have reviewed the photos and they show a stunning property that fits into the parameters of the Plus program. I know you were asking that Plus be more of a collaboration between you and Airbnb and it is. We rely on you to finalize the listing with local knowledge and detailed description only you can provide and we have a devoted photography and design team here that take and edit the photos to ensure that Plus listings are all highlights with no filler. As I mentioned before, guests told us what they wanted and we have devoted teams that create that listing. _

_Here are a few of the benefits you can enjoy from being part of the Plus program: _

_Standout placement and a new look: Every Airbnb Plus listing gets a fresh, new online look and will be shown in a featured section within search. _

_Higher value stays: Guests already love your space, now unlock the potential for higher earnings on each reservation. _

Premium Airbnb support: Get a dedicated line to faster help, whenever you need it to resolve any issues.

I hope that you allow your listing to be a part of the program and if at any stage you do not want to participate you can opt out and we can help you with this if needed.

If there is anything else I can help you with please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kindest regards,


Thanks for the update. And did he give you that “dedicated line” number, lol?

I sent an email to that email address at the bottom of the edit page and got a message that they didn’t respond to those, that they were feedback for the program only. That’s why I started all the calls. Maybe it got added to the pile though… Gotta use every available avenue, I guess

If I got that reply, I’d send them some program feed back starting with:

  • Where the F am I supposed to get help, if not the email address that states “If you need help, contact us at airbnbplus@airbnb.com


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That just looks like a very standardised response to an involved host. Says nothing and won’t let you have input.

I responded to the Plus representative with a more complete explanation of the error in our cover photo and submitted a copy of the photo we used for 2 years that guests really liked. I explained also that we don’t have any access to the pictures the photographer took, so couldn’t suggest other photos they could use, etc. I also sent 5 other garden photos of my own (for the “City Garden Retreat”), many of which were in the former listing and which were taken by a different Airbnb photographer, back in the day…

I got a response that although this wasn’t normal they would forward these to the photographic team to see if there are any in the photographer’s submission that were similar or whether they might be edited to conform to the Plus “style” to possibly be used.

We’ll see what happens next…

UPDATE: In the ever confusing world of PLUS, as they requested I submitted some example pictures of what I felt were missing. These were not pictures I expected to be posted, they were just quick shots I took to show the PLUS photography group what I wanted added from the photographer portfolio shots (if they existed).

You guessed it -> they uploaded both pictures I sent. While I’m grateful they are there; I’m frustrated that they’re not consistent with the other Photographer pictures and (had I known) I honestly would have staged them a little better. I’ve since sent a note, asking if they would try to replace the shots with ones the photographer took (if available).

Lesson Learned:, only send them example pictures you would be happy if posted.

On a positive note for @patrickmlong, you might eventually get the original photo you want added.


Well, I immediately checked our listing, and sure enough they had posted all the pictures I submitted, and a few more from the ones they had from the photographer that kind of matched. (Not that I got to see any of the options beforehand…) They basically rechecked everything so all the photos were now on the site, even the ones we had previously unselected. That was minor though, we just went back in and unselected those. HH_AZ, maybe you could do the same, unchecking the photos you submitted for now…

In the end we pretty much got what we hoped for – so I’m sending a thank you. Still would have liked to have actually talked to the person making the decisions -could have answered questions or given input – a 5 minute call even. Course guessing the age of the person on the other end, using the phone probably isn’t in the repertoire :blush:

It’s a start. Lesson: be persistent – they will work with you.


@patrickmlong That is a beautiful shot of your guest house; I understand why you wanted it as your signature photo.

Like your beautiful garden, patience is necessary with ABNBplus.

Thank you :slight_smile: My wife is the garden magician, I can take no credit. I follow and clean up. Patiently. Like with Airbnb Plus…

This thread has really taken off! I’m back to report that it has been well over a month and I have had only apologies from the “main” Airbnb reps. Still no response from Plus and still our completely inaccurate and seasonal main photo. I’ve escalated to a “main” rep supervisor who can do nothing but “add [his] weight” to our request.

I’m so PO’d! Can anyone recommend a next step? I think I’ll email Chesky. I’ve already posted on Twitter.

What seemed to work for @patrickmlong and I was emailing ABNBplus, rather than going thru the helpdesk. If you’ve not done that, shoot them a note with a picture that you want it replaced with.
