Unregistered guests- puts us past max capacity :(

Oh the irony…




Your “I know what I am but what are you” schitck is wearing thin.


Update :slight_smile:
We spoke to the guests on the first night. They were super apologetic and respectful. They genuinely didn’t read the rules (first time airbnb guests). They weren’t really aware of there even being rules. They were so understanding and respectful that we let their friends stay (not overnight, but to visit for the evening and the remainder of their trip). Their intention wasn’t to be disrespectful or to take advantage. And we are completely convinced that now that they’re aware, they will take more care in reading the rules at the next place they stay :slight_smile: It worked out well in the end, we would have them back.


It’s the variety in the responses and approaches that is so nice on this forum. We all have a different style and probably different things that bug us. What one host will tolerate and accept another will not. I have real trouble with being lied to, but I agree some people probably just do not read most of the listing and are not being deliberately disrepectful.


Ok but your stay is very different from most of ours. You have one guest at a time in a single room in your home. Many (most?) of us have “entire place” stays. Some are remote, with additional challenges. Some with IB.

We get situations that fall entirely outside of your experience. Couples, families, infants, children, pets, etc.

I think you’re spot on. I mean, lets be honest, how many people here have actually read a contract they agreed to related to their cell phone, Internet service, etc. Likely single-digit percentages. :rofl: Airbnb listings really shouldn’t be like reading a contract. Regrettably they have to because there are so many nuances that a host has to account for that aren’t standard operating. One example is the train situation for us. You get a 3 star location review one time and you go throw verbiage in your listing to cover it. Oh, you have an IP camera in premise? Add it to the listing… It’s a no win situation.

You’re so right–most guests don’t read the listing description, the rules, etc.

Every now and then we get a guest who has clearly read the entire thing and examined every photo, plus our manual, plus the welcome letter. It always amazes me!

I’m a compulsive reader. I read everything—bandaid boxes, toothpaste tubes, cereal boxes, product instructions (often in multiple languages), terms of service. Not everyone is such a junky.

More’s the pity.


I’m a compulsive non-reader. Picture books are my best friend. :rofl:

I have solved this problem by putting an external nestcam outside my property. This allows you to quickly check the numbers going in and if too many go in they are asked to leave or pay an extra guest charge. The camera paid for itself within a week. Guests also are told very clearly with the booking confirmation and check-in instructions that they are allowed no more than two extra visitors to the property and they must be out by 10pm. Otherwise they say they are just visiting when they are there at 3am. I did think about buying a people counting camera which can then automatically tell you occupancy numbers but the nest camera seems to be doing a good enough job. The groups that you need to check are maximum number ones and most importantly if you charge per head the ones which only have the number that don’t incur the extra charge.

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Please stop responding to my posts, as you only do so to denigrate whatever I have to say. I don’t know how many times you’ve found it necessary to point out that I host one guest at a time, as if that’s something negative.

Your response above has nothing whatsoever to do with the post I was responding to, which was about @hostess1 constantly making out as if all guests are nasty, advantage- taking liars.

I am well aware that many hosts here have entire place listings. I don’t require you to inform me of that. You have zero idea what falls outside my experience. I have property managed entire place listings as well as renting out my entire house in Canada for several years running to various groups and families. I have pretty much seen it all.

Hostess1 self-admittedly dislikes everyone, doesn’t like other people in general and thinks everyone is out to screw her. That isn’t most people’s reality or mind-set, regardless of what sort of listing they have.

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VRBO definitely has the option to charge for extra guests. In fact, I charge for extra guests ONLY on VRBO because it offers the ability to charge per STAY or per night. Airbnb offers only a per-night extra-guest fee, and I can’t justify that. At least this is how things were the last time I looked at the platforms in depth.

Are you having a bad day? My response was very calm and entirely factual. There was nothing nasty or “denigrating” in what I wrote. Please do read it again. There was no personal attack of any kind, and certainly none of the tone that you are using.

You stated many times that you only got into bnb a few years ago, using your spare BR, for single guests, etc. That is quite different from property mgmt / ltr that you may have done years ago. It is also very different from being an Air host for couples, families, “entire place listings”, etc.

It is regrettable you are so upset by a simple discussion. We have been landlords for a long time, and this does not equate to STR experience.

I’ll leave it to @hostess1 as to why you decided to blast her yet again on a public forum.


Thanks. I need to look for that. Will use the computer instead of my tablet.

And yet you agreed to the friggin terms. Shame on you.

No, she’s tired of you stalking her. So are others. I’m not the only that’s noticed your passive-aggressive crap.


My reply was factual and simple. If anyone else had written exactly the same would you be jumping down their throat? Exactly! So, step off.

I’ve just read it for her. Stop being an arsehole. Now.



I couldn’t have put it better myself.

Well said Sir.


I just confronted a guest who reserved for 9 but brought in 15 .
I said they would have had to ask for permission for any guests that comes into my house, regardless if they are staying the night or not and he said the other 6 are only there for the daytime.
They got a discount from me since they said they are front liners , and I feel like they are taking " extra" advantage of this . Hosting their daughters birthday party …
Will update you on how they leave my place and their review.

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Wow. Do you think this is true?