Unnecessary House Rules

Please do not leave the OVEN on when you check out.


I do the same but I just have one room and lots of one nighters so it’s not a lot. Recycle rules are different everywhere and people can’t be bothered I suppose. My town doesn’t recycle glass bottles yet but in VT those are a nickel each.

I had to look that one up (“portable hot tub” is a better search term). I had no idea such things existed, and I can see how hosts might be worried about much more than water consumption (e.g. weight load on a deck or the damage from a leak.

-Turn off the grill propane when done and ensure it’s turned off upon checkout
-Don’t use our white bathroom hand towels to clean up food messes in the kitchen

The second isn’t an actual rule, but I had someone do this recently – we even supply plenty of paper towels and kitchen towels! :woman_facepalming:

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Hi RootsEastery
Yip we have had the same problem. We have heated spas set to certain temperatures, guests keep on turning up the heat. Costs went sky high. We also put a lock system and instructions. The system does work and some guests do read our instructions. We have found, that the more comforts you add to accommodation the more problems you end up with which is such a shame. We just have to persevere as best we can.

Regarding recycling, we have the same problem. Hopefully over time as more people become more aware of the importance of recycling and better educated, things may change. Lets hope!
All the best

Our pet peeve would translate to the rule: Do not put your soaking wet towels on the bed when you leave.
We have little signs around for a lot of things, but the hardest thing to explain is how to use pull shades in our very long windows. It’s no one’s fault. Many have never seen them, but we spend a lot of time climbing up to get them down or re-rolled.

Interestingly, our local police log just had an entry to “called to an Airbnb property for guest who would not leave”. I don’t know the host, but I would love to see that review.

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I’ve heard worse. Apparently, some people boil their underwear in the kettle to wash it if you do not provide washing machine access for them!


Jeez. That’s completely unnecessary. Just wash them in the sink with hot water. That was someone just being passive aggressive in retaliation I suppose?

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Perfect timing. I just evicted a direct guest for shutting down my modem past midnight. Asked him repeatedly not to but he insisted it was no big deal. Showed up Day 1 without notice despite repeated requests; sat 3 days in his room on the computer (what happened to school?). Then refused a cash refund, money to relocate, etc. .

There are worse crimes. But four more months of this? No.

I also had a guest who insisted on turning off the modem when he wanted to sleep…strange…

Tin hats and earplugs provided.

  • please don’t boil eggs in the kettle. (Yep, the smell brought me out my room to investigate
  • don’t trash my listing and threaten to kill me. The police came and Air had to pay me many $$$
  • if you have a *stomach issue’ Don’t leave diarrhoea all over the bedroom & bedding
  • you drink a lot of beer - fine. But when you pi$$ the bed & a puddle is left for my cleaner (as the waterproof mattress stopped it seeping through) expect me to go ballistic in your review
  • don’t book my listing because you like the price & then try to bend each & every rule!

This may be part of the problem. Raise your prices and attract better guests.