Unauthorized late check out fee

Recently hosted a guest that was an all around odd fellow and eventually created a very inconvenient experience for me as a host. Instantly Booked, day before arrival send me a single sentence message - “I might need to extend my stay”. Day of check in, Thursday, messages me asking for a late check out on Sunday (my posted time is 10am), the guest explains he has a flight the NEXT DAY. Monday, at 6am. I respond - this is not a situation warranting a request for a late check out, you will need to extend your reservation by another day and pay for the difference. So I submitted the Reservation Alteration, which based on the auto pricing, requested a payment of $93. Guest waits til Friday evening & denied the Alteration and messages me “I can’t afford this”. So I respond informing him that he must honor his original reservation and check out 10am on Sunday. Saturday evening he messages me “Look, I’m just trying to be honest with you, I have no where to go and only have $70, can you please give it to me at this price.” (Mind you I’m hosting in Miami Beach - I’ve never heard of anyone coming here and having $70 remaining on a vacation… but ok) So after considering the apartment is empty, I message him that I agree but he must accept the Reservation Alteration immediately to make it official. I go to bed. 1:30am on Sunday my phone is ringing non stop. I wake up and see he has messaged me saying he can’t accept the Alteration - I look online and see a new guest has Instantly Booked (for my full price mind you). So I message him back, and text him on his personal cell, telling him the apartment has been booked and he must check out this morning by 10am as he originally booked. 9:52am he messages me “I’m staying until at least 12 noon”. I’ve never once had a guest blatantly inform me they are disregarding my check out time. I call Airbnb, request them to intervene and take note. I messaged the guest reminding him my rules call for a $75 unauthorized late check out fee for each hour they occupy the apartment past the check out time. About 20 mins after I called Airbnb, I got a message from him around 10:50am saying - “I’ve left the apartment”. I message my maid that she can go clean, she arrives and reports the apartment is trashed, with literally an entire trash bag full of liquor bottles and wrist bracelets from near by expensive night clubs (but he could only afford $70, so he claimed). Thankfully the maid was able to clean thoroughly and on time just before the new guest arrived at 2pm, the posted check in time. A lot of unnecessary stress this guest imposed on me. I feel making a Resolution claim for the $75 late check out fee and leaving him an honest review about his behavior is totally warranted. Thoughts?


Yes, leave a negative review and mention the hassle with late checkout, declined alterations, lack of prompt reply, and huge mess. This is the kind of guest none of us want to host


I honestly I have never once imposed or requested the $75 late check out fee - I only started listing it about a year ago to deter people from overstaying and it actually has worked. I never have late check out past 5 or 10mins now, and even those people are always super apologetic and leave the apartment spotless. This guy’s entitled attitude just really turned me off.

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Wow. That guy has nerve!

I would absolutely make a Resolution claim for the $75 as well as an extra fees that may have been incurred by the cleaner having to do more work than usual for a typical stay!

What a jerk that guy was!


Yes, put in the resolution request. Leave him a bad review. Also, since you were not on site I’d advise installing a security camera at the door entrance. He probably brought people to your apartment to party which is, or should be, a violation of your rules.

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What a horrible twat he is! I’d claim 100 at least and give him an honest bad review with only 1 star and a huge thumbs down! What an entitled sob.
Thank goodness for your maid and your next guest tho! :sweat_smile:


He had now left me a horrendous review with all 1 stars:
Beware this Host! We agreed that I would extend my stay, later he received a better offer and took it, then harassed me at 2am in the morning to get out by 10am. The standard industry normal check out time is 12pm. Not cool dude! He also called Airbnb at 10:01 requesting me to leave, after I told him I was getting myself situated to leave. Also the house wasn’t clean and had a smell to it. Greed has to have some limits.

I have messaged Airbnb and requested they remove his false review, explaining:

I would like to request the the Review left by Caleb (HMEE3C4JKH) be removed for violation of the Airbnb’s Content Policy.

Upon review of our message thread history through Airbnb, you will notice Caleb is not truthfully representing what occurred during his stay with me.

To summarize:
Caleb made a reservation to check out on 10/8 Sunday, despite having a Monday 10/9 morning return flight at 6:30am. He arrived and initially requested a late check out til 3am the next day (Monday) - I declined explaining this is not a request for a late check out - but rather a request for an additional day. I submitted an Alteration Request for an additional day, but he declined paying for it the next evening saying he couldn’t afford it. Around 5pm the evening before check out on 10/7 he made another request to extend the stay asking for a lower rate. I hesitantly agreed and instructed him to accept and pay for the newly submitted Alteration Request. At 1am on Sunday 10/8 he called me the day of his check out to ask why he couldn’t accept the Alteration. By the time he went to accept the Reservation Alteration another guest had already Instantly Booked. I explained this to him and reminded him he must depart at 10am. At 9:50am I got a message saying he would be staying until 12 noon, not asking, telling me he would be staying over. I called Airbnb to have them intervene. Caleb still stayed past the check out time and eventually departed at 10:48am.

Now he has left me a review:
Beware this Host! We agreed that I would extend my stay, later he received a better offer and took it, then harassed me at 2am in the morning to get out by 10am. The standard industry normal check out time is 12pm. Not cool dude! He also called Airbnb at 10:01 requesting me to leave, after I told him I was getting myself situated to leave. Also the house wasn’t clean and had a smell to it. Greed has to have some limits.

  1. We did not agree that I would extend his stay - he was to accept the Alteration and failed to do so in a timely manner.

  2. I did not receive a better offer and took it - another guest booked via Instant Booking before Caleb attempted to accept the Alteration.

  3. He also called Airbnb at 10:01 requesting me to leave, after I told him I was getting myself situated to leave. - I did call Airbnb, after he told me via Airbnb that he would be staying until 12 noon.

  4. The house was clean and had no smell - I wrote to Caleb on Friday 10/6 "
    Hey Caleb: Just wanted to drop you a note to see how everything is going for you so far in the apartment. Should you need anything during your stay, please let me know. Thank you,
    Stephen Last Friday at 4:43 PM"
    Caleb responded with the following: “All is well so far. I can’t afford the extra 100 for the extra stay. Last Friday at 6:11 PM” & then "Apartment is great! Last Friday at 6:11 PM"
    Caleb has left me a review of all 1 Stars in every category, despite telling me “apartment is great” and making no complaints during his stay - even requesting to stay an additional day with me.

As shown, Caleb’s review contains false information and lies that contradict our communications during his stay.

I would like his review removed from my listing’s profile.


Ugh!!! They’ve never helped me with removing a review no matter how untrue or unfair.

I read that if a guest overstays, the host is awarded one night stay for each overstay. You should be able to claim that and get it. What a loser.


Some good news: (Lets see what happens with my request to have his review removed - I proved in writing how he lied)

Sérgio A, Oct 9, 12:45 CDT:

Hello Stephen,

Thank you for using the Resolution Center. We have processed the additional charge in the amount of $75 requested upon the Resolution Center here:


Didn’t turn out too well for Caleb. His own words contradicting themselves between our messages together & his review got him busted. $75 fee imposed & his negative lying review removed !

Lori M, Oct 9, 15:26 CDT:
Hi Stephen,

I have removed the review. Thank you for letting me know of the violation. I’m sorry this reservation was so stressful.

If you have any further questions, concerns, or comments, please do not hesitate to let me know and I will be sure to reach out to you as soon as I am able. If you require more urgent assistance, feel free to call us any time at +1-415-800-5959 and one of our customer experience agents will be more than happy to help you! I hope you have a lovely day.

All The Best,



Probably removed for extortion. Glad to hear they do remove some reviews.


Not sure why, as they didn’t provide a reason. But I was able to directly show how he lied, so I’m sure that helped.

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Thanks for doing your part to get losers like him off the platform. Just as a heads up I wouldn’t put his name or other identifying information here on the form as it might show up in a public search.


I really wish Airbnb would stop :stop_sign: using this phraseology


I hate that phrase!!! The evil Banks who steal houses love to use that one!!!
They also say,

I hope this email finds you well. Like they are writing to their aunty!

Have a lovely day is the newest BS they write.

Yes I will have a lovely day after you side with the guest once again and make me wonder why I do this?

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I’ve had several guests now leave late and refuse to go. Last one left their luggage and mess and took off to enjoy the day I guess. I couldn’t get the cottage cleaned, etc like you experienced. Airbnb advised me to remove the luggage and that the guest would be advised (and later said guest was ok with this). Now the guest has left a bad review, my first negative posted review and lowest review I ever received. Been trying to decide to pursue it or not - I did message the guest saying he had some nerve doing that.

I also put in a late check-out fee now, so I’m glad to see Airbnb honors this fee.

I would complain and ask for removal from AirBNB. If they were contacted about how to proceed, and you followed their advice, they should at least be sympathetic.

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Get a smart lock that locks them out at check out time. Advise Airbnb, go in, remove their things and start cleaning. As for the bad review, I assume you left them one as well. You will get many more reviews as a host than they will as a guest (unless they are full time travelers) so you will recover soon enough.

This practice of guests ignoring our rules and then slapping us in reviews has to stop. You should contact Airbnb and see if the review can be removed under any of their guidelines.


Here’s a new word for your vocabulary: No.

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