This forum exhausts me

I don’t understand people that come on a message board to announce they are leaving. Are we suppose to send a virtual we will miss you card.


This has been oft repeated which to be honest, does not help. Some people think traveling extensively means something more than what others might perceive. And does not really have much to do with the subject addressed. Being well-traveled certainly can add to ones depth of references and should be reflected in your world view and contributions. But it can also be used as a substitute for cultured or knowledgeable. Many self described globe trotters (that I know) would have absolutely no idea what it takes to purchase a home and pay a mortgage or put down roots. It is a personal pet peeve of mine, and perhaps, I’m not the only one.


I beg to differ, after staying in a couple of hundred Airbnbs as an independent traveller I think my experience is very relevant from the guest’s point of view. I am not a backpacker but a middle aged host who likes to stay in 3* - 4* accommodation. Are you assuming that I haven’t paid off a mortgage or don’t have any roots? Because if you are that is a huge step to make

If your post was directed at someone else then I apologise, but would like to point out that nothing you wrote pertains to me.

My response was regarding syntax. I do not know you. I do not know your history and if one were to post some oft-repeated line about being well traveled on an anonymous forum filled with international types of all kind, it invites some eye rolls. It is not a personal attack, it is merely an observation. I am also a frequent traveler of both Airbnbs and hotels. For me, it has made me less critical of such accomodations, not more.


Now now precious, your still letting this get to you. Let it go…




What a calm voice of reason you are. It must be that solid rock formation you have under you.

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Actually I wasn’t totally factual, I like to stay in 5* but my budget rarely allows it!

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I don’t suppose you know where my secateurs are, I can’t find them anywhere?

Seriously, just stop responding. Why keep things like this going instead of moving on to more interesting topics?

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Wow. Just wow…

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@Poppy Pops why are you replying to yourself…have you been on the G&T ? :blush:


Damn caught out again!

I agree with you, I get the same treatment at times and I am on this forum for almost 4 years. But like most of our guests are awesome most people here are helpful and sympathetic and share your views.
Try to ignore those who get on your nerves and concentrate on those who really like you like myself.


That’s another example how different we all are. My extensive traveling also made me more acceptable of all kind of conditions and made me less fussy but nevertheless I do notice all little things that go wrong.
I like your observations about a certain kind of " well travelled “, I know exactly what you mean. In my travels I also met people who never has a house or other " normal” standards of life. And all would be fine if they didn’t mooch of others . Which happens often as ussualy they have no real money to travel and use all kinds of tricks to get things for free


Speaking of traveling and Ukrainians, it reminds of of this scene in a lovely little movie called Everything is Illuminated. There are some truly funny bits though the movie overall is more bittersweet. In this scene the young Ukrainian “tour guide” asks if the American is a virgin:


No, you are not the only one. :+1:


Ahhhh… the feeling that washes over me as I unfollow this thread:)
Enough already, at least for me:)



People announce it because they were active, but won’t be. Some might see it as courteous.

That’s fine… don’t follow…no " relief " remark is nessesary.

Who said something about traveling Ukrainians? I am not sure why you posted this clip.