Things I'm Accomplishing During Lockdown

@Joan - Enjoy! I planted a dogwood tree in between rain drops this past weekend. It was glorious! This was the fiasco of getting her home. Thank goodness it was a topless weather before the rain :joy:


This reminds me of my husband. I once mixed up my plant names and asked for a magnolia instead of a gardenia. Expecting a small pot of fragrant gardenias, I was shocked when he brought me a huge magnolia sapling. I never corrected him, just planted it and it is lovely.

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I’d have to use Google to know what you’re talking about :smile:

I always thought magnolia was emulsion paint…



I love them too; such spring cheer! I was going to plant one in the centre of a lawn this spring but got locked in instead.

I just recently got a willow instead of wisteria :grin: I had no idea that I could get a willow, so am very pleased.

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