"There was an error publishing your listing"

Hello! I was an AirBnB host and poster here off-and-on from 2015-2020. I took a long hiatus due to covid and personal circumstances, but I’m ready to start hosting again. I updated my old listing and clicked “publish” and received this error message.

I did call the AirBnB CS. Unsurprisingly, the agent was not able to help, but said someone would get back to me.

If you had this error, I’d love to hear how to resolved it, whether tweaking your listing settings or locating someone at AirBnB who understands how its system works. (I did search the past posts here.)

I would snooze the error listing and start again from scratch…. There may be an update or something that didn’t work

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The problem with that is that she’ll lose her reviews and ratings. They’ll still be on her profile, of course,but they won’t appear on the "new’ listing.


but she will get the “new listing” boost in search. i’d got for that instead if i were starting over. people love “new” places

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Not everyone does. I don’t stay at new listings, I’ll let the people who love surprises do it. If I had a profile dating back to 2015 and 150+ ratings I’d want to keep those on that same listing.

However, @Xena while the listing won’t have reviews, if you are forced to have a new one, seasoned guests will notice that you have reviews. Your reviews should remain attached to your old profile.

@DozerPug were you able to learn anything with your recent issue that would be helpful?


I’m wondering whether your financial payout terms changed, and if so, whether it takes a few days (or longer) for Airbnb to verify them.

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This is a good theory. I added a new payout method. My old method is the default, but maybe I’m still “frozen” until the new method is cleared.

Since posting, a CS agent emailed me last night that “that your registration has been submitted and now you can unlist and publish your listing,” possibly referring to my city’s licensing process, but I’m still seeing the same error. :laughing:

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The other thing I’ve seen is some members go to Airbnb’s Community Center space and make their complaint known there. Sometimes an Airbnb moderator will intervene and it seems to help out.

It sounds like you changed your payout method. That can cause a delay.

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Yes, did add a new payout method, although my old one is still active and connected. Possibly this flagged my listing. Good thinking as this didn’t occur to me or the two CS agents I’ve now spoken to.

I am trying Twitter now, which I mostly use for customer support. In the past, this is where I’ve received help when I had a problem that baffled the people who answer the phone.


@KKC I have not as of this date. I had a couple of construction related issues that prevented me from opening May 1 so I’m still waiting to resolve them. I’ll report back when I attempt to publish, within the next week.

What I’ve done in the meantime is do the write-up in the notes on my phone and will cut and paste in as I’m able with the new character limitations. I have the pricing sky high and plan to immediately snooze it for a couple of hours until I can complete the edits that it won’t allow right now. It’s all very frustrating. But I’m excited to see it go live shortly. I included a couple of the pics!

Edit. The kitchen will be much neater, my son is still staying there.


Nice bedroom and nice photo of it. Looks very cozy and warm.

It’s so bizarre that only some fields are available to fill out when you publish a new listing. I can’t imagine what the reasoning behind that one is. It wasn’t like that back in 2016 when I became a host.

And most newbie hosts don’t even realize it. I’ve seen lots of posts by new hosts asking for a critique because they aren’t getting bookings, and you look at their listing and they have a 4 line description and nothing else, because they didn’t know they have to go back after publishing to complete the info.

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Thanks Muddy. It’s not a bedroom, it’s a 330 SF full studio, all one big room, private entrance, below my home. And I want to make sure I get it listed properly so people know it is a studio and no bedroom door/walls. This whole listing process is completely different from when I first listed a private room and I agree, it makes no sense that Air makes it so difficult to setup and edit a new listing before going live.

There will be a lot more photos on the actual listing. It’s been a labor of love, my son has been building it for a little over 18 months in his “spare” time.

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Then I’d make sure to take some photos that show at least part of the bed and also the living area/kitchen, that makes it evident it’s all one space, if it’s possible.

I like studio spaces. They’re great for one person or a couple. I was staying in a friend’s studio once, and came down with dengue fever. As I could only be out of bed for a few minutes due to the extreme fatigue, it was perfect- about 4 steps to the bathroom from my futon bed, and the same for the little kitchen.

However, if they had hundreds of great reviews, would they want to give that up? I’d stick with the idea of trying to get an Air rep that could solve the problem. As we know, this could be many calls, but possibly worth the trouble. :woman_shrugging:
But, if their past reviews were lacking in any category, it may be better to start fresh, & take advantage of the new host boost.

OMG, I’d stay here in a NY minute! Nice work, & hoping it all comes together soon. :+1:t2:

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That is disappointing to hear you’re having the same issue and it hasn’t been resolved. Is it a new listing or an renovated old listing? Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos!

This is my thinking. I have 172 reviews over a five year period, most positive, and I’d like to keep these. I would rather rent to a travel nurse on Furnished Finder than start a new listing. I just don’t have it in me to start over, even if the old reviews are linked to my profile.

AirBnB is still giving me the runaround even after calling, tweeting, and emailing. I remember how hard it was to reach someone who knew anything!

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Be strong, grasshopper! At least you are familiar with Air’s inept CS reps, & their lack of knowledge of their policies. Expect many hours on the phone- I usually plan on cleaning the whole house, washing the car, & mowing the lawn while on hold waiting for an informed answer. Then I call again, on my way to town to run errands while on “ignore” with my next clueless rep. Be strong, never say die! :muscle:t3:


I can’t guarantee it will work for you, but I have had some luck getting past the know-nothing CS reps by messaging, not phoning, and starting the message with “TECH ISSUE- PLEASE FORWARD TO TECH TEAM”, or whatever dept. would be best to address the problem, very briefly and generally outlining the issue. (IOW, letting the CS rep know that I consider the issue above their pay grade to solve, without actually saying so.)

That has resulted in getting a brief message back from the frontline rep, saying I should get a message from someone on that team soon and I have. And they actually understood what I was talking about and solved the problem.

I was able to exchange messages directly with someone from the tech dept. and also the trust and safety dept. that way.

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I will try this tip, thank you!

After about 36 hours, I heard back from the person I’ve been emailing. They asked for my STR license. I sent them my old one. Due to my long hiatus, I’m also having difficulty renewing my licenses online and it won’t just let me make a new application from scratch. I’m getting through to anyone at my city to help. Customer service + tech issues all around! :sweat_smile: I haven’t been pressing my city as hard because I don’t want to pay all the licensing fees until I know I have a working listing. (Published with a blocked calendar.)

The licenses aren’t required for someone like a travel nurse?