Superhost Update Email

Exactly. I can always tell when they think it’s more of a hotel type experience and don’t understand the difference.

Okay, it’s my personal choice not to expose my un-fully vaccinated self nor guests to a deadly highly contagious virus. How’s that?

Please. Don’t be patronizing. I live in Mexico. You have zero idea how they run the vaccination programs here, nor what vaxes are available. None of those vaccines have been offered in my area. What they have been giving is a Chinese vax that has a low efficacy rate and that isn’t even accepted for entry into Canada, which is my home country and where I travel to each year to visit my daughters and grandkids. The whole world isn’t run like the US.

Same here-My “make it or break it” is 6/1-8/15. Rentals any other time are iffy.

So far there are several people on this thread saying they are probably going to lose SH including me. Hey-I will be in good company!!!

Is it because of the number of stays? It will be the number of stays for the last year. April 1, 2021- April 1, 2022. I understand some hosts weren’t open last summer but I thought that you were? So if you had 10 stays last summer you should be until at least June.

I’m looking to 7/1/22 evaluation. It’s a combination of things but all were/are my decisions.

I made my minimum stay 5 nights in 2022. Most of my rentals for the past 2 years have not been from the Airbnb platform. It’s going to be close. It depends on how my June books.

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Well if so many good hosts lose superhost then superhost will be meaningless, so it’s its own type of grass roots movement.

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Yes that’s why I made the comment about hoping to get the vaccine trifecta

Each vaccine (brand) triggers the immune system slightly differently so the current thought is by mixing you get a higher level of protection.

However the knowledge base changes every day. So we do the best we can with what we have.

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For me, it’s not the mixing of vaccines that is a worry- I would be happy to get either another Pfizer, or a Moderna. It’s a personal medical issue- I have extremely low blood pressure, so am already at risk, more than the average person, for blood clots. It’s the viral vector type vaxes that have led to some serious blood clotting issues, so I want to stick to the mRNA type.

If I were in Canada, where I would have access to good and immediate medical care, I would risk it, but I don’t want to end up in a life or death situation in a Mexican hospital, with no family close by.


Maybe that’s the goal? Reduce the number SH so it’s more rarified so perception is more exclusive/difficult to obtain.

Even here in the US I’ve been looking at getting my booster. Because of my work schedule and other things I have to do I generally only know a day or two in advance when I can schedule something. So I tried one pharmacy website and there’s no times available convenient for me at the nearest location. I tried another website and couldn’t get logged in. I could try walking into the close location. But in any case, it should be even easier than it is.

Today is Pearl Harbor day and I’m reminded that the US was not ready to enter the war in Dec 1941. A strong contingent of isolationists were still working at cross purposes with FDR. The attack was supposed to cripple the Pacific fleet long enough for Japan to take over the Pacific and hold it so long it would be impossible to root them out. But just 6 months later at the Battles of Midway and Coral Sea, Allied forces, but mostly US, were able to defeat the Japanese. The entire US economy geared up to defeat an enemy. Far more Americans were killed by Trump’s deadly decisions than were killed by the Japanese. Getting a vaccine that’s been available for a year should be easier than buying a gun but I don’t think it is. It’s a sorry state of affairs.


I don’t think so. Airbnb operates simpler than that. They are trying to lure hosts back into hosting by threatening the loss of superhost so that they can make more money.

We also increased our min stay, we increased to 4 days but most of our stays over the Summer and Fall were 7+ days. Additionally, we have monthly tenants in 2 of our 3 units done directly and not through Airbnb.

I think we’ll be covered because we’ll have some guests in the winter and get busy in March, but if we did lose Superhost for hosting longer stays and taking some time off for the holidays (which we’ve never done before) then it would just look stupid because we have such a pristine rating. I’m not going to worry about it personally.


Interesting. There’s expats here in Mexico who have been flying up to the US to get vaxed, making an appointment at a pharmacy, making it sound easy. But then, the majority, if not all of them, are retired, so scheduling isn’t an issue- they can go at any time.

In Canada it was easy. Govt. vaccine site, I called for an appointment right away when I arrived, scheduled for the day after I got out of the 14 day required quarantine. In retropect, I should have just stayed in Canada for an extra month and gotten the second dose. Instead I left 3 weeks after the first shot.
But like you, I had a number of things on my plate I couldn’t postpone, so I could really only be out of Mexico for 5 weeks in total.

This pandemic is going to hurt people that “it shouldn’t have hurt” in thousands of ways for decades to come. It’s really unfair.

Air has decided to put a line in the sand that they can’t give away Superhost status any longer. Most airlines and hotels are doing it (or have already done it) to their status travelers too. I was a 100K flier on 3 airlines for many years. They let people’s statuses drag on as they stopped flying. But that’s ending soon. Now, people have to get back on that plane or in those hotel rooms if they want to keep it. Statuses will be lost and it will be very hard to get back. It’s really unfair.

No time is a good time to say it’s “over.” I don’t think Air is saying that either (those clipart doodles of masked cleaners on their marketing materials are going to be there probably forever). But Air thought long and hard about it. Their decision? Hosts can’t be recognized as Superhosts if they aren’t hosting. It’s really unfair.

Eventually, we all have to throw our hands up and accept their decision. Then, we need to do our best with the decisions we can control and eventually move on with our listing(s). Airbnb is going to lose some great Superhosts. Those great Superhosts can always continue on another platform or in other ways to stay successful once reopening makes sense for them.

Maybe. 2 of my STR are now LTR. My 1STR is booked mostly off-season LTR not from Airbnb.

Airbnb’s revenue from my listings has gone from 36 months per year of potential rental fees (3 STR x 12 months) to 4 months.

Looking back, Airbnb missed it. They didn’t fully recognize hosts were moving to LTR & supply a platform. Maybe they didn’t want to because their focus is STR.

Oh well some MBA student will do a paper someday.


Booster next Wednesday.


Feck knows what I’m getting, for all I know it might just be paracetamol mixed with Oloroso, or even worse Amontillado.

I’ll take it though, albeit with some trepidation as some of you know why. It’s at 13:24 and I’ve got not only a table booked in our plaza with a bottle of Río Viejo on ice, but dos médicos, una enfermera and an ambulancia on standby :rofl:

Will report back, maybe.



I’m sure it is easy… relative to some things. Relative to how easy it should be given it’s a global pandemic that has killed millions, it’s not easy enough. It’s easy for me to go to a MX farmacia and get all my prescriptions filled, relatively speaking. I shouldn’t have to even consider it for the stuff I take.

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A pandemic hurts everyone (well, maybe not the corrupt politicians and other privileged monied folks doing insider trading based on the non-public information they were privy to) in many ways, that’s just the nature of a major world disruption. It’s inevitable.

It’s when it is used as an excuse to do things that really aren’t necessary that it’s unfair. For instance, stripping users of their airline status, or Superhost, as a threat and consequence if they don’t start giving the company some money.

It would be reasonable to lose one’s airline loyalty rewards if you just decided 2 years ago that airline sucks and have been booking with a different airline, but if you simply haven’t flown anywhere because there’s a deadly pandemic going on, whole different story.

If I’d been doing strs the whole time since the pandemic started through a different platform because I didn’t like the way Airbnb was handling Covid cancellations, I’ve removed all loyalty to Airbnb and put service fees in another platform’s coffers, so fine- it would be reasonable to take away my Superhost. But not because I haven’t been hosting at all due to a public health crisis.

That’s the can of worms they opened when they decided to suspend the normal measurements. At some point they would have to go back to having standards and whatever date they chose would piss off someone. There isn’t anything they do that doesn’t piss off someone. All the hosts who feel they “earned” superhost by working during the pandemic probably feel that it’s unfair that people not doing anything still have the badge.

It reminds me of the time I tried to put stickers on all the A papers. Then all the students with B+ papers wanted stickers. Cheese and rice, these were high schoolers whining about stickers. So my solution was to give the stickers away to another teacher with a higher tolerance for BS.


This is exactly what I wanted to say. But. . . I was afraid of pissing off someone! LOL!


Adults are worse.

Michelin star awards were recently announced. A restaurant I like received a star! For most of us it is special event dining.

Rather than be proud for the chef/owner Facebook exploded with negative comments. Many were angry their favorite bar didn’t get the accolade.

“Foodies” will travel to try a Michelin star-quality restaurant. The restaurant’s success will eventually benefit others.

I don’t understand people’s obvious jealousy & venom. The world has changed.

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