Super Host Relief Fund Invitation

Which country are you in?


Congratulations! Could you tell us a little more about your situation?

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I am as interested in your type of listing and country?

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Someone reported receiving $2k from SuperHost fund. I haven’t seen him/her follow up on this.

Anyone hear back from
this poster via direct message?

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Are you referring to Bhakodi’s post in this thread?

Also keep in mind that most people posting in this forum are unknown and anonymous. I could post that I was granted $5000 and no one would know if that were true or not.


Hey there! Yeah I’m confused as to how these emails are being sent. There must be another criteria. Been hosting since 2013 so 7 years been a super host since they began that program. I rent a room in my own house. Do not have any other rentals. I live in a county that has made it mandatory for Airbnb to block my dates. I rely on Airbnb to help pay my mortgage.

I fit all the criteria. I wonder if they are wanting to give it to people that make over a certain amount. Maybe those hosts are more valuable to them? I’m not saying that in a weird way but wondering what the other criteria is that would disqualify me.

Congrats to those that have gotten invitations.

Same here except I started in 2014.

I’m sure there are many hosts in that category, no doubt far more than the few thousand they have funds for. I average about 10,000 USD a year the last two years, less before that.

I wasn’t clear! Sorry :slight_smile: My point is, since the part of the criteria for the super host grants seems to be how much money was lost this year, compared with last year, I wonder if it matters that it basically appears that we didn’t lose reservations for the summer because we hadn’t been booked up yet. I don’t know, just grasping for some kind of understanding at this point. Just like everyone else here, we feel that we perfectly fit the criteria Airbnb claim to be looking at to make their decision. And particularly here in Brooklyn, we are anticipating a long period of time without any Airbnb money coming in at all. Airbnb at the very least could try and show that this money is in fact going out to super hosts. Idk, show us some graphs, or some stories about hosts and how they are coping right now… give us something! Very frustrating.

I know no one feels sorry for them (because “Chesky is a billionaire”) but it seems that they are barely keeping their head above water if media reports are to be believed.

Airbnb has never been transparent about the criteria they use to make decisions. Everything is stated as vaguely as possible with lots of room for interpretation.This is just more of the same. They aren’t going to tell us the magic number they are going by as to how much $ you have lost when comparing last year at this time to this year. They aren’t going to tell us how they decide that one Superhost gets a $2000 grant and one gets an $800 grant. And there is good reason to suspect that it might be almost random and filled with glitches.
I know there have been hosts reporting on the CC that they have received the 25% of the cancellation fee for bookings made under moderate and flexible policies that shouldn’t have qualified at all for those refunds.


I have only heard of people getting invites who have a whole listing @Hem

Many of us on this forum fit their criteria but haven’t received an invite.


Yes, sorry
Was referring to that thread

Wow, impressive stats. And thank you for the congrats. Who knows what if anything will be received.

Still 9 or so days left for more invites to go out

You’re right… I don’t feel sorry for them lol

Totally fair; I don’t feel sorry for many of the folks posting here either. Ranting and venting can go many different directions.

It will be interesting to see if anyone gets one tomorrow as @Xena had noted that they seem to go out on Thursday.

I feel sorry for everyone posting here who is financially hurting and scared, likely most people. I think it’s ok to rant and rave sometimes. Some people in this forum haven’t liked me bad mouthing Airbnb- that’s fine. We are each free to express our opinions.


Yes, I will be looking forward to hearing if more of us received invites tomorrow… Fingers crossed

I have been a superhost for the entirety of the super host program and never lost a status.
I have only 2 listings with 99% 5 stars from 200+ guests.
I had flexible cancelations, so only got a very tiny amount back.
I have all my reservations cancelled because of COVID19

I have received NO invitation and the support can not offer any help.

Thanks AIRBNB.

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I have also been a superhost the entirety of the program and was sent a thank you award plaque thing (you got the same if you live in the US). I only have one listing with 598 99% 5 star reviews and have hosted about 800 stays. I also have flexible cancellations. I have received no invitation but I don’t bother contacting support.

Just as an FYI, this is a privately funded forum not associated with Airbnb. No one from Airbnb will be reading this although I’m sure they know there are thousands of unhappy hosts.

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Very welcoming message. Thanks.