Slam my listing

Okay, that’s just insane to me. Why would a CO detector be required, when there is no possible source of CO? That’s like requiring baby gates on your stairs when only adults live there.

I agree I guess it is because the on-site parking is 4 feet from some of the condos

Sometimes it’s just easier to spend $25 than risk a fine.

yeah as soon as I read your comment I was like “there is bound to be SOME guest” who will do that.
Maybe label everything? Tv? coffee maker?

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Required by code, depending on one’s area regardless of possible source.

I’m so glad I don’t depend on Airbnb for a living. I don’t label everything and won’t label everything… too much like a second grade classroom. I label 3-4 gang light switch boxes, that’s it. I’ve hosted over 1000 guests and never had an issue like this but if Airbnb shuts me down over guest idiocy, then it is what it is.


Ugh. As someone with allergies, I always wonder why hosts insist on polluting good air with irritating chemical smells. I want clean and no odors. If I knew about it in advance, I would ask for it to be removed and the place well aired before my arrival. If the place really set of my body alarms, I would ask Air to rehouse me.

Seriously. Please don’t do this.

Because even with electric heat, some folks are too stupid to know that when the power goes off you can’t run a kerosene heater or your propane grill inside with the windows closed without killing yourself.

It’s not just OUR guests that do stupid things. The level of logical thought has been declining everywhere for years.

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@Rolf, I agree with @NordlingHouse about the Airwick spray. Terrible. Headache city for me.

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we all agree. But it is switched off and the guest is told that if they want it on, they can turn it on.

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Speaking of terrible scents and sensitivity to them… there is an “aromatherapy” scent bath wash that I have on hand in the airbnb room. Every time a guest uses it and I go in the room to clean I’m reminded of how much I dislike it. But I’m stubborn and won’t throw it away.


Even having it in the room would set me off. You folks without allergies just never understand.

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We installed this in the bathroom - nice alternative - that allows guests to use or not use a nightlight as they like. Also nice that you can choose the kelvin rating you wish for the “on” mode.