Setting up bistro/ patio set outside

It’s actually easier to see it than I thought it would be. And I did order a protective cover from Amazon but really don’t see a need for it until we get another hurricane - but that’s a whole other story. Being on an island at the coast, I’ve learned that everything outdoors has a much shorter life span and purchase accordingly.


Some TVs are better than others, but one trick is to mount it as high on the wall as you can under your patio roof/ceiling. This helps with both daytime visibility and protection from weather.

If you have seasonal use or other long periods where you don’t use it, then they’ll help keep out debris/moisture/insects/etc. Otherwise, they’re too much trouble.

It’s actually very simple to put the cover on. Takes less than a minute, but I’m not using it right now because it really is protected the way I have it mounted. And I have it going all day with music playing.

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LOL I thought the same thing as I was posting the photo. I am going to get a new one today!

We got the heavier stuff due to the wind. All on Craigslist. It’s very nice to have covers, and a place to quickly put the covers, for longer lasting against sun and rain.


I have an outdoor wicker sectional and although guests don’t mention it, I know they use it often. I think it’s nice to have an outdoor seating area.

I do! Guests have a separate yard to use! They seem to love sitting out there.

I think there are many things that guests don’t categorically mention but which result in higher ratings.