Reached Superhost and all bookings stopped!

I am fairly new to AirBnB. Just started hosting at the end of March. I only do short term rentals, 4 day max, no discounts. After 3 months, with lots of bookings and all 5 star reviews with one exception of 4, I reached Superhost status. I have not had one single booking since that badge went up. Have actually had two future bookings cancel (first cancellations ever). Views by the 5th of the month are usually around 500++. I’ve had 53 to date. Help! What is going on??

Have you checked for where you are located in search? You can’t do it while you’re logged in to your account. I’ve heard that air gives new hosts a boost, maybe your boost period is over?

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Hmmm. What’s the point in giving a Superhost status if they don’t promote the listing? I just had my son check and it still comes up first on a search for Oak Island, NC. So I’m still confused.

Yeah, you come up first. Since you are in a tourist area maybe it’s a slow patch before fall travel. I don’t have any reservations after tomorrow (but I get people passing through not tourists). Another host here @dcmooney is a tourist destination and she said it’s slow for her as well. Also I see two new listing near you that are much cheaper. Your house is gorgeous though and I love dogs so I’d book your place.

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Exactly right, @KKC, it has gotten dead, dead, dead here…I’m hoping it’s because people are focused on getting ready for school.

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Haha. Yeah, the pugs are a huge draw. Not sure what the new listings are that you are referring to, I’m not seeing anything new when I search the area. I check prices daily on other similar listings in this area and keep mine right in line with the others. A hotel room on the island right now is roughly $200 so it’s a good deal. A good many of the listings for private rooms are actually shared spaces with multiple rooms sharing one bathroom. Mine does not share bathroom space with anyone and I only accept one booking at a time. I think you’re right about the tourist destination. Thanks for your input.

I was kind of thinking that, too. Hopefully it will start picking up again towards the end of the month. I was just worried I had accidentally changed some setting that was discouraging guests!

Welcome to the forum. I think you will find most people here to be helpful. LOL.

And welcome to ABB. It’s seasonal as heck! I’m DEAD in Kona Hawaii but it will pick up later in the year. When it dies you get to paint, redo screens, fix faucets and set up mattresses from start-up companies. (ha).


You have three things happening simultaneously in the last month: (#1) no bookings, (#2) being SH and (#3) getting an extraordinarily low amount of views ( all of a sudden 1/10, because of the time of year?). #3 and #1 appear to be a match, not a happy one but a match nonetheless. Taking a wild guess, #2 appears to be a non-factor.

Amy, its not only you. Schools are about to start here is South Florida, and in other states too. EVeryone are back from vacation, end of summer. AUgust and September were the slowest months for me last year. Now my long term guest who stayed 2 months leaves on 21st, and i hoped to fill that room fast but i still dont have even a single inquiry, and there are 120 listings in my so low price range in a radius of 2 miles.

Thank you, Yana. I was just surprised to go from being 100% booked to nothing in two weeks. I still have a couple of upcoming ones but it’s slow! Good time to let family visit!!


Same here in Silver Spring. Deadsville since mid-June, booked every night up to then.

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Oh! You’re in Silver Spring! Hey, neighbor!! (I assume you mean MD). Are you near ‘downtown’ Silver Spring, or more north? We are in Riverdale, about 4 minutes from UMD. Just off 410

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Hi DC, I’m in Forest Glen, next to the metro. Have you joined the new MoCo hosts group?

Not heard of it! …

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Here’s a cut and paste. If the links don’t work, go directly to the community center -

Hello Everyone,

I am pleased to announce we have just brought Home Sharing Clubs to the Community Center! Please join the Montgomery County Host Club Page today to connect with hosts in your neighborhood and across the county.

Home Sharing Clubs are independent, host-led local organizations that drive initiatives to better their neighborhoods. I’m here to support those efforts as we push for sensible home sharing rules. Today, there are over 60 clubs around the world. In the Community Center, these clubs will allow you to connect directly with other local hosts in your area online.


P.S. If you haven’t signed up for Airbnb Action now is your chance!

Toby Thom

(202) 681-6726
Sign up for Airbnb Action!!

We’ve been SH for about 9 months now and see no difference. We have had a heavy summer so far with nearly ever day booked in June and July and August looks to be 75% booked. Last year everything came to a halt in September and this year looks to be the same as we only have a couple of bookings. Interesting enough though we got a lot of longer term bookings in the fall and winter, some staying for 2 weeks.

Ditto here. The Super B…ch Host thing didn’t change anything for me. I think Amy has just hit a slow patch as someone has suggested. Thoughts are on getting back into the work/school mode for travelers.

This is normal. Airbnb gives new hosts a “boost” in listing placement to get you all excited about being a host. “I’ll be rich!” you think, as as the bookings pour in and you spend money on new linen, beds, etc. . You even reach Superhost status! Then, you lose your boost. Your listing will not show up or on last pages only after being refreshed repeatedly. Why? You will call Airbnb repeatedly. They will say something like," I see your listing from my end" or " it’s a security thing we’re investigating, it’s been passed up to someone higher up to review." Every time you do a search you will see all the other new hosts’ listings before your own. They are getting THEIR boosts. Eventually you will get bookings again but never ever with the superboost Airbnb gave you to encourage to open your property to all sorts of risk and liability! Welcome to Airbnb!