Problem solved. please delete the thead thanks

There are a lot of clueless people in this world. Plus, maybe he or she panicked. If it is a real situation, it can’t be very pleasant. Especially if one is alone. Sometimes one just wants to talk to people. Especially in stressful situations.

Yes, that part I don’t get either. Since when do you have to pay for police services?

I called it first! Here’s another thought…Germany, female (obviously), fractured English (but not sounding German…more Asian, I suspect), with “thinking skills” a little off-kilter…

Anyone come to mind?


That’s what I thought

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Mystery solved. The apple and the tree are one and the same!

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I thought the same thing!! SHE WHO WILL NOT BE NAMED!


I am beginning to skip altogether these ‘drama-queen episodes’, always about some strange hard-to-believe host situation. I mean really, she worried about a bad review and charging extra while supposedly having some child on her lap, with no clue when someone be back for her? The whole thing bordered on lunacy from the outset.


She who should not host and post


Just coincidentally she who shall not be named has her room blocked off this week. Of course on air you can’t tell if a room is blocked or booked. But it’s a strong piece of circumstantial evidence. Not surprising this would happen to her since she says in her listing that she has cribs and “babysitting costs extra.” So as usual she comes in asking for help but unwilling to tell us the whole story.

edit: she says in the OP this couple booked for 13 days but the room is only blocked off until Friday. I can’t wait for the review to appear. Will there be another deletion and new profile created? Like sands through the hourglass so are our days in the monkey house.


Snark love! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3




I think you guys may be right. The trouble with police because of a deposit? Why would anyone call police over a deposit, unless it were a cash deposit outside of Airbnb. Sound familiar?

Hmmm. If it is you-know-who, I do hope she resolves the situation without getting a bad review, and most of all the the idiot parents don’t leave the child again.

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And just who is supposed to delete this thread?

She offers babysitting for an extra charge. No one knows what the real issue is, another of her typical posts.

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Hard to believe it took over 40 posts for the lights to come on.


You didn’t discuss how they would pay for babysitting in advance?

He came back and the mother didn’t. He wants a late check out without paying. He had already an early check in without paying.He refused to pay babysitting. He thinks It is my job! I think he is very greedy and rude.

Please dont make fun of me. I feel very bad. I know you are very funny and happy everyday but please just stop laughing at other people. I am not your enemy just one friend from you in internet. And and if you always make fun of people, no body wants to tell you their stories.

Please don’t tell us your stories CS

We would be happy to help you if you were a little more authentic. If you are the poster formerly known as Susanne Chen then quit playing games and become a member of the community. If you are another host in Germany with the same problems Chen had we will be happy to give you advice too. But you have to give and not just take. You can’t create a new profile and post some ridiculous story and we don’t even know who you are or what your listing says and expect to be taken seriously…KIKI, Le, Suidan, Susanne or whomever you really are.


Again I’m off this crazy thread, lets flag it,