Potential guest requesting video of property

A guest messaged me on VRBO, wanting to book my place for 1 month. The guest then asked if I could send a video of my kitchen. Has anyone received similar requests? How did you handle it? And if you dont mind, sharing your thought process for the decision.

A prospective guest has not requested a video from me on VRBO, but I wouldnā€™t be reluctant to make and send one. In fact, I think you can make a video as part of your VRBO (not easily on Airbnb) listing and I just havenā€™t gotten around to doing that.

My thought process would be that this guest might ā€˜forceā€™ me to do something Iā€™ve wanted to do anyway,

A separate issue is taking on a tenant (likely created by a one month booking) vs a guest, but you didnā€™t ask about that. If interested in that topic, there are posts on that here on the forum and the web.

My knee-jerk reaction is that, just in case this individual is not entirely balanced, this action could trigger a cascade of additional burdensome behaviors. My usual response to requests for in-person tours, additional photos or videos is that my listing provides very detailed information and that the photos (which include a floor plan) should be sufficient. I am happy to address any concerns or questions they might have. There is probably a specific concern that the person should identify for you; perhaps that concern could then be addressed in a few words without you having to jump through hoops. If making a video was on your ā€œto doā€ list, fine, but it should be you choosing when and what to film. (I should say, however, I have made exceptions in a few cases where desperate wives wanted to convince their husbands and needed a floor plan or a measurement or something. I went with my gut. It was worth it.)

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If you have a lot of good pictures already, just politely ask them what the video would show that the pictures donā€™t.

ā€œIā€™m afraid I wonā€™t be able to get in and make a video any time soon. We have lots of pictures of the kitchen on our listing. What in particular are you hoping to see in the video?ā€


I would only send them pictures from different angles of the kitchen but not a video. I do find it odd.


I just find VRBO gets more ā€œoddā€ requests by guests. Some of which are blatant scams.

Each request should probably be handled on a case by case basis. Iā€™m just trying to think any negative results this request can yield, with the exception of losing time equity.

With that said, is there a safe way of sending the guest the video? Other than posting it on the listing. I thought I read somewhere that I can send them a youtube link through the VRBO messaging.

I asked, and the guest said that they want to see a video before they book.

I believe my listing has three pics, straight view and 2 opposite sides. Also a fourth that is from the kitchenā€™s point of view towards the living room.

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People have all kinds of weird fears. This guest may just be doing their version of vetting, just like hosts do. I think asking them about their concerns (and showing that youā€™re a real person) is a good approach

You canā€™t send them a video or any links through Vrbo. You used to be able to post a link to a YouTube video (it showed up as the third photo) by setting it in your owner dashboard, but I believe that option went away with the recent re-do of the formatting.

Iā€™d just tell them you canā€™t send them a video before they book (itā€™s against Vrbo rules), but you are happy to answer any questions they have and can take measurements. If they arenā€™t happy with that, just tell them are sorry you are unable to help them and wish them luck in their search for a place to stay.

Added to clarify - you CAN send a link after the guest books.


Thank you to everyone that responded and provided their perspective. I do appreciate it.

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If ever a guest wants extra photos, videos or other unnecessary information, I simply tell them that my listing is 100% honest and I resent the implication that it is not.

If however, the guest had a good reason (although I canā€™t think of one) then I see no reason why not to comply with their wishes.

Yes, but why? 202020

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They were, for lack of a better word, evasive. I mentioned the pictures I posted cover every inch of the property, some from multiple angles. I even told them I was open to a Q&A to address any concerns or specific amenities they are seeeking.

Utimately, as PitonView mentioned above, I wouldnt be able to send them a video on VRBOā€™s messaging platform pre-booking.

It might be that you could post a YouTube video in your listing. VRBO help language says you can but it might be outdated by the last site overhaul as @PitonView suggests, I just donā€™t know.

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Evasiveness about something thereā€™s no reason to be evasive about (like they arenā€™t being asked some personal question) seems like a red flag.


Very helpful, I will look into it. If it is allowed, then they probably reverted back after PitonView last checked.

I decided not provide a video for this guest request. However, I will continue to look at options to making videos for my properties to enhance my listing.

I just checked. I had a video linked to our listing, but it does not show up anymore.

I agree with @muddy - evasive about why they want a video is suspicious.

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Then let them book with another host. Sounds like they will be a pain anyway.

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